Class Guide Coojo's Basic WoE Bio Guide.

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Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Welcome, this'll show you bio EQ and stats for WoE. Items will be listed in order of my personal preference. Poor people won't be accommodated here either as they pots alone price a lot of people out of playing the class effectively. 100M+ a week will be burned through pots/items and scrolls. This is not that indepth as it's only really intended as a generic guide for basic bio. We won't be going through PvP strats and the like due to bios being garbage overall at PvP.

Top: Split/GR Hat/Band/Side - Cards: Bacso/Evil Snake Lord/HW *Split allows u to spam PP w/o flinching*
Mid: 3D's/Robot Ears/Queen Elf Ears - Cards: Bacso/Evil Snake Lord/HW card
Lower: Angeling/Deviling/Retri - Cards: Bacso/Evil Snake Lord/HW card
Armor: Elite Engineer Armor/Darmor/Drobe/Elemental/VA - Cards: GR/Angeling/Dokebi/Bathory/Swordfish/Pasana/Evil Druid/Sandman/RSX
Weapon: +10 Combat Knife/+10Grimtooth/+10 Erde/Guillotine - Cards: Centipede Larva Card for Erde.
Shield: Valk Shield - Cards: GTB/Thara Frog/Maya/High Orc/Mi Gao
Garment: +7 or better VM/Proxy/Normal VM - Cards: Raydric/Deviling/Noxious/Sinx*Put Raydric/Deviling on a proxy*
Shoes: Friccos/Varient/+9Tidals - Firelock Soldier for +9
Acc 1: Angelic Ring
Acc 2: Diablos Ring - Cards: Horong *The accessories options are actually quite varied. Ring of omnipotence is good as well as a few others. This is just what i use*

*Cynosure - For WoE: xBDH is a good switch since that bonus WoF is really juicy. (I personally don't for a reason i listed in a comment below, but it is a valid option)*

Stats are varied by equipment.
Str: Pot are heavy. Get at least 250~300 or you may end up dropping your pots on the floor when opening boxes. I usually do STR last and dump what's left.
Agi: 197 attack speed minimum in quagmire. Do dex first.
Vit: If you have a side, use a grimtooth and robo ears with it and you'll have fun rarely dying. If no DEF redux set, then go with less than 70 i would say. You're a healer more often then not and typically you have a Pali Devoting for WoE. If no Devo, go for more but no more than 120. Be weiry of other bios/thana with more than 70 vit.
Int: High as can be, try to round off with 450+10. That's where im at.
Dex: Dex should be totaling around 200, maybe a bit less.
Luk: 300 total. *INCLUDE YOUR SWITCHING, VA'S GIVE +1, dont let something like that bite you in the bum.*

Humonc: I honestly just stick with Lif. Val can be good, but for WoE the speed is better imo

Speed scrolls. AGI Scrolls/Wind walker
Authority Badges
Firewall Scrolls (For those pesky cloaked people)
Lightning Bolt Scrolls (Valk shield doesnt reduce it's damage)
Firebolt scrolls (For when they have Neutral redux with wind armor)
Acid Bottles
White Potions
BoP/Blue potions
Bottle Grenades
Slim White Potions
Earth Spike Scrolls

Bio's aren't a great PvP class. They are countered relatively easy. WoE is all they're REALLY good at. They are GREAT for WoE.

For WoE, you should Focus on Acid demoing the tankier chars/Healing with PP/FCP. If they don't have GR, they typically will melt after 20~40AD's at most. Stay with your crowd. Broken armors result in getting wiped so remember to maintain that FCP. If you're defending, using demonstration is a good idea to combine with a snipers traps as it will slow them down and hurt them. That being said, all you need to focus on as a bio in WoE is using those 200~300k Soul Link Heals!! Spam them with 3x bacso/Angelic Ring/Erde/Queen Elf Ears and you'll be pumping out health that large groups will find difficult to overcome. Bio strats are basic. You're a support that MAY be able to do heavy damage. Know your role and your guild will love you.

