GVG/WOE Discussion BlackoutRO Post WoE Discussion | September 10th - 16th 2018

19-May, 16
I only WoE'd Friday so I don't have much to share this week. Wasn't even going to make a thread but since it's the first week of rank WoE, a lot of people probably have a lot of feedback. So here we go.

How was your WoE?
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King of Beast
11-May, 16
Great GvG
We are all rivals in bRO. ( Guilds )
But in real life i hope we are all friends and we got no hard feelings for each other.
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16-Sep, 18
It's getting more cancerous. GM should end the Agit Lord Event now because it's not fun. I believe Execution and Untouchables already gave up and it's NOT OKAY 'cus the people especially the NEW PLAYERS might STOP playing in this server because of this cancerous event. It's really frustrating and discouraging to play if your guild can't even get 15 cells away from the portal and regroup to have an ACTUAL GVG inside the castle because of left and right PDEF and SANDWICH. Again, IT'S NOT FUN! Just give the prizes to Regalia now and end the event before people will ACTUALLY QUIT. Events are supposed to be fun. 2 more weeks of cancerous woe. Good luck everyone and TRY to have fun.
18-Jul, 16
except for that mother @#£&-! parascythe. game or in real life. Imma rip him open ahhahaa


Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
It was chaos.. guilds only cares for points and most of the participants are relying on pdef.

Frustrating week and we have 2 weeks left. I hope there are upcoming changes to kill the pdef to have a good GvGs.

Guilds are disbanding or not attending WoE at all.

Agik stopped participating half way on yesterday's woe that's how cancerous WoE is recently.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
WoE has devolved into something that some guilds simply don't play as its seen as futile and the rest simply portal defend in order to get more points. What's left resembles something closer to a subway than WoE. There is something beneficial about this event, namely the total number of people that do participate. But there is definitely a noticeable absence from some guilds as of late, which is unfortunate to say the least.
I believe things would be more positive if:
1) The "Portal Cell" idea in the showcase group was implemented in order to mitigate the current portal def meta.
2) The prize wasn't so absurdly large that it provides incentive to win by any means necessary even at the expense of weeks of enjoyment.
3) The event didn't last so long. Once the result seemed like a foregone conclusion a bunch of players/guilds stopped WoEing all together which seems like the opposite effect we should be striving for.
4) The alliance limit was lower to prevent the end result being attributed to numbers more than anything else which more often than not is the case.

I really do love that events are taking place much more regularly than during OBT when we had months and months go by without a single event, but what we have currently is an experience that degrades with each passing WoE. I want what we all want (i hope); to have fun. That is something that has been lacking as of late. I appreciate the effort that goes into the event, but i can't find many players that look forward to the next two weeks and that is something i find quite concerning.
21-May, 17
Planet Neko
Banco de Neko
Just give the prizes to Regalia now and end the event before people will ACTUALLY QUIT.
+1 just give them the prize already and stop this pointless event.
There are just too much loopholes in terms of balance and mechanics.
Added a 30 guild cap but then suddenly one guild with an extension have members that is half of the server population.
Killing the extension guild does give points. Portal def is still a problem.
It would also be better for those bandwagon members to return to their respective guilds and stop sucking that guilds rooster just to get the privilege to trashtalk and feel strong because you are under that guild.

Bandwagon Member
1. A domesticated player who joins the current winning guild.
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16-Sep, 18
Added a 30 guild cap but then suddenly one guild with an extension have members that is half of the server population.
Killing the extension guild does give points. Portal def is still a problem.
Oh yeah. Here's a screenshot just in case he will deny it, again. ayylmao.png
Even their extension guild is getting points now. hmm

Bandwagon Member
1. A domesticated player who joins the current winning guild.


Former Staff Member
08-Sep, 16
It's really frustrating and discouraging to play if your guild can't even get 15 cells away from the portal and regroup to have an ACTUAL GVG inside the castle because of left and right PDEF and SANDWICH. Again, IT'S NOT FUN! Just give the prizes to Regalia now and end the event before people will ACTUALLY QUIT. Events are supposed to be fun. 2 more weeks of cancerous woe. Good luck everyone and TRY to have fun.
100% agree with this post.

At this point with how the current pdef ""WoE"" (more like non existent gvg) scene is, I've found little to no enjoyment whenever my guild actually participated. This week alone has already killed my personal view on woeing since it feels absolutely useless to even join, despite participating in numerous woes during OBT. Guilds are scattered everywhere. The biggest guild here is flaunting their numbers and continue to sit in their castles to farm up points for the event. I've seen 2 new guilds try and participate last Saturday morning, and didn't really see them after playing for nearly 35 minutes (forgive me if I'm wrong). Your guild wants to move? Good luck trying not to moonwalk across the entire map while your @refresh takes 10 WHOLE seconds to process. Any guild that tries to push faces the sandwich compress. The environment for WoE is extremely messy, frustrating and seriously needs to be addressed as long as Agit Lord continues.
19-May, 16
your guild can't even get 15 cells away from the portal and regroup to have an ACTUAL GVG inside the castle because of left and right PDEF and SANDWICH.

This guy perfectly sums up what WoEs have been like for the last two weeks.
Everyone is too busy hating on Regalia for barely portal defending when Huevo had 2 gunslingers spawn camping 1st room portal half of WoE to farm up points while killing people that are trying to group up with their guilds.

Anyways if you guys enjoy these post woe threads someone else should start making these threads starting next week since I'm probably not going to be WoEing much until the lag is fixed as the current state of the server is not worth waking up at 5am for.


Former Staff Member
04-May, 16
View attachment 3885

This guy perfectly sums up what WoEs have been like for the last two weeks.
Everyone is too busy hating on Regalia for barely portal defending when Huevo had 2 gunslingers spawn camping 1st room portal half of WoE to farm up points while killing people that are trying to group up with their guilds.

Anyways if you guys enjoy these post woