ok 4 likes, good enough.
Hello, welcome to my gallery. In these depictions of life-like drawings, you might see some familiar faces or familiar names mentioned. I want you guys to see and feel what these drawings portray, inside and out. In this collection, I want you to observe each intricate lines and curves, it showcases all the emotions felt by the models and hopefully it provokes thoughts for everyone.
I call this piece, ET-is the hotdog. Believe it or not, it didn't take me a life time to complete this piece, i used a basic grid medium to lay this piece. Pay attention to each curves, as they are included to show age. Not just by time but by experiences.
This is called IZ Demon child, I encountered this idea from my guild. We battled this demon spawn from start to finish and it was very inspiring. This resulted me into drawing this scene. The feeling that this should relay is very similar to running through hell, as this guy melts every one in sight.
Desperado is a tricky one, I was tasked with drawing weapons made out of phallic figures that spits out phallic shapes. It was a daunting task but human nature shows the we always come out on top. All it takes is dedication to each strokes and determination to showcase a beautiful picture.
I want to end my number with this piece. This relic is a reminder that a guild full of unwanted imbeciles once lurked the runes of midgard. This member is what remains, a scrawny, ill-shaped dad. He still roots for a guild that doesn't exist. All its members are losers.