I had no idea

19-Oct, 17
Hello everyone! Friends, I had no idea this server was coming back. If I could pinpoint a part of my life I have left behind and miss, it's this server. I'm a bit older and dumber, but I remember all the friends I had back in the day on this server. I doubt any of them are back, but I will be downloading this when I get off work today.

I hope the server is growing and has both new and old people on it. I look forward to hopping on and seeing what's been going on. I have chills just thinking about being back on. This is home for me, and I hope to make the acquaintance of everyone here. I seriously missed you guys and gals like a family. I'll see you fine folks soon!
19-Oct, 17
I came off a bit strong didn't I? I'll tone it back a little. Gotta make sure I only let out small doses of crazy at a time.

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