From the Staff The Glory Days Return: A Discussion


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Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess

The time has come to discuss some potential changes and additions to the server.

I will break this thread down into topics. If you wish to give feedback to any of these please also do the same.

Please Note: None of these are set in stone and are not going to be implemented immediately.​

Glorious Weapons:

We are looking to implement the glorious weapons as a longer term goal to keep battlegrounds active.
The OP thing about these weapons is the Slaughter skill.
Here is how this skill works currently:


With this glorious weapons instantly become best in slot.
  • The plan to make these not completely bonkers was to half the bonus the slaughter skill gives. This still needs testing in a real environment to see how much better these weapons will be in-comparison to the currently available ones.
  • They will be untradeable but storage-able.
  • Here is a link to all the weapons (ignore the armours) Weapons only
There are 2 options on how to obtain these items. Both of which will have an introduction of a new badge earned along side the current badges from BG.

Option 1: Just add the new badge alongside the current one within the @joinbg queue.
Option 2: Some players have requested a KVM only playlist so this could be where we implement it.

The discussion for the glorious ring + badge combo will be handled separately.
  • This combination is best in slot automatically for most jobs.
  • I want them to be good but not THAT good.
  • There has been some talk about the return of [2] Accessories so the potential for glorious ring to be implemented as is would be somewhat balanced with [2] rings
  • Halving the glorious rings resistances (from 10% to 5%) could make it more balanced.

Some questions regarding glorious items in general:

  • Tradeable/accountbound/characterbound for weapons/armours/accessories ?
  • Prices for each category? (500 for wep, 1000 for badge, 1500 gring, armours???)
  • Should we implement the glorious armours without modification?

Palliative Limit:

  • This system was put into place originally to help manage the widespread cheats used in RO.
  • Nowadays I think it doesn't serve its purpose that it once did. It really only affects healing spam in woe for the most part.
  • With the addition of a possible increase in damage with the glorious weapons healing probably deserves the buff.
  • Many players have requested the removal of this from the entire server. At the moment it is only removed from pvp arenas.

Battlegrounds Queue:

People have complained about 1 sided teams in BG, especially when the population is quite low.
  • Remove the ability to choose teams
  • completely randomise team selection
  • NOT show the team that you have joined while waiting for the round to start.

Tendrillion/Hard Rock Mammoth/Paladin cards:

A more controversial topic.

These cards basically killed the tarot meta and boosted mheal like crazy.

The positives:
  • Tarot becomes useful again
  • Positioning and "hiding" will matter again. IF you can get singled out with tarot you'll probably die
  • Allows for a different play-style outside of lex asura / LK cleave
The negatives:
  • Smaller guilds will find it hard to compete
  • Tarot will directly hard counter mheal - again making smaller guilds weaker.

Keeping the 500ms delay on tarot would be key to keeping this balanced. Imagine NDL-esque tarot dispelling your entire front line.


Currently mheal stands king in the meta.

The current positives:
  • Doesn't need to stack
  • Can be executed with the minimal amount of people
  • Cannot be tarot-ed with the above cards ^
  • IF playing High Priest thana isn't a viable solution either
The current negatives:
  • If you play anything except HP you are prone to Asura OR thana damage.
  • Portals are difficult to push out of due to mheals low total HP.
Some ideas on how to balance it if the above cards are removed:
  • Revert the vit mheal interaction change
  • Make SL completely immune to dispel - including tarot dispel. This allows for mheal to continue but for tarot to still be a threat to other jobs.
  • Removing palliative limit definitely buffs mheal A LOT
With this tarot becomes useful and mheal is still good but just restricted to 1 job only.

Things to look forward to in the future (aside from the above):

These will be commented on in a later date once we have development rolling.
  • EX items in the dc shop (prices still to be decided)
  • New hats in various shops
  • Potentially craft-able ex items and mysterious dyestuff (implementation is up in the air)
  • Multiple entrances to SE castles to avoid portal fiesta
  • E-tower being finally finished (hopefully ;) )

We are still in the process of transferring the server so please be patient with us.
29-Mar, 19
* R O Y *
These will be commented on in a later date once we have development rolling.
  • EX items in the dc shop (prices still to be decided)
  • New hats in various shops
  • Potentially craft-able ex items and mysterious dyestuff (implementation is up in the air)
  • Multiple entrances to SE castles to avoid portal fiesta
  • E-tower being finally finished (hopefully ;) )
I've been waiting for this mah whole life! LMAO !!
  • Haha
Reactions: Rescue 911 Rx
28-Jul, 16
Dera III
Is there is an event item that will be consumed to craft EX items, or is just gonna be a hard quest?
When will you announce the craftable EX items?


