News: Lag, Events and Current Status

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Elite Forum Member
04-Oct, 16
Event's done give them their full prizes. Then freaking focus on WoE changes and fix this goddamn Lag.


Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
The other guilds have my sympathy.. Just when they are starting to get their rosters back, event has ended.

At least give us the GvG Event that was promised and let all the guilds who wants to participate to join freely.

Anyhow, ggwp everyone! It was fun and frustrating but the Egg guild enjoyed the GvGs.


Former Staff Member
04-May, 16
Thank God this event is finally over. WoEing felt like a chore so I hope the next time they do this event they only count weekend WoEs. As for the prizes, I don't think cutting them by half is a good idea. Guilds devoted their time into participating and it's not their fault that the event's mechanics and guidelines are flawed. The staff were pretty much absent the whole event so they couldn't address any of the issues and concerns that were raised throughout the event. So I don't think it's fair for the players to have the prizes cut in half because of the event being cancelled half way. I know Stormind reached out to Dex to ask for his opinion regarding the event and asked whether or not our guild is okay with the event ending early and Dex said we're fine with it. Additionally, Dex also mentioned that prizes for 2nd and 3rd place is too inferior to the 1st place so he suggested for them to be increased but there were no communication of the prizes to be cut in half so this comes out as a surprise. I would suggest for the staff to reconsider this decision because it's really messed up for all guilds involved (especially the 1st place). I get %#!@ happens from time to time but this is just a bad approach to the situation.
07-Sep, 16
Try to do Clan Wars Campaign during winter time in the global map in World of Tanks NA against some 300+ odd clans all throughout a period of two to three months everyday from 7:00 p.m EST to whenever we could finish (usually around 1-2 AM EST) all for not even in-game cash currency but for the Reward tier 10 tanks that are supposed to be pretty unique also only 2000 people can get a ticket for claiming the tank, so not only did you have to fight against other clans but also you had to fight for a chance to be fielded in the team between your clanmates (teams are only 15 players per battle) usually there were 2-3 sets of battles at the same time but when you lost you had no chance, so you were stuck there without any battles for 30 mins to 1 hour at a time, You couldn't get points and your rank went lower making it less probable to get a reward tank, making you less of a priority to be fielded in your clan. Trust me this event of yours is nothing compared to such a shitty event clans literally die for (also every clan that had a chance to actually even try to participate in this event at least had a good 35-40 people active) I've heard it's even rougher on the European and Russian servers of the game :s
21-Jun, 16
Try to do Clan Wars Campaign during winter time in the global map in World of Tanks NA against some 300+ odd clans all throughout a period of two to three months everyday from 7:00 p.m EST to whenever we could finish (usually around 1-2 AM EST) all for not even in-game cash currency but for the Reward tier 10 tanks that are supposed to be pretty unique also only 2000 people can get a ticket for claiming the tank, so not only did you have to fight against other clans but also you had to fight for a chance to be fielded in the team between your clanmates (teams are only 15 players per battle) usually there were 2-3 sets of battles at the same time but when you lost you had no chance, so you were stuck there without any battles for 30 mins to 1 hour at a time, You couldn't get points and your rank went lower making it less probable to get a reward tank, making you less of a priority to be fielded in your clan. Trust me this event of yours is nothing compared to such a shitty event clans literally die for (also every clan that had a chance to actually even try to participate in this event at least had a good 35-40 people active) I've heard it's even rougher on the European and Russian servers of the game :s

Can you at least try to elaborate on what you're trying to say because this post is pretty irrelevant at this current state.
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Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
Try to do Clan Wars Campaign during winter time in the global map in World of Tanks NA against some 300+ odd clans all throughout a period of two to three months everyday from 7:00 p.m EST to whenever we could finish (usually around 1-2 AM EST) all for not even in-game cash currency but for the Reward tier 10 tanks that are supposed to be pretty unique also only 2000 people can get a ticket for claiming the tank, so not only did you have to fight against other clans but also you had to fight for a chance to be fielded in the team between your clanmates (teams are only 15 players per battle) usually there were 2-3 sets of battles at the same time but when you lost you had no chance, so you were stuck there without any battles for 30 mins to 1 hour at a time, You couldn't get points and your rank went lower making it less probable to get a reward tank, making you less of a priority to be fielded in your clan. Trust me this event of yours is nothing compared to such a shitty event clans literally die for (also every clan that had a chance to actually even try to participate in this event at least had a good 35-40 people active) I've heard it's even rougher on the European and Russian servers of the game :s
lay off the goddamn drugs, man.
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11-Sep, 18
Van Nathan
My suggestion for this event we should change BlackoutRo name to:

FunnyRO - Never trust the Game Master
22-Aug, 18
I suggest filling up some new administerial staffs that are capable in planning and organizing events well, who can make quick and reasonable decisions, and is firm and impartial. No offense to the current staffs, I know you are doing your best.


Here to help
Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess
You lot need to realise you will still get the event credits (150 for the winner) which is a lot more than 450 woe creds in worth anyway.

IF you think this wasn't foreseeable you are living under a rock.

a CL tried to reach out to every guild and obtain their opinion on the event and this is seen below. (taken from the CL chat in discord).

