My Experience In Battle Ground

01-Oct, 18
Hello Everyone I'm Mark New player in the server 3 weeks ago
Am I only One who feels bias in the Battle Ground? Let me know

What is the reason why I said its bias?
All "Pro Players" and "Rich Players" Picking the Same team in BG. then What will happen for those new players?
Sad to say but I could say that it is not fair or its a bias between the game of "New players and Poor players" against "Old Players and Pro Players".
they keep on winning team that makes them Winning Streak or they build Super team.
Now can anyone tell me its not bias? and why?

Why don't I join on winning team?
Yes I tried to join on the winning team as always and that is a good tactics isn't?
sadly in just a blink of an eye the team will quickly be fulled so I have no choice but to choose Auto-Assign and the result is lose.

One more thing, We all Players Dreaming for the titled "Player Of The Month" isn't? but how can we beat an old player without ranking reset back to zero?
Without reset ranking for Player of the Month then can anyone tell me how to beat the thousand winning of an old player? if you're new player in the server?
Sad to say as of now there is 1000 games won + 9993 Players Killed + 7509 games
Stop Dreaming if you're new player in the server with 100 games.

I don't think if GM's will cares about it because they're not playing Battle Ground so they wont experience this thing as I do.
I just want to express my idea and thoughts about the bias happening in the server and I don't think that this server is balance.
25-Aug, 16
Well, if u can't beat them now, then join them...Its ok to eat your pride for a while to farm badges. It's a matter of how fast and accurate you click. But joining in their team does not always guarantee of winning cause if they're strong, there's always stronger...
Last edited:
20-Jun, 17
If your'e new almost impossible to grind and catch up to the geared players unless you know someone who could lend you gears. You can grind 24/7 but its no fun. Mobs have higher hp, Gold drops by chance, No Endless tower, and good luck finding cards when half of the server hunts the bosses you need. You can always donate :D
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Elite Forum Member
04-Oct, 16
If your'e new almost impossible to grind and catch up to the geared players unless you know someone who could lend you gears. You can grind 24/7 but its no fun. Mobs have higher hp, Gold drops by chance, No Endless tower, and good luck finding cards when half of the server hunts the bosses you need. You can always donate


Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
Instances should be a thing here this will help new players a lot tbh.

I tried helping a new player today and yeah mobs have higher hp so his newbie gears wont be able to kill a mob in a single hit.

I had to help him killing few mvp bosses for his weapon cards for some reason he cant even kill one.. inside the room.
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Worker Ant
Server Management Team
10-Sep, 16
Instances should be a thing here this will help new players a lot tbh.

I tried helping a new player today and yeah mobs have higher hp so his newbie gears wont be able to kill a mob in a single hit.

I had to help him killing few mvp bosses for his weapon cards for some reason he cant even kill one.. inside the room.
What job class this player used? lol
23-Nov, 17
If your'e new almost impossible to grind and catch up to the geared players unless you know someone who could lend you gears. You can grind 24/7 but its no fun. Mobs have higher hp, Gold drops by chance, No Endless tower, and good luck finding cards when half of the server hunts the bosses you need. You can always donate :D
donate and make a prof and abracadabra the %#!@ out of it. You defintely get more MVPs that way, specially because regular bosses are free to everybody to kill so even if you camp successfully it does not guarantee you the kill.
22-Aug, 18
I agree with the instances. Aside from BG and AFKing after WoE, we can do this to pass time solo or enjoy with friends.
01-Oct, 18
This Server has a serious problem if they don't fix it. They wont be successful.

-Battle Ground
-Farming Gold
-High HP Mobs
-GM's Ignoring new players concern
-GM's are blind they don't see the Problem

Still no Update? They wont realize it unless they are player too.
15-Jul, 16
Thank you for your feedback.
Please give them time to adjust. The head dev just left and I assume that they are still re-planning the future of the server. (If there's still a future)
Hopefully someone will take over and fix everything


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
This Server has a serious problem if they don't fix it. They wont be successful.

-Battle Ground
-Farming Gold
-High HP Mobs
-GM's Ignoring new players concern
-GM's are blind they don't see the Problem

Still no Update? They wont realize it unless they are player too.
Few questions
1) How can BG be improved? Which aspects/mechanics are not to your liking and why?
2) What's wrong with the current gold farming methods/setup? (I wouldn't have a clue, i haven't farmed gold in well over a year)
3) Which aspect of the market needs to be improved? Is it the value of DC/EC? The removal of Ex items from the DC shop? Please elaborate.
4) When it comes to "High HP Mobs" are you talking MvPs or the typical standard mob? If its the MvP's, i personally prefer the higher HP as before all i had to do was EDP+RSX+Click=Dead. There should be some level of difficulty killing a monster labeled "MvP" IMO.
01-Oct, 18
Few questions
1) How can BG be improved? Which aspects/mechanics are not to your liking and why?
2) What's wrong with the current gold farming methods/setup? (I wouldn't have a clue, i haven't farmed gold in well over a year)
3) Which aspect of the market needs to be improved? Is it the value of DC/EC? The removal of Ex items from the DC shop? Please elaborate.
4) When it comes to "High HP Mobs" are you talking MvPs or the typical standard mob? If its the MvP's, i personally prefer the higher HP as before all i had to do was EDP+RSX+Click=Dead. There should be some level of difficulty killing a monster labeled "MvP" IMO.
1) When joining BG, it should be all random in joining team so all rich and pro players will mixed so BG will be equal match.
2) The Drop of Gold is so low (why by chance?)
3) Unstable Market the value of Ex item and DC changes everyday
4) Too difficult when leveling for new char.
23-Nov, 17
I would say the main issue is the disconnect between DC and zeny, which is not that huge now, but will increase in future.
Basically, you cannot get decent gear unless you have DC, and you can only get DC by selling decent gear. It is caused by a combo of a bunch of long term players all geared up, the way how decent gear can be obtained (for example, BG that happens to kind of need you to be a bit geared up) and so on.

This is a problem in pretty much all high rate servers i've been, so my guess is that there is no trivial solution.

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