News: Bunki's Step towards the future

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Former Staff Member
17-Sep, 16
Bunki etc
Hello, my name is Bunki I will be handling anything in-game and on the forums from now and until the future. Going forward I plan to incorporate quite a bit of ideas to get the server moving towards a greater future. I would love feedback as we move ahead to recognize and enhance the changes we release. If you have any suggestions or ideas leave them here on the forums I will be sure to read them! I hope everyone has a wonderful time going forward, and we can all work together as the GM/Devs/Players so make this an outstanding place people want to be.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
All hail overlord Bunki.

Out of curiousity, is this the only staff change foretold in that previous announcement or should we expect or is there going to be farther additions? @Wolfie @Bunki
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Former Staff Member
08-Sep, 16
how anti-climatic, I always had a feeling you'd become a GM with how you handled things when we first played together. congrats bud! /ho


04-May, 16
Blackout Staff
Out of curiousity, is this the only staff change foretold in that previous announcement or should we expect or is there going to be farther additions?
As per two announcements ago, positions will soon become available for application. However, the fact remains that only Community Leaders are eligible to become Game Masters.


Former Staff Member
04-May, 16
I just want to make a suggestion that will probably reduce the amount of toxicity in the server. The reason why Rodney, Dex, and other people became "toxic" is because the sudden changes that were implemented to the server and players were mostly not informed before these changes were made. Also, I don't know why but how come some of these changes didn't get tested? The CLs should've been active in terms of helping test %#!@ before implementation. Don't get me wrong, some of the changes were good but a big majority of them shifted the meta so badly that GVG became very number reliant and also there were times where your guild is just forced to do what other people are already doing because you will just lose if you don't (Stalker strip). Anyways, Here's my suggestion:
Create a forum/discord group specifically for GVG/PVP masters. Or at least just consult good PVP/GVG players before making big changes or even better, invite them to test changes in the test server. This way, you get actual good input about anything related to PVP. Also, some CLs are not PVP players so they don't know wtf they're talking about, so maybe consider recruiting PVP players for first hand input. I remember seeing a CL complain about AD damage and asked for it to be nerfed when it can be easily countered with several strategies. This way, players can have a certain "voice" when it comes to changes. The reason why people were toxic before was because changes were forced into players and our "feedback" were often ignored so some players who really care for the server just share their opinion in a way GMs can't just ignore them (eg. Hashinshin for LoL). I admit I was also one of them when Prof had 100% dispel penetration so I'm no saint. Also, please hire more Event GMs. Don't limit them to the point that they're pretty much "mascots".
Just a suggestion.
Enjoy the wall of text. I'm on mobile so I cant be bothered to put them in bullet points and separate paragraphs.
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Former Staff Member
17-Sep, 16
Bunki etc
I would also love more testing to be done before it hits the live server also, and it is one thing that I plan on getting setup so I can post Test server patch notes and let people test it to see how everything turns out and modify it from there to help improve changes in a more fluid manner. I encourage everyone to help test stuff out after all the changes are pushed into the test server because everyone who tests gets a first hand experience of the new update, but can provide us with valuable information.

I would love for the meta to change every major update in one way or another to change stuff up for everyone. We all know running the same team setup can get boring so this will bring more ideas and thoughts to the table.

I also want to get more content added in to give more things to do outside of PvP and WoE while those modes are unused so everyone has something to do during the time they are logged in.

My main goal at first though is making sure the server gets up as soon as possible and fixing problems along with the improvement of the new player experience.

Overall just stay tune for news because I plan on keeping everyone posted on whats going on and what is planned to give everyone time to adapt and prepare.


Former Staff Member
04-May, 16
Also, if you're planning to nerf a skill, maybe consider adjusting the damage formula instead of the skill delay/cooldown since it feels better that way.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
I just want to make a suggestion that will probably reduce the amount of toxicity in the server. The reason why Rodney, Dex, and other people became "toxic" is because the sudden changes that were implemented to the server and players were mostly not informed before these changes were made. Also, I don't know why but how come some of these changes didn't get tested? The CLs should've been active in terms of helping test %#!@ before implementation. Don't get me wrong, some of the changes were good but a big majority of them shifted the meta so badly that GVG became very number reliant and also there were times where your guild is just forced to do what other people are already doing because you will just lose if you don't (Stalker strip). Anyways, Here's my suggestion:
Create a forum/discord group specifically for GVG/PVP masters. Or at least just consult good PVP/GVG players before making big changes or even better, invite them to test changes in the test server. This way, you get actual good input about anything related to PVP. Also, some CLs are not PVP players so they don't know wtf they're talking about, so maybe consider recruiting PVP players for first hand input. I remember seeing a CL complain about AD damage and asked for it to be nerfed when it can be easily countered with several strategies. This way, players can have a certain "voice" when it comes to changes. The reason why people were toxic before was because changes were forced into players and our "feedback" were often ignored so some players who really care for the server just share their opinion in a way GMs can't just ignore them (eg. Hashinshin for LoL). I admit I was also one of them when Prof had 100% dispel penetration so I'm no saint. Also, please hire more Event GMs. Don't limit them to the point that they're pretty much "mascots".
Just a suggestion.
Enjoy the wall of text. I'm on mobile so I cant be bothered to put them in bullet points and separate paragraphs.
I dont believe sudden change in a video game turns people into racist bigots, but hey... thats just one mans opinion.
As for Rodney, how does sudden changes on a video game make him RMT, be racist, use xRag, use bots and then circumvent the hardware bans after the fact? Please respond, cuz im curious as to your line of thought on this. What is the rationale for this type of behavior stemming from changes in a video game?