Over the last 3 days or so i have been taking opinions on the agit lord event. I haven't asked everyone on the server, but i did the next best thing. I asked all the Community Leaders and all the Guild Leaders (As best i could, some guild's don't operate with a definitive leader. EG: Triggered says who ever plays prof that day is the leader) The general consensus is for stopping the event where it is. Some people asked for some privacy regarding what they exactly said, so i wont share what was exactly said but here it goes: _(edited)

Cody: Stop the event
Jack: Stop the event
Eina: Stop the event
Cyno: Stop the event
Gurtaj: Has been too busy to play the event, so he feels he can't respond accurately.
Infiltration: Changes in the future required, but leave it running.
Niqve: I couldn't find him to get input _(edited)

Execution/KillDiePie: Couldn't provide anything definitive, but did say that the event does more harm than good because the prize only makes the strongest guild event more absurdly strong.
Egg/Dex: Agree's the event should be stopped.
Agik/Cid/Chuck: Agree's the event should be stopped
Regalia/Stormind: Agree's to the event stopping as long as they still get the prize still (shocking.)
ATT/Jack/Abi: Agree's the event should be stopped
Domino/Kaichu: "What ever wolfie/the staff decides, they don't mind" Triggered: How do you feel about the event taking place right now? - Event is okay. Rules are terrible.

Do you think its positive in general? -It can't be positive until this host will be change. Host is killing most of the players because of lagging. Do you enjoy the thought of playing it for the next two weeks? - In two weeks it'll be a chaos, since when you entered first room and 2 to 3 guild were there spamming despe right away and portal defending and I heard about the guilds merging with other guild just to win this event. Lag is killing the server. If you guys fix this issue about lag in 2 weeks and it'll be great. it's just way too different playing with and without lags. _(edited)

Natives/Slushii: Agree's the event should stop and that the prize was too large. Economic damage ect.
UT: N/A They stopping woeing after the tatot mheal forum fiasco
Fools/Chuck: Agree's the event should be stopped. It's ruining the GvG experience and the prize does more damage than good. _(edited)

This information can be summarized to this: 80% of the CL's with definitive opinions would like the event to stop immediately with the lone one in support of keeping it agree's that the event is flawed. 85% of the participating Guild's/Guilds Leadership have a desire to end the event or have bad things to say about it with one basically going with the flow. 100% of non merged/non competeting guilds WITH opinions would like to see the event end or don't like the event for one reason or another.

I implore the powers at be to reconsider this whole event. I have 4/5ths of the whole server's leadership in agreement that this simply isnt worth it. Regalia deserves some type of prize as they clearly are winning/will win. But beyond that almost everyone has something bad to say or wants it to stop. We all understand and appreciate the effort that went into the event, but when the opinions of those who represent 80~85% of the server come back all in favor of one thing, it would be a diservice to ignore it.

If you actually think getting 150 event credits and 450 woe credits isn't enough for half the event running then having this argument is pointless.

No one else is complaining about it ending aside from you guys which further justifies the decision.
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21-Jun, 16
If you actually think getting 150 event credits and 450 woe credits isn't enough for half the event running then having this argument is pointless.
Doesn't matter if it ends now or a week and a half from now. We all pretty much know who won. The only tier you can argue for is the 2nd and 3rd place because it's fairly close. You can also technically argue for consolation prizes but that's it. Either way just give out the prizes and get over this %#!@ show of an event and actually focus on the real issues of this server. Stop installing yes-men into the staff and get people who are actually in touch with the community.
15-Jul, 16
If your guild just woed for the sake of winning the prizes then too bad. If we look at the other side the real purpose of the event is for guilds to have fun and strengthen their bond. Yes, there has been a lot of factors that disrupted the event like pdef,lag, and broken mechanics. But still If your guild had fun during the event that means you already received the greatest prize an EC cant buy.
21-Oct, 16
I do not mind if regalia will get 150EC
they are the #1 Guild in Agit Lord and they deserve it.
Boost the prize for 2nd and 3rd please
and put some EC on the 3rd placer.
+1 agree with u dex


12-Oct, 16
Classics, Triggered
If your guild just woed for the sake of winning the prizes then too bad. If we look at the other side the real purpose of the event is for guilds to have fun and strengthen their bond. Yes, there has been a lot of factors that disrupted the event like pdef,lag, and broken mechanics. But still If your guild had fun during the event that means you already received the greatest prize an EC cant buy.
+1 TO THIS <3


Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
My friend BoysanTamao Send regards to you..hes said love to bullying you again until hes got ban AHAHAHA
I dont know who are you talking about but I surely loved banning your people :p
18-May, 16
Crimson Kyo
Try to do Clan Wars Campaign during winter time in the global map in World of Tanks NA against some 300+ odd clans all throughout a period of two to three months everyday from 7:00 p.m EST to whenever we could finish (usually around 1-2 AM EST) all for not even in-game cash currency but for the Reward tier 10 tanks that are supposed to be pretty unique also only 2000 people can get a ticket for claiming the tank, so not only did you have to fight against other clans but also you had to fight for a chance to be fielded in the team between your clanmates (teams are only 15 players per battle) usually there were 2-3 sets of battles at the same time but when you lost you had no chance, so you were stuck there without any battles for 30 mins to 1 hour at a time, You couldn't get points and your rank went lower making it less probable to get a reward tank, making you less of a priority to be fielded in your clan. Trust me this event of yours is nothing compared to such a shitty event clans literally die for (also every clan that had a chance to actually even try to participate in this event at least had a good 35-40 people active) I've heard it's even rougher on the European and Russian servers of the game :s
Go back to hentai you fking useless.
Post automatically merged:

Prizes are prizes. Announcements are announcements.

Great decision, staffs. You just made your server down to Maintenance RO again.
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