Search results

  1. Wolfie

    Official Guide MvP Hunt Ranking Ladder

    As of August 1, 2022 patch, we introduced the MvP Ladder. The player with the most points at the end of each week receives /eventcredit 2 Event Credits. 2nd and 3rd receive /eventcredit 1 Event Credit. Players ranked 2-50 receive Mini-Game Credits. Below is the point allocation for each MvP...
  2. Wolfie

    Update: PvP Gauntlet Update

    PvP Gauntlet Update Thank you to those who came to the first PvP Gauntlet for Knights. The winner was - Dracule Mihawk who won 2 Event Credits. The following changes have been made for the upcoming editions. Further increased the War Badge rewards and chance to win Event Credit. Matches are...
  3. Wolfie

    Official Guide PvP Gauntlet

    NOTE: This is the original iteration of the event. Please read update notes for future changes. The PvP Gauntlet is a mixture of Best of the Best, Last Man Standing, and King of the Hill. This is an automated event. We are testing it to gain feedback and ensure it is bug-free. Assuming all...
  4. Wolfie

    From the Staff New Automated PVP Event

    We will soon be trialing a new, automated PvP event. It is a mixture of Best of the Best, King of the Hill, and Last Man Standing. There will be an announcement next week with more information on it. You can view a demo version below. The announcements are sped up in this version so that the...
  5. Wolfie

    News: Live Streamers - Please Contact Us

    Hello, We understand there are now a number of players live streaming BlackoutRO. We would like to offer our support via promotion and providing an environment to assist them. If you are currently streaming once a week or more, or intend to start streaming, please contact me either here (via...
  6. Wolfie

    Question Mysterious Crane Secrets Revealed?

    do you want the secrets of the crane revealed? or better left a mystery?
  7. Wolfie

    Statement: Other RO Server Players - Your Account May Be Compromised

    Urgent! If you have played other RO private servers, your account may be compromised. CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS! If you have not played that server, your account is safe and you have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, read on. Some of our players' accounts have already been compromised. The...
  8. Wolfie

    Event: Post a Screenshot for our Facebook Cover Photo

    Entries to this event have now closed. Winners will be announced in due course. Many thanks for all the submissions. ----- Event - Post a Screenshot for our Facebook Cover Photo This event is simple. All you need to do is post a screenshot, in this forum thread, that we can use as a cover photo...
  9. Wolfie

    Event: Christmas 2019

    What: Christmas Event 2019 When: Starts December 21, 2019 00:00 UTC, Ends December 27, 2019 23:59 UTC Where: amatsu 217 215 Mechanics: On December 21, a NPC will appear in Amatsu. This NPC will provide tasks which players can complete. One new task will become available each day at midnight...
  10. Wolfie

    Away Dec 22 to Jan 5

    Thought I'd make a public note of this, as I will likely receive PMs over this time asking why I'm inactive. Going on holiday from December 22nd. Will be back on January 5th. Taking my laptop with me, but won't be doing any work while I am away. Available for emergencies. My response time will...
  11. Wolfie

    News: What's Happening in December 2019?

    What's Happening in December 2019? Welcome to the first edition of what is intended to be a monthly occurrence. Here, get a preview of what you can expect from BlackoutRO this month. The most important thing on this list is that we will be restarting marketing efforts. It is important we are...
  12. Wolfie

    News: Schedule Change for War of Emperium

    War of Emperium Schedule Change This is a notice to inform players of a change to War of Emperium scheduling starting December 2, 2019. This means as of next week, the new schedule will be in place. As outlined in the development discussion thread, the region contested on a particular day will...
  13. Wolfie

    From the Staff Instanced Dungeons

    The idea is simple: Any (maybe not any, but some) dungeons that have a start point and an end point (i.e. not open-ended) will have an instanced version of the dungeon. In these instanced versions, the mobs will all be aggressive and a lot stronger, have different drops and no respawns. Some...
  14. Wolfie

    Event: Halloween Hunting

    What: Halloween Hunting When: Starts October 28, 2019 @ 00:00 UTC (once maintenance is over), Ends November 5, 2019 @ 23:59 UTC Where: amatsu 216 216 Mechanics: Farm and collect the following materials and trade them to the 'Halloween 2019' NPC in Amatsu. There are two sets of materials and...
  15. Wolfie

    From the Staff Endless Tower Redesign

    Endless Tower Redesign Suggested redesign for Endless Tower instance. This has been on the to-do list since 2016. Sorry. A beta version containing floors 1-25 will soon be ready to test (hopefully within 2 weeks), assuming no major overhauls are required. Feedback welcomed and appreciated...
  16. Wolfie

    From the Staff Amatsu Headgear Quests

    Cleaning Amatsu headgear quests NPCs. Sort all headgears into categories: Upper (A-J), Upper (K-Z), Middle, Lower, Multi-Slot, Wings. Alphabetise lists. Added new headgears to each category. Remove duplicate headgears. Fixed preview function (auto-previews when viewing item requirements).
  17. Wolfie

    From the Staff WoE & Credit Store Possible Changes

    Hello, We are looking for feedback on possible changes to War of Emperium and Credit Stores. Note: All prices are TBA. Everything is hypothetical and up for discussion. War of Emperium Schedule 1. Reduce to 4 WoE per week. (FE) Wednesday 13:00 UTC (FE) Saturday 03:00 UTC (SE) Saturday...
  18. Wolfie

    From the Staff About Development Discussion

    Developers and Staff members will post development related content in this forum. Players are welcomed to provide feedback on the ideas put here. The ideas generated here may be based on player feedback or original ideas from Dev/Staff team.
  19. Wolfie

    From the Staff Development - Best Way to Receive and Moderate Feedback?

    Development - Best Way to Receive and Moderate Feedback? Hello, We, the Staff and Development team, want to find out the best way to receive and moderate feedback with regards to development. That is - how can we show you what we are working on, and how can you [the public] provide feedback in...
  20. Wolfie

    News: Pixellius Resigns As Administrator

    Pixellius Resigns As Administrator Pixellius has resigned from the position of Administrator as of September 26, 2019. There was a mutual decision to part ways. We thank him for his services to BlackoutRO and wish him well in the future. The Staff Team is currently discussing options to move...