PS: There is a system where major changes will be showcased and subsequently voted upon prior to being implemented, which should mitigate the resentment that you're referring to. I'm not sure what liberties i have as far as elaborating, but there is a system being put through that should prevent general dissatisfaction through a type of democratic process.
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Game Master
05-Dec, 16
Ya Boi/King Martin
Get Bunki-ed


Game Master
08-Nov, 16
Classics, Triggered,
I dont believe sudden change in a video game turns people into racist bigots, but hey... thats just one mans opinion.
View attachment 3224
View attachment 3225
As for Rodney, how does sudden changes on a video game make him RMT, be racist, use xRag, use bots and then circumvent the hardware bans after the fact? Please respond, cuz im curious as to your line of thought on this. What is the rationale for this type of behavior stemming from changes in a video game?

PS: There is a system where major changes will be showcased and subsequently voted upon prior to being implemented, which should mitigate the resentment that you're referring to. I'm not sure what liberties i have as far as elaborating, but there is a system being put through that should prevent general dissatisfaction through a type of democratic process.

Don't bash me on this xd.

Llet's look at the "devil's" perspective. My opinion on why he used cheats is because of pride. He was already known to do best on PvPs. I'm sure he can still perform well without cheats. Its just that he craved for better performance, hence cheated.

Botting is a shameful act, ain't going to justify that. Ragnarok needs hella lot of time. So botting is like going against the essence of Ragnarok.
*Looks at benok*

Bi-passing hardware bans. You've played the game for, let's say 5-7 years. You've already developed an intimate love for the game. You already have friends treating you as family. Unending rivalries. Obviously you'd go back to something that gives you mixed emotions. Rodney did this because he loved the game.

(Justifying RMT would be foolish)

Final Suggestion: Plot twist, make Rodney one of the development reviewers. I mean he has freak tons of knowledge. Why not use it for the server? We get something from him and he plays the game?

Sorry for the biased opinions. I just feel like people should understand his side. Thanks :D
15-Jul, 16
Please do check some ideas/possible new content in the old suggestions archive. Esp my casino jk.
I also like the positivity in you and I hope you will remain like that even when the cancer spreads out. About blacklisting players, I am against it because I experienced it myself and It really did nothing because I just hid in a different name and continued playing. So It's not very effective imo.(Not to brag). I am very grateful for the chance that wolgie has given me and I know it feels better to reform a player than continuously hunting a player and making that hatred big. Since you are the new head gm, I hope you will have your own ruling and consider removing that negative blacklist system. I am not saying that we forget what they did and unban them. Let us try to reform them and learn the true reason why they became like that so that we can learn how to handle similar situations in the future. Let us also try to listen to them. Although they cannot express it properly by means of trolling, sarcasm, trashtalks. They just want to tell us something and because we don't listen to them they do sht acts so that they can get our attention. This is just a suggestion and can always be denied. I am not crying for my comrades, I just hate the system.

Anyway, Good luck in handling the server Bunki!

Abolish Blacklist System


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Don't bash me on this xd.
There is no bashing intended, its all constructive imo.
Llet's look at the "devil's" perspective. My opinion on why he used cheats is because of pride. He was already known to do best on PvPs. I'm sure he can still perform well without cheats. Its just that he craved for better performance, hence cheated.
I think we know that people who cheat; rodney or otherwise are doing it because they either have some insecurity about their ability or want to be the best by any means necessary. But understanding the reason why doesn't mean much when the end result is they are having fun at someone else's expense.
Bi-passing hardware bans. You've played the game for, let's say 5-7 years. You've already developed an intimate love for the game. You already have friends treating you as family. Unending rivalries. Obviously you'd go back to something that gives you mixed emotions. Rodney did this because he loved the game.
If he loved the game so much that it was his redeeming quality, he would've at least tried to stay within the rules from the beginning so he could maintain playing it.
(Justifying RMT would be foolish)
Final Suggestion: Plot twist, make Rodney one of the development reviewers. I mean he has freak tons of knowledge. Why not use it for the server? We get something from him and he plays the game?
He hasn't demonstrated through action that he has an interest in making the server better. In fact, he has done the exact opposite. It doesn't stand to reason to put the most notorious rule breaker bRO has had in a position to invoke change.
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Game Master
08-Nov, 16
Classics, Triggered,
There is no bashing intended, its all constructive imo.