Game Master
08-Nov, 16
Classics, Triggered,
• +1 to randomizing teams - no more malay vs all
• +1 to a KvM only playlist - getting badges is way easier
• +1 to Glorious Ring being implemented - tho another buff to champ, I guess having Rings[2] will even it out
• What I suggest is another way to get equipment aside from BG, I'd rather do quests than play BG all day.
• Also account bound/character bound BG items will force BG activity, so yes to this please(server will be less boring)

Palliative Limit:
• Remove this already man

• M.heal is broken, its super versatile you can play it with any character. Its only downside is that it's hard to play M.heal if it's not High Priest or Champ (are there m.heal champs?). Playing it with other jobs isn't even a huge downside because with good positioning it'll be harder for you to die with thana. Sniper with thana? no problem, just put an Anti-Arrow acce. LK bashing the sh!t out of you? no problem just stay at the back and let the LK kill himself. I'm pretty sure everyone has enough brain cells to pull this off. Even if the dispel immunity cards get removed it's still going to be viable especially when palliative gets removed.

Finally, please put more quests items. Better quest headgear, we deserve more


edit: Make proxy quest easier, so people can actually solo it. Also dungeon points would be nice, more headgear for us <3

edit 2: WHERE DAFAK IS THE CASINO??!?!?!?!?!?!?


Here to help
Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess
vote 4 points :)
lets make this server take the top spot again.. just like the golden times
Vote for points was discontinued because it can easily be abused via VPNs and multiple accounts.

Is there is an event item that will be consumed to craft EX items, or is just gonna be a hard quest?
When will you announce the craftable EX items?
These are 2 possible solutions but we haven't delved into this discussion enough within staff just yet.

• +1 to randomizing teams - no more malay vs all
• +1 to a KvM only playlist - getting badges is way easier
• +1 to Glorious Ring being implemented - tho another buff to champ, I guess having Rings[2] will even it out
• What I suggest is another way to get equipment aside from BG, I'd rather do quests than play BG all day.
• Also account bound/character bound BG items will force BG activity, so yes to this please(server will be less boring)

Palliative Limit:
• Remove this already man

• M.heal is broken, its super versatile you can play it with any character. Its only downside is that it's hard to play M.heal if it's not High Priest or Champ (are there m.heal champs?). Playing it with other jobs isn't even a huge downside because with good positioning it'll be harder for you to die with thana. Sniper with thana? no problem, just put an Anti-Arrow acce. LK bashing the sh!t out of you? no problem just stay at the back and let the LK kill himself. I'm pretty sure everyone has enough brain cells to pull this off. Even if the dispel immunity cards get removed it's still going to be viable especially when palliative gets removed.

Finally, please put more quests items. Better quest headgear, we deserve more


edit: Make proxy quest easier, so people can actually solo it. Also dungeon points would be nice, more headgear for us <3

edit 2: WHERE DAFAK IS THE CASINO??!?!?!?!?!?!?
Working out a way to earn badges outside of bg will take some development time.

I needs to be balanced correctly to give incentive for people to play bg as the best way to earn them.

farming them outside of bg needs to be somewhat worse in efficiency I believe. If it is better to just farm them then bg will remain dead.
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Reactions: Mio
08-Sep, 19
These will be commented on in a later date once we have development rolling.
  • EX items in the dc shop (prices still to be decided)
  • New hats in various shops
  • Potentially craft-able ex items and mysterious dyestuff (implementation is up in the air)
  • Multiple entrances to SE castles to avoid portal fiesta
  • E-tower being finally finished (hopefully ;) )
Well, craft-able ex items is always a plus. But I'd advise it to be account bound so it won't really add more ex items to the game that's tradable.
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Reactions: Mio


Here to help
Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess
Well, craft-able ex items is always a plus. But I'd advise it to be account bound so it won't really add more ex items to the game that's tradable.
This what thought of too my friend.
29-Mar, 19
* R O Y *
Please add a "Settings NPC" so we don't have to type @autoloot @showexp @showzenny @alootid @lgp @petloot /effect etc. all over and over again every time we log-in.


Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
Please add a "Settings NPC" so we don't have to type @autoloot @showexp @showzenny @alootid @lgp @petloot /effect etc. all over and over again every time we log-in.

@ls (LS) it works wonders.


Here to help
Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess
Just an update on this thread.

Everything except the glorious items are being implemented in the next maintenance. Which is on the 2nd of October.

Glorious Weapons:

Through some personal testing on the server via my GM account glorious weapons aren't quite as OP as I initially thought.

The weapons are either worse than their currently available counterparts OR ~10-30% stronger. This is at +10.

The weapon/s that stand out the most are:
  • glorious spear (brandish spear)
  • glorious shuriken (throw huuma shuriken)
  • glorious hunter bow (double strafe ONLY)
  • glorious guitar/lariat
  • all GS weapons
  • glorious cure wand (new bis heal weapon)
The rest are either 2 handed or have lower damage than their counterparts.

The main downside of glorious weapons is that it is unslotted. This means things like blade [4] with sword guardians and thana will still be relevant in the meta.

