Blackout Inflation


Game Master
08-Nov, 16
Classics, Triggered,
What is currently happening:
With the removal of EX items and MvP cards in the donation NPC their prices massively increased. From 4-6DC per EX items to 10-15DC. As time goes by I predict that this will continue on and on as the normal price of an EX item is 13(No one wants 10DC :( ). There is currently no stable prices of items in the market. There might be a time where 1EX Item = 1EC.

How do we solve this?
1st route: Lower the war badge requirements of Loot Boxes and EX items in the BG NPC.
2nd route: Increase war badge given to winners.
3rd route: Return the EX Items and MvP cards to the Donation NPC. (Credits to Chiiro and Ray and everyone who said the exact same thing)
4th route: Make it questable for people who would prefer making it.
5th route: Increase the war badge given to the winners and lower the prices of loot box and ex items. (1st and 2nd)
(P.S while we're at it, please put xSide in the NPC as well <3)

What about the MvP Cards?
- Put them in BG NPC
- Increase the drop rate (useless route of them all, but hey it can work. Maybe...)
- Put them in the Donation NPC.

- Create a Casino where people can win EX Items (Has the rich getting richer element into it)
- Secret NPC (*cough* Gianluca *cough*)
- Put them in the MGC shop.
- Make leprechauns drop War Badges.
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23-Nov, 17
I would say

3rd route: Return the EX Items and MvP cards to the Donation NPC. (Chiiro <3)
4th route: Make it questable for people who would prefer making it.

Because this is doable also for people who suck at PvP like me =)
Imho, the donation EX should be account bound though.
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23-Nov, 17
Also we need the EX items in the DC shop so that we'll have a stable price.
overall im fine with anything that allows people who don't PvP much to get stuff (yep i know, I am the grumpy old lady with slow internat and no real life DEX who plays to chill out and not to deal with toxic stuff and drama that tend to happen when interacting with humans)


Elite Forum Member
It is probably too early for me to say this because I know the devs are already aware that the PvE side of the sever is not rewarding compared to the PvP aspect. I think these two should be balance to cater different types of players.

To help players who are on the PvE aspect of mmorpgs.

Here are my suggestions:

1. Leafcat should be obtainable thru badges with a higher price not as part of the loot box. The rarity of obtaining it is prolly low.

2. Leafcat should be obtainable thru quest with a pre requisite of an item that is obtainable thru badges. Idk, bring back Ancient Heirloom or use Umbral Tokens instead.

3. Some of the essential ex items should be obtainable thru quests or implement quests with badges rewards.

4. A counterpart of the leafcat headgear that gives badges for every MVP killed.

Idk. My suggestions are probably too much. Feel free to criticize.
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01-Nov, 16
People getting items easier would be unhealthy in the long run though. DC tanked in value because of the removal of EX items. I find it so funny though that the market reaction was so delayed. My friends and I started not dealing in DC anymore right after we knew of it. If you have so many alternative fashion items out there, why bother use DC?

EC tanked in value as well because of the huge rewards that will be given.

No value backing up DC, EC being given out left and right, WOEc no one cares, MGC is alright but not needed - there goes your inflation. If people barter instead of dealing with currencies, it just means the economy is poor. I have to be thankful for the newcomers though trying to push the price of DC. Once people get their fashion fully loaded, get ready for another big inflation. We just need a stable currency tbh.

Thanks for bringing this up.
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17-Jul, 16
Having ex items and /card back into the dc shop is good because with this there is gonna be a stable price for ex items and /card compared to having a unstable and sky high prices.
Also if exitems is open for quest is a good option too. Because not everyone likes to bg or not everyone can pay2win. There are peeps who just want to chill and farm. Ofcourse make it reasonably hard though, but not too hard that they get force to play bg instead. Having cards on bg shop is a good idea too.

Three Kind of Players imo.
The staff focused on making pay2win less effective, and it worked. But they forgot about the peeps who just want to farm and chill.


Elite Forum Member
12-May, 16
good idea but dont put card in npc for free to pay like DC coz useless farming the card in boss.
and back the voting system like b4 old bro from 2007 to 2013.... vote for cred then u can buy ex item b4 and same card b4.


