Dex Reid 02-Aug, 18 37 06-Aug, 18 #2 Hi Loki Welcome to the server Go to this link if you're a newbie.
Hi Loki Welcome to the server Go to this link if you're a newbie.
Cynosure Game Master 08-Nov, 16 367 Phillipines Guild Classics, Triggered, IGN Cynosure 06-Aug, 18 #3 Same here brother <3
Slushii Please review us at RateMyServer.Net 12-Oct, 16 27 Guild Generic, YOLO, Fools IGN Slushii Discord Slushii#0001 06-Aug, 18 #5 Hi
Coojo Sorry Eh? Former Staff Member 03-May, 17 740 Canadia IGN Coojo 06-Aug, 18 #6 Hello and welcome! Only 10 more days!
N Niqve 19-Sep, 16 12 Illinois, USA Guild Royal Club IGN Niqve 06-Aug, 18 #7 We're all in the same waiting room!