Some of these weapons also introduce lvl 2 critical wounds. Which could shake up the meta a little.

Glorious Armours:

The only relevant armours are suit and shoes.

I can see use of these in a woe situation on support jobs. At the moment there isn't a great option for supports in these slots.

Once again the main disadvantage here is the lack of slot.

Glorious ring and medallion:

Glorious ring:

This is pretty much a dring + more. The only downside is no slot.

I can see this being meta on every support job in woe, some situations in pvp and not that useful else where.

Limitation of only 1 being equip-able.

Basically a better version of the sign.

Combo'd together they give:

  • Which totals to 10% ATK and 8% MATK. Better than any other combination in the game for flat out damage.
  • The only thing that can compare is dring + drobe/darmor and the sign. Which gives 8% ATK and MATK.
  • Builds that want alligator cards or other utility cards (horong, imp/siroma, marine sphere etc) will not run this.
  • The new meta for all out damage in woe will be The sign + Medallion. Which is a 2% increase from the previous best in slot.
  • With this you can run a different armour which opens things up.

Here is a poll for voting on trading restrictions.


Elite Forum Member
13-Jun, 17
Addressing concerns about glorious armors/rings:
1) Without the palliative limit, you guys gotta nerf these armor cards [Boitata, Gopinich, Ifrit, and Ktullanux].
2) What happens to cards like Champion Card, Paladin, Hardrock Mammoth, Tendrillion?
3) Bradium Rings [1] existed before along with glorious rings.
4) What about slotting paladin, hardrock mammoth, tendrillion cards in accessories to give 4-6% more damage to earth, fire, and wind element property?
5) Champion Card can be used as PvP/BG card like +15% heal to Champion Classes
6) Revert shield card effects on tatacho, aqua elemental, draco, etc as defensive switch utility cards to allow for more practical use in BG/PVP/WoE

Glorious Weapons Suggestions
1) Balance these out in BG/PVP by making these weapons breakable
2) Add custom effect to increase damage taken from demi humans by 5-10% while keeping current Slaughter effect

Skills Related
1) Lex Aeterna needs to be adjusted
2) Ankle Snares need to have default HP again
3) Previous mheal adjustments only made acolyte classes the meta as mhealer. Revert it back to allow guilds to be creative or simply remove mheal entirely and buff PP and SPP further in WoE.
4) Sharpshoot Range needs adjustment for BG and WoE balance [I suggest 13-14 at max]

Other stuff
1) WoE times and frequency need adjustment to cater to more timezones especially on weekends. Let's face it. Nobody really WoEs on weekdays.
2) 3D glasses need buffs on bonus from refine rate. Suggestion [5 x (Refine/3)] With additional Matk +2% on +10.
3) Creator Cards need slight nerf in BG
4) Addition of other cards that boost MATK
5) Addition of customized weapons/armors that add 5-10% elemental resists to following specific classes: Sniper and Gunslinger

Things worth looking at in the future:
1) Raising the current max hp by 150,000-300,000 points. This allows for more Vit play to be considered for paladins.
2) Customized Bard/Gypsy songs effects to balance out the Tarot Card Nerf.
3) Other modes on weekdays to replace WoE. GvG or BG based.
4) Addition of cheap WoE supply NPC [Only usable inside Castles]
5) Mandy for Admin as always
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01-Nov, 16
The negatives:
  • Smaller guilds will find it hard to compete
Hard to compete is an understatement. Some small guilds even run town FCP now they'll need town assump as well to make way for the SL mheal. Idc what others say but the meta ended up the best bRO ever had even though the first few patches were... terrible. Everything was actually viable. Magic was dope vs tendril. Everyone had mheal anyway so the only way to wipe is outdamage the other guild. DPS are actually carries if they do tons of damage. Tarot is good, yes it is if you know the numbers, it actually does other awesome things other than dispel. Now you can just tarot the solo champ to death then deviant off. I kind of get the direction though and we want larger scale gvgs and I hope that's where we're headed with this.
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Here to help
Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess
Hard to compete is an understatement. Some small guilds even run town FCP now they'll need town assump as well to make way for the SL mheal. Idc what others say but the meta ended up the best bRO ever had even though the first few patches were... terrible. Everything was actually viable. Magic was dope vs tendril. Everyone had mheal anyway so the only way to wipe is outdamage the other guild. DPS are actually carries if they do tons of damage. Tarot is good, yes it is if you know the numbers, it actually does other awesome things other than dispel. Now you can just tarot the solo champ to death then deviant off. I kind of get the direction though and we want larger scale gvgs and I hope that's where we're headed with this.
I totally understand your concern with tarot and the removal of tendrillion card.

We will be assessing the woe scene over the next couple of weeks to see if it has a drastic effect on how smaller guilds can compete. If this results in larger guilds just running like 4 tarots of course we'll look into the re-implementation of this card.

I will touch on kurama's post shortly. Its quite long so will take me some time to form a reply.

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