- 10-Sep, 16
- 1,021
- GM-Collaboration
Many thanks to @lkjewq for applying these updates and bug fixes.
Notes in @updates command in-game are out of date at this point.
Refer to this forum post to be up to date.
For returning players, keep yourself informed with these last, few update notes below:
Notes in @updates command in-game are out of date at this point.
Refer to this forum post to be up to date.
- Autovendor character not receiving other currency paid by buyer when paid currency exceeds 30,000 in quantity.
- War of Emperium Credit rewards still not properly distributed to occupant guild.
- Participating players get randomly kicked in PVP Gauntlet while waiting for next opponent or during in the middle of match
- Castle entry after respawn mechanic applied during War of Emperium hours is not working as intended.
- Bombring Dodger Last Man Standing reward still not properly given.
- @autopot command not working as intended when @warp-ed into different map
System Updates and Bug Fixes:
- Punching bags (DPS test) added to bottom right Prontera training area.
- @viewhp has been removed from bRO Premium membership benefits.
- Third job releases have been slid back 2 days to Monday as opposed to right before the weekend's WoEs.
- Added @statusnotify to indicate the final chance to receive an incoming status (Received attempted Stun at 135, =1.35% chance to be stunned).
- Armor status point enchant NPC no longer has a cast time and allows you to repeat the previous enchant.
- Maximum status point increased to 500 (from 450).
- Maximum HP cap raised to 15 million (from 1.5 million).
- Guyak Shield drop rate increased to 33.3% for Hardrock Mammoth.
- Retribution Wings now grant 15% Demi-Human resistance for all classes (Item description in-game not yet updated at this time)
- Cursed Hand now correctly applies Critical Wounds to the enemy.
- Chameleon Armor now grants 25% magical immunity for 1 second at a 2% + 0.5%*refine chance.
- Bloody Branch cooldown reduced to 2 seconds.
Status Point and Status Effects Rework:
- 0.333% resist from main stat
- 0.167% resist from LUK
- Regular resist value from gear
- All resist stacks linearly
- There is no longer a minimum 1% chance to receive status
Example immunity from stun can be achieved by:
- Orc Hero Card
- 150 VIT with Valkyrie Armor on specific class
- 300 VIT
- 600 LUK
- 150 VIT and 300 LUK
- 100 VIT and 400 LUK
- 100 VIT and 280 LUK and 1 pc Stalactic Golem Card
Ranged Attack Resistance:
- Now has a soft cap of 80% and a hard cap of 90%.
- Once you pass the 80% cap, resistance is half effective. (i.e. 82% RR = 81%, 86% = 83%)
- If you pass the 90% cap (100% RR), you receive no additional resistance.
- Increased end-game rewards.
- Added 100 and 500 WB badge boxes for redemption from one of the Battlegrounds shops.
- Battlegrounds discount coupon now applies to Clip [2].
- Added ELO calculations (@bgstats). Note: ELO fluctuates a lot based on enemy team ELO with few matches played.
- Fixed BG AFK kick to additively track player AFK time during a match and boot slackers.
- Fixed the respawn issue in `rush_cas01`.
Activity Points Changes:
- Reward from regular mob kills removed
- Reduced weekly limit from 1.5k to 1k APs
- Maximum bonus reduced from 100% to 60% (i.e. 1 AP = 8 WB). The bonus is maximized around 500 points.
Enhanced Aid:
- Won't override buffs if the refreshed buff will lower current buff duration [Wolfie]
- Full Chemical Protection skill duration increased to 5 minutes.
- Tarot Card of Fate skill stop duration reduced to 5 seconds.
Soul Linker:
- Can now use Esma skill with Golden Thief Bug-attached shield equipped.
Rune Knight:
- Storm Blast skill damage reduced by 2/3rds.
Royal Guard:
- Burst Attack skill now amplifies your damage based on your % of HP missing as opposed to raw value difference between max HP and current HP.
- Exceed Break skill weapon weight factor reduced by 2/3rds.
- Kings Grace skill regeneration ticks increased from (6 - Skill level) seconds to (8 - Skill level) seconds.
- Added spell book NPC at the bottom of Amatsu for 2.5 million zeny each
- Reading Spellbook now has a 5 seconds cooldown
- Duration of Earth Strain strip reduced to 1 second * Skill Level
- Jack Frost and Frost Misty:
- Reduction of max hits (animation wise)
- Area of effect reduced to 10 from 13
- 300 ms cooldown added
- Damage remains unchanged
- Wug Bite now has a 2.5 sec + 0.5 sec * Skill Level cooldown.
- Wug Bite immobilization duration reduced to 0.5 sec * Skill level + 0.25 sec * Tooth of Wug Skill level
- Gloomy Shyness skill duration reduced to 5 sec * Skill level and buff amount reduced to 10 + 2 * Lesson level.
- Severe Rainstorm skill is now usable with an instrument/whip.
For returning players, keep yourself informed with these last, few update notes below:
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