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  1. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on Nov/22/19

    Hi everyone, There is going to be a maintenance occurring on Friday, November 22, 2019, 01:00 UTC. It will take at least 30 minutes. Make sure you patch your bRO client before proceeding to avoid errors. Thank you for your attention. GM-Collaboration, Community Manager, Server Management Team
  2. Collaboration

    Update: Nov 15, 2019 @ 1:00

    Welcome to November 15 maintenance patch, Another set of renovation updates to the server's main town, Amatsu. As always, report any bugs/glitches related to these changes in Bug Report section. Failure to report an exploitable bug/glitch will receive appropriate penalties. QUESTS & INSTANCES...
  3. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on Nov/15/19

    Hi everyone, There is going to be a maintenance occurring on Friday, November 15, 2019, 01:00 UTC. As of this posting, no estimated duration on how long it will take. Also, we're reminding that Endless Tower Beta Testing will end on November 18. Thanks, GM-Collaboration Community Manager...
  4. Collaboration

    Update: Nov 11, 2019 @ 1:00

    Welcome to November 11 maintenance patch, Finally after X amount of years, Endless Tower is released in BlackoutRO, with heavy redesign! Please pay close attention to every detail posted by @Wolfie to learn its custom features and participate to beta testing. Rewards are given to groups of...
  5. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on Nov/11/19

    Hi everyone, There is going to be a maintenance occurring on Monday, November 11, 2019, 01:00 UTC. The server will be taken down at that time, and is estimated to take up to 30 minutes at least. Please be prepared to spend time reading its update notes as major content changes like Endless...
  6. Collaboration

    News: Changing Gears: Leadership Transition Over

    To everyone, First, we want to thank each of you for playing BlackoutRO to AFK despite the fact when GM-Redcar announced his retirement. We are able to finalize administrative transition work and staff duty re-assignments from GM-Redcar and GM-Pixellius administrations. In addition to...
  7. Collaboration

    News: Post-Pixellius Resignation Follow-Up

    To all, Despite Pixellius' resignation, we, the remaining staff members, have continued what we were working on during the post-Redcar transition. The untimely nature of the resignation caused a rethinking in our short term goals/approach. Here are some procedures we are working on...
  8. Collaboration

    Update: Oct 2, 2019 @ 0:15

    Welcome to October 2 maintenance patch, Our first update patch since post-Redcar leadership. Most of it contains tweaks and bugfixes. Despite rocky transition phase, we keep working to bring fresh updates to improve gameplay experience. PLAYER VS PLAYER [PVP] & NORMAL MAPS Includes changes...
  9. Collaboration

    News: Post-Redcar Transition Message: Introduction

    Hello everyone, We are going to announce that GM-Redcar officially retired as Blackout Ragnarok Online's owner. While we announce this important news, there are several things you should be aware of: @Pixellius ownership administrative privileges is not completely transferred to him at this...
  10. Collaboration

    Update: Apr 18, 2019 @ 1:00

    Welcome to April 18 maintenance patch, First, we want to thank everyone for giving us some anonymous feedback to February 4 patch, which contains major healing skill changes. These skill changes are heavily applied to affect guild vs guild meta-game which is in need of shake-up. Most of issues...
  11. Collaboration

    Event: Protect the VIP Event - Easter 2019

    Protect the VIP Event - Easter 2019 EVENT DATE: April 20, 2019 at 3:30 AM [Server Time], 30 minutes after Prontera WOE. HOW TO PLAY? Kill opposing member tagged as VIP to win. Inside the map [gld2_ald], four [4] parties will clash together until one VIP-tagged member survives. Before round...
  12. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on Apr/18/19

    To all, We're going to be having a maintenance on Thursday, April 18 at 01:00 UTC (GMT). The server will be taken down at that time, and will likely be down for at least an hour. This announcement notice may be updated to provide related information. Thanks! Collaboration, Player Outreach...
  13. Collaboration

    Update: Mar 8, 2019 @ 0:30

    Welcome to Mar 8, 2019 maintenance patch, More in-game content updates applied today. We encourage everyone to give us input to improve/streamline server amenities for efficient playing experience. We are currently preparing plans for amenities revamp especially NPCs in main town Amatsu...
  14. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on Mar/08/19

    To all, We're going to be having a maintenance on Friday, March 8 at 00:30 UTC (GMT). The server will be taken down at that time, and will likely be down for at least an hour. This announcement notice may be updated to provide related information. Thanks! Collaboration, Player Outreach Game Master
  15. Collaboration

    Event: Guild of the Month [February 2019] - Compensation 10v10 GVG

    We deeply apologize for any inconvenience occurred with sudden rescheduling. Here are details for this compensation 10v10 GVG tournament. GvG Main Event Date: 2nd of March (Saturday) Main GvG Event Time: Server Time [UTC + 0] : 5:00 Philippines Time [UTC + 8] : 13:00 Canberra, Australia...
  16. Collaboration

    Update: Feb 26, 2019 @ 3:00

    Welcome to February 26 follow-up maintenance patch, In addition to bug fixes arose after yesterday's patch, another set of new in-game content are also added. NON-PLAYABLE CHARACTERS [NPC] Includes changes to script codes to official Ragnarok Online and BlackoutRO-exclusive NPCs. Job Master...
  17. Collaboration

    News: Follow-up Maintenance on 02/26/19

    Hi, We're going to be having a maintenance on Tuesday, February 26 at 03:00 UTC (GMT). The server will be taken down at that time, and will likely be down for at least an hour. This announcement notice may be updated to provide related information. Thanks! Collaboration, Player Outreach Game...
  18. Collaboration

    Update: Feb 25, 2019 @ 1:00

    Welcome to February 25 maintenance update, It contains some new in-game content and adjustments such as WOE alliance limit member cap. Unfortunately, we are not able to create a separate thread to explain details about reworked Zombie Tower as of this posting. As always, immediate bug reports...
  19. Collaboration

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on 02/25/19

    Hi, We're going to be having a maintenance on Monday, February 25 at 01:00 UTC (GMT). The server will be taken down at that time, and will likely be down for at least an hour. This announcement notice may be updated to provide related information. Thanks! Collaboration, Player Outreach Game Master
  20. Collaboration

    Update: Feb 4, 2019 @ 1:00

    Welcome to Feb 4, 2019 maintenance, We are implementing calibration changes to most healing skills commonly used in GVG and War of Emperium clashes. We are doing thorough observations for these particular changes. PLAYER VS PLAYER [PVP] & NORMAL MAPS Includes changes to skill mechanics...