H Hanxel10 Complete No0b 23-May, 16 60 Guild No0bz IGN Check my signature 28-Sep, 16 #241 Wolfie said: Weaboos I demand you listen. Click to expand... Also this Reactions: Wolfie
Wolfie Developer 04-May, 16 2,813 Amatsu Guild Blackout Staff IGN Wolfie Discord Wolfie#5325 29-Sep, 16 #243 Not a song! But I love TFS. #weaboolife (notrly cos this aint weaboo %#!@)
yingtao old hag 04-May, 16 208 29-Sep, 16 #244 dis https://soundcloud.com/ras_g/bluntch-time-humpday-riddim
Vanish Former Staff Member 21-Jul, 16 285 30-Sep, 16 #245 Done watching. The feels are strong with this one.
Wolfie Developer 04-May, 16 2,813 Amatsu Guild Blackout Staff IGN Wolfie Discord Wolfie#5325 04-Oct, 16 #248
Wolfie Developer 04-May, 16 2,813 Amatsu Guild Blackout Staff IGN Wolfie Discord Wolfie#5325 04-Oct, 16 #250 @Zero I thought you'd enjoy this. It's the entire Final Fantasy X track, with 'that laugh' layering the melody of every song.
@Zero I thought you'd enjoy this. It's the entire Final Fantasy X track, with 'that laugh' layering the melody of every song.
Wolfie Developer 04-May, 16 2,813 Amatsu Guild Blackout Staff IGN Wolfie Discord Wolfie#5325 05-Oct, 16 #252 Credits to @Flames2Live for introducing me to this bomb hit.
CryED 12-May, 16 169 Queen City of the South IGN CryED 06-Oct, 16 #253 Pretty much I am a fan... Reactions: Wolfie
Wolfie Developer 04-May, 16 2,813 Amatsu Guild Blackout Staff IGN Wolfie Discord Wolfie#5325 10-Oct, 16 #254 @CryED I like to fap. Reactions: CryED
Zero 18-May, 16 74 10-Oct, 16 #255 Wolfie said: @Zero I thought you'd enjoy this. It's the entire Final Fantasy X track, with 'that laugh' layering the melody of every song. Click to expand... man, f that lmao
Wolfie said: @Zero I thought you'd enjoy this. It's the entire Final Fantasy X track, with 'that laugh' layering the melody of every song. Click to expand... man, f that lmao
Touhou ヒビカセ Server Management Team 12-May, 16 337 Fife, Scotland Guild Blackout RO Staff IGN GM-Touhou 10-Oct, 16 #256
Zikk Elite Forum Member 04-Oct, 16 215 ??? Guild natg 11-Oct, 16 #260 Wolfie said: @CryED I like to fap. Click to expand... ;DD