Here to help
Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess
I think adding alternate ways of obtaining EX headgears.

aka grindable quests. That should take longer to grind than bg playing because it doesn't take "skill" to grind mobs


add a variant of mystical card album to the bg shop so people can get mvp cards through that.

So both routes can end up being fully geared.
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Elite Forum Member
13-Jun, 17
How about another NPC in which you can claim EX-items from a combination of two currencies: DC and war badges.
For example, Classic Loot Box 1: 3 DC + 300 Badges.
Classic Loot Box 2: 3 DC + 300 Badges.
Headgear Equipment worth 800 badges right now like Ripper would be like: 4 DC + 400 badges.
And/or Zeny + DC
Or Badges+ Zeny.
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Elite Forum Member
12-May, 16
How about this suggestion!
For ex item head gear obtainable via rental for new player yet started playing bro and second for permanent via DC or vote point if coming soon or bg for a while.
And for the card it's boss hunt or Abra. That my suggestion only /heh


04-May, 16
Blackout Staff
Thank you for your feedback. Healthy discussions are positive for issues such as these which players are experiencing.
23-Nov, 17
as for adding stuff back to DC...
I will ponder here as a grown up. Keeping Blackout up and running surely costs something. Where does the $$$ come from? Do the current donations cover it? Do admins need / have any extra money to add new cool stuff?

Basically, the main goal of making anything obtainable via DC is to ensure the server is well funded, i suppose. If the donations currently cover the costs, there is no need to add new items or bring back old items just because DC suffered inflation. Then, it is a whole different discussion about how token items should be made available, alternatively, through quests.

An alternative for one time donations could be some continuous support plans (where a player subscribes to donate some amount monthly for a fixed period of time). Not sure if its doable, but could be good since it provides some stable income.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
I think it is worth mentioning that the inflation of DC is an expected side effect of the server being non-P2W. Although the price for some Ex items is going up relative to the inflation of DC, i think the fact that some cards have dramatically increased in value is much more noteworthy. Tao being the one card that comes to mind. Tao's being the one card practically required by almost any class who wants to actually be competitive and its price has almost doubled even when accounting for the recent drop in DC value relative to zeny. Partially this is due to the influx of new players getting geared. But considering that the abolition of the P2W system was to make things more fair for those getting started, it is a bit ironic that these changes have made certain areas of getting started much more difficult.

I don't think that adding items back to the DC shop is a valid solution (1: Because it's not fair for those who invested in them since the changes to the DC shop. 2: You are making the free market less "free" which makes you a RO commy)

I would like to see something similar to what @Jack suggested in regards to the addition of a new version of the mystical card album. Ideally a new version that costs 600 or so badges but won't devalue the other cards that don't have issues with absurdly sky high prices. I would implement a "Legendary Card Album" that drops HighWiz/Prof/Creator/Bacsojin/Champion/Paladin/Whitesmith/Tao/Thana/ValkRandgris at a higher rate than the Mystic Card Album. At the same use a slightly lower rate for cards like GTB/Ifrit/Ktull/Gopinch so the price of those won't be get reduced in value as much as the cards you want to effect. That way you will slowly modify the supply/demand in a manner that effectively targets the issue while preventing the current economic status of the items in question from tanking immediately.


King of Beast
11-May, 16
Hogake Moves for CL
Kirk for CL
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Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
1 and 2 seems okay but the rest are meh.

Putting EX items and MvP cards will surely kill BG and players who are hunting MvPs for a living.

As an MvP player the added competition, PvP map whenever the mvp is alive was really challenging since I love to PvE and PvM.

Players who cant afford to donate and only relies on MvP card hunting will surely put them in bind.. prices will drop dramatically.

Putting the Ex items in BG npc was a really good idea, look at how new players joining the fun and grinding items for them to use in PvP/WoE and MvP hunting.

They should just add more prizes to MvP or at least another ranking npc for mvp players then they get rewarded every month.

Leaf cat hat is rare for a reason. I would rather not get them through BG or Dc shop except loot boxes.

and yes please, side hat in BG npc. ;(

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