If he loved the game so much that it was his redeeming quality, he would've at least tried to stay within the rules from the beginning so he could maintain playing it.
This is what I wanted him to change <3 Its too late now tho


Former Staff Member
04-May, 16
I dont believe sudden change in a video game turns people into racist bigots, but hey... thats just one mans opinion.
View attachment 3224
View attachment 3225
As for Rodney, how does sudden changes on a video game make him RMT, be racist, use xRag, use bots and then circumvent the hardware bans after the fact? Please respond, cuz im curious as to your line of thought on this. What is the rationale for this type of behavior stemming from changes in a video game?

PS: There is a system where major changes will be showcased and subsequently voted upon prior to being implemented, which should mitigate the resentment that you're referring to. I'm not sure what liberties i have as far as elaborating, but there is a system being put through that should prevent general dissatisfaction through a type of democratic process.
I actually know the reason why that started happening and the shitty updates + Dex's input being ignored was also one reason. I don't know if I should say it here since it's more of a "behind the scene" thing which I believe is kinda fcked up so I'll just shut up.

As for Rodney, I didn't know he RMT'd and used cheats but If we're just talking about his toxicity in game, I'd still bet on the fact that whenever they said something constructive about the updates, their opinions were often shut down because I've seen it happen. Also, why else would he keep playing after getting banned several times if he doesn't like playing on the server? I'm sure if you give him and the other people listed above another chance but add a chat restriction or any kind of restriction, they would still gladly play and change their attitude. As long they are given the chance to contribute to the decision making in some aspects of changes (testing updates and offering their opinion) and not be ignored, I'm sure there will be positive changes. I'm not defending them but I'm just trying to figure why this happens. This is just my perspective so I'm sure people will think it's wrong and biased since I'm fairly close with most of these people but this is what I think is ONE of the cause of toxicity in the server. I'm just trying to offer insight on allowing players to have some sort of voice in terms of giving their thoughts on updates in the future.

EDIT: some words. Just woke up can't speak englando.
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04-May, 16
Blackout Staff
Let this be the final thread where people express their discontent with OBT. Once this thread closes, either take it to PMs or let it rest.

To quote a wise man,
Good luck with the re-launch of the server and please start it with a good vibes, so far you guys are doing not kind of good starting it salty sounds bad.
09-Oct, 16
Domino | 2011
Community of Silence
There is no bashing intended, its all constructive imo.

I think we know that people who cheat; rodney or otherwise are doing it because they either have some insecurity about their ability or want to be the best by any means necessary. But understanding the reason why doesn't mean much when the end result is they are having fun at someone else's expense.

If he loved the game so much that it was his redeeming quality, he would've at least tried to stay within the rules from the beginning so he could maintain playing it.


He hasn't demonstrated through action that he has an interest in making the server better. In fact, he has done the exact opposite. It doesn't stand to reason to put the most notorious rule breaker bRO has had in a position to invoke change.

I agree with @Coojo , If Rodney knows and have the skill, why cheat? to be one of the best? All of his followers are piece of sh*t. If they are skill full enough, They should've never cheat.
01-Nov, 16
Hey Bunki, Chuck here. Congrats man.

I would love for the meta to change every major update in one way or another to change stuff up for everyone. We all know running the same team setup can get boring so this will bring more ideas and thoughts to the table.
^Not really. It sure sounds exciting to change the meta frequently on a developer's and viewer's point of view but its mostly not for the old players. I think the player base is kind of divided in a way somewhat similar to this:
New players/Short-time player of old bro/Unskilled players (sorry i have to say it) - they are ok with most changes
Old casual players - they will still play if major changes are introduced but they prefer the old meta
Old hardcore players - they love the old meta. fewer people will play with too much changes (unless the changes are reaaaaally great)
(These are just generalizations btw, i don't intend to hurt anyone's feelings :D)

I'd like to add that most interested players are those in the latter two. I'm not suggesting to keep the old meta, just wanna say if maybe moving forward, the changes are made around it and not to change it entirely.

Anyway, cheers to you!


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Hey Bunki, Chuck here. Congrats man.

^Not really. It sure sounds exciting to change the meta frequently on a developer's and viewer's point of view but its mostly not for the old players. I think the player base is kind of divided in a way somewhat similar to this:
New players/Short-time player of old bro/Unskilled players (sorry i have to say it) - they are ok with most changes
Old casual players - they will still play if major changes are introduced but they prefer the old meta
Old hardcore players - they love the old meta. fewer people will play with too much changes (unless the changes are reaaaaally great)
(These are just generalizations btw, i don't intend to hurt anyone's feelings :D)

I'd like to add that most interested players are those in the latter two. I'm not suggesting to keep the old meta, just wanna say if maybe moving forward, the changes are made around it and not to change it entirely.

Anyway, cheers to you!
I think changing the meta constantly for the sake of something being newer isn't exactly a great idea in and of itself. That being said constant tweaks are required to maintain balance, which in turn makes the game better as a whole. Look at League Of Legends, the game has been the same for as long as i can remember and also changes constantly. Updates need to be implemented... gingerly. Im all for changes to the game that improves everybodys experience. At the same time, i can't personally agree with the notion that constant changes for the sake of keeping things "fresh" will be automatically an improvement. Also, i wanna mention that a lot of the initial incentive for old players to come back is nostalgia. Making drastic changes that disrupt that feeling of nostalgia could have negative effects in relation to who is coming back to play.
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