Remember you need soul link to be an effective healer, it will turn potion pitcher into the best healing skill in the game, otherwise it's crappy compared to slim potion pitcher. Be aware.

If i forgot anything out that someone else is aware of, please comment below so we can include it in edits/updated versions. Ty.
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Game Master
08-Nov, 16
Classics, Triggered,
For WoE: xBDH is a good switch since that bonus WoF is really juicy.
For PvP: Getting xPika and Earth Spikes Scrolls are really good too, if your enemy uses wind armor and wind pots resist you can earth spike them instead.
P.S: Great Guide <3


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Added earth bolt, as i use it and forgot. BDH is just another thing to switch. I have enough. It's a completely valid option though, its just that i would rather stick near a prof than add something else in my BM. Will add.


King of Beast
11-May, 16
Scrub bio
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Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Just mad because i won't tell you were tomb's are. And my statement is true, bio isn't be best PvP class. It's not that a skilled bio can't be good, its that someone equally skilled in some other classes will typically be better. It's called relativity. You're being a child, which is kind of ironic considering you called me a kid. We could be friends if you'd chill out and realize its just a game and the point of a game is to win. Especially since there's only one person who's going to win. It's not personal. If u are taking the fact i said you look poor personally because i didn't trust a guy in 2DC of visible gear to give me a VM for showing him the tomb location, then you're just being silly. Have a good day bro, i actually do wish you the best.


King of Beast
11-May, 16
It`s not about the tomb ,
Yea , i asked you about if you know where the tomb , and you answered why should i give it to you + savage Lol
i answered ok,
and then i pmed you because i was gonna give you the location of the tomb but you already have it , and i was planning on giving you VM because you told me that you need it ,
if you just answered my question about how to get rich on the server, but you answered arrogantly again ,
Anyway Happy Farming
See you . ill wait for you to KOS me
07-Nov, 16


Here to help
Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess
Hahahaha holy %#!@ get called out
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15-Nov, 16
And my statement is true, bio isn't be best PvP class. It's not that a skilled bio can't be good, its that someone equally skilled in some other classes will typically be better,

only weakness is macro champ tbh.
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Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
And my statement is true, bio isn't be best PvP class. It's not that a skilled bio can't be good, its that someone equally skilled in some other classes will typically be better,

only weakness is macro champ tbh.
What i was referring to specifically when i wrote this was champ and sinx. And thats assuming that the player skill and equips will be the same or equivalent. I shouldn't have said they were garbage, it was poorly used hyperbole. I was thinking relative to the standard macro champs that you would see playing PvP back in the day. Along with some of those sinxs that have really good ping, can spam SB with authority and control backslide with /bangbang. (something i never got even remotely skilled with) Although there are other classes that can take bio on as well, or at least make the fight interesting. LK comes to mind. Thanks for the comment, i should've been more clear. I wasn't because this was intended as a strictly WoE bio guide.


Once that gets implemented, bios will probably get Pwnt by stalkers assuming i take whats been said there @ face value.
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Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
I don't recommend this guide , Noob guide, Bio's just for woe? Bio is one of the best job in pvp you're just weak on your bio
And look what we have once again, dex just can't keep his mind straight about what he wants to say. Post edit #4.

Would like to point out the previous post again, just because it is contradictory to the current one above. (Assuming he doesn't preform an ol' fashioned post edit again)

Dex, im just going to reiterate 2 points in previous posts i made.
"You're being a child, which is kind of ironic considering you called me a kid. We could be friends if you'd chill out."
"This was intended as a strictly WoE bio guide."

I wish you the all the best. /no1
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Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
noob bio ,
At this point, you're either really upset by what i've said or you're trying to illicit a reaction from me.
I'm just going to leave this here, its self explanatory as to why i don't take you seriously:
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