News: New Staff Announcement

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Lover of Woman
Former Staff Member

After multiple interviews, I'm pleased to announce that we have added additional staff to the team. Please welcome the following people to their new positions:

GM-Bunki - Administrator
GM-Hrist - Event GM
GM-Coojo - Event GM
GM-Deceit - Event GM/Scripting Developer
GM-Collaboration - Player Outreach GM
GM-Alphabet - Player Outreach GM
Reign - Scripting/Source Developer
Ruskasi - Scripting/Source Developer
Martin - Scripting/Source Developer
Pixellius - Source Developer
Vidar - Community Leader
Ligeia - Facebook Manager

There may also be additional staff members added at a later time, depending on need. Also, our new event GMs will be holding some events soon, so please keep an eye out for announcements here.



Elite Forum Member
12-May, 16
Wow congrats to the New appoint gm or developer or anything for bro server. Hope to be able to there job correctly.
Advertising server to all new player and put new event or etc....
26-Nov, 17
Congratulations to all of the new staff on their positions, looking forward to watching the server grow so that the players may continue to have fun reliving old memories and creating new ones.
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Reactions: Coojo and Ruskasi
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