Download full file but cannot extract the zip file, unknown file format

04-Nov, 18

i've been download full file on the archive both mega upload and mirror download but seem the file is unknown to my pc. any suggestion on how to extract the file.

it like below prompt window

15-Jul, 16
Try to extract using another archiver like 7-Zip. Also check the file size if its suspiciously low then the file might got corrupted during the download.
30-Nov, 16
Hi, ErgoProxy,

Let's try something out that could be a potential resolution for your problem. This I'm not sure if it's going to work 100 % but there's no harm in trying out the fix. Firstly, go for what duckbenok suggested and download and use a different de-compressor like WinZip and it has to be compatible with the OS you use if it's x86 or x64. Secondly, re-download blackout ro files and make sure it was downloaded correctly to secure a clean copy and confirm that it is not a corrupted file issue. Thirdly, last and a resolution I think you should try is to download and install Visual C++ compiler packages. Those packages are VC9, VC10, VC11, VC13 and VC14. The logic why I asked you to download the Visual C++ compiler packages is because in most cases or almost all cases, games and programs that are built using MVS(Microsoft Visual Studio) require those. Make sure and be certain that what you download is going to be compatible with the OS you are using if it's x86 or x64.

Again, this last suggestion is something I personally haven't tried and is only based from what I understand because I personally had not encountered an issue like yours so I am not 100 % certain if that will contribute to the fix but hopefully, this helps.

Edit: Another option would be to check your security software if it prevents blackout ro files from being extracted.
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Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
First thing i would try is using an alternative extraction tool like 7zip.
If that doesnt work, you could mimic what i did and download the files again from this link HERE. I used that file (the .7z file) and used winrar to extract it.
If for whichever reason that doesnt work, then i would try what Ruskasi said in regards to the Visual C++ compiler packages.

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