We're going to be having a maintenance on Monday, February 4 at 01:00 UTC (GMT).
The server will be taken down at that time, and will likely be down for at least an hour.
This announcement notice may be updated to provide related information.
Collaboration, Player Outreach Game Master
TO: Blackout players, old and new.
Good luck playing against one another in this Ranked PVP room.
There are some new functions introduced in this maintenance update so we appreciate some quick feedback if these aren't working properly.
Includes changes to...
What's up players!
All related bug/glitches/technical issue reports in this newly-established ranked PVP system will go into this thread.
We are doing this approach to speed up repairing processes.
Here's Ranked PVP rules and mechanics.
Collaboration, Player Outreach Game Master
What's up players,
We're going to be having a maintenance on Monday, January 28th at 01:00 UTC (GMT).
The server will be taken down at that time.
This announcement notice will be updated to provide related information.
Collaboration, Player Outreach Game Master
What's up guys,
Today, I'm introducing our official YouTube channel which will act as our video library. It contains BlackoutRO-related videos created by players.
Videos are compiled and collected for convenient viewing purposes only.
Compiled videos will be removed upon creator's request...
This maintenance patch is all about quality of life performance fixes for now.
Includes changes to script codes to official Ragnarok Online and BlackoutRO-exclusive items (consumables, equipments, etc.)
3D Glasses. [Applied live before this patch date] Description error fixed. Bonus...
Happy new year to all,
While some of you celebrated New Year's Day already, we encourage everyone to fill this 2018 year-end album in our Facebook page.
If you're able to, feel free to put your screenshots in this thread.
We are looking forward to see you again in 2019...
Some follow-up updates while you're preparing for holiday vacation or doing something there.
Apologies for posting this too late.
Includes changes to skill mechanics affecting characters in a PVP environment. Changes in this section applies to GVG and...
This patch note will be updated later on.
Includes changes to skill mechanics affecting characters in a GVG environment like War of Emperium.
Miracle (Star Gladiator passive). Miracle is now disabled (enabled by accident) in GVG environments such as War of Emperium...
What's up guys,
Now that the first Agit Lord event is finished, we should take our time reassessing its scoring mechanics. I'm aware this event has serious flaws. I believe current scoring mechanics influenced how guilds are moving during the course of this event and most players complained it...
We know we can zoom out very far in bRO do whats your favorite zoom in/out settings guys?? Idk how far is the best, performance-wise
Screenshots appreciated.
I knew that MVP spawns are randomized but I noticed patterns in some MVP spawns such as Amon Ra and RSX-???
Are there anything else, or there's something odd to it?
I am planning to make a WoE-use only Clown. What's the current formula bRO uses to calculate bonuses/reductions on these songs/dances? I don't think official formula applies here.
TY very much!
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