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  1. Collaboration

    News: New People, Old Problems

    We want you to formally introduce our new game masters to the team! Please give them warm welcome. GM-Angeling GM-Aeris GM-Finesse On the other hand, we are reminding you this never-ending note of: BlackoutRO staff will not and cannot ask your account password, regardless of any...
  2. Collaboration

    Guide I'll Save You a.k.a Marriage HP Heal

    We are dedicating this information to this old guide below. For returning old BlackoutRO players and to those new to the Ragnarok Online game itself, here's some brief background information. Ragnarok Online, not just BlackoutRO, has a marriage system which gives access to its own special...
  3. Collaboration

    From the Staff Community Report #1

    Before we proceed, let me introduce myself. I'm Server Management Team's Community Manager. I am in-charge of managing communication channels to help players reach BlackoutRO staff easily and able to express their concerns effectively. Today, I'm writing a community report about server's major...
  4. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on May/21/2020

    Greetings, BlackoutRO will undergo maintenance on Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 1:00 Server Time. Afterwards, make sure you patch your bRO client before proceeding to avoid errors. Keep in touch thru our Discord channel for first-hand updates during maintenance. Pay attention to its update note...
  5. Collaboration

    Update: May 4, 2020 @ 1:00

    Welcome to May 4 maintenance patch, Big patch update. Please read thoroughly. Join our 5v5 PVP event if you're interested to get more War Badges! PLAYER VS PLAYER [PVP] & NORMAL MAPS Includes changes to skill mechanics affecting characters in a PVP environment. Changes in this section applies...
  6. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on May/04/2020???

    Greetings, BlackoutRO will undergo maintenance at some time on Monday, May 4, 2020. Afterwards, make sure you patch your bRO client before proceeding to avoid errors. Keep in touch thru our Discord channel for first-hand updates during maintenance. Pay attention to its update note thread since...
  7. Collaboration

    News: Your BlackoutRO Player Account (Part 2)

    For those who missed reading the first part of news update to BlackoutRO player accounts, please click the link below. This post will go over some reminders for players who play multiple Ragnarok Online servers...
  8. Collaboration

    News: Your BlackoutRO Player Account

    Lately, our server population is increasing gradually mainly due to the on-going pandemic. BlackoutRO Staff cannot hide our happiness to this progress but there's more work to do in our end. During this scenario, we are also amplifying our external marketing efforts to introduce the server to...
  9. Collaboration

    From the Staff Revising Server Rules and Regulations

    In this post, we are addressing revision of server rules and regulations that BlackoutRO staff started since 2019 and some leniency on speaking other languages currently happening in Amatsu. Last year, we discussed several changes to server rules and regulations that seemed out-of-date and...
  10. Collaboration

    News: Installing BlackoutRO

    We, the BlackoutRO staff, always try our best to accommodate every player asking non-item generating help regardless of severity of their problems. Unfortunately, there are times that inevitable, technical issues happen at some point which made us helpless to resolve these quickly. We...
  11. Collaboration

    Update: April 17, 2020 @ 1:00

    Welcome to April 17 maintenance patch, MORE NEW STUFF!!! MORE WAR OF EMPERIUM!!! and we hope you have the BEST SAFETY as possible!!! Several new items/equipment are introduced in this patch. To keep things simple, we recommend to go in-game to check these things out. GUILD VS GUILD [GVG]...
  12. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on Apr/17/2020

    Hi everyone, BlackoutRO will undergo maintenance on Friday, April 17, 2020, 01:00 UTC. Afterwards, make sure you patch your bRO client before proceeding to avoid errors. Keep in touch thru our Discord channel for first-hand updates during maintenance. Thank you for your attention and stay...
  13. Collaboration

    Update: April 8, 2020 @ 1:00

    Welcome to April 8 maintenance patch, Like any patch update, this patch contains fixes and adjustments to commonly-played instances to the game. Read them carefully!!! We are hoping to resolve our internal transition work as soon as possible to apply future updates soon. For those who aren't...
  14. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on Apr/08/2020

    To all, It's been several months since we announce something essential. First and foremost, we hope that you exercise proper precautions and get proper information from legitimate sources. We are aware that you're tired getting reminded to these things but we also want to help reduce victim...
  15. Collaboration

    Update: December 13, 2019 @ 1:00

    Welcome to December 13 maintenance patch, Another round of in-game content updates incoming! Next week, there will be an announcement about our 2019 Christmas event. Continue getting updated through our forums and Discord channel! NON-PLAYABLE CHARACTERS [NPC] Includes changes to script codes...
  16. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on Dec/13/19

    Hi everyone, BlackoutRO will undergo maintenance on Friday, December 13, 2019, 01:00 UTC. It will take at least 30 minutes. Make sure you patch your bRO client before proceeding to avoid errors. Keep in touch thru our Discord channel for first-hand updates during maintenance. Thank you for...
  17. Collaboration

    News: BlackoutRO Lite Installer

    To all, Yesterday, we declared that the Lite Installer to install BlackoutRO had returned. To elaborate why it was originally removed from the Downloads page... Players asking "Why I get errors?" Players asking "Why sprites aren't showing?" Too many players asking [1] and [2], which caused...
  18. Collaboration

    Update: December 4, 2019 @ 1:00

    Welcome to December 4 maintenance patch, Another round of in-game content updates. In addition to notes posted in this thread, please be advised that BlackoutRO Lite Installer is added to our downloads list. If you're installing the game thru this file, pay close attention to instructions...
  19. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on Dec/04/19

    Hi everyone, There is going to be a maintenance occurring on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 01:00 UTC. It will take at least 30 minutes. Make sure you patch your bRO client before proceeding to avoid errors. Thank you for your attention. GM-Collaboration, Community Manager, Server Management Team
  20. Collaboration

    Update: Nov 22, 2019 @ 1:00

    Welcome to November 22 maintenance notes, Apologies to late write-up. It's hard to leave bed when temperatures are close to 0 degrees Celsius. Since we introduced a lot of new in-game content, we encourage you to read forum-posted patch notes as primary reference until our Wiki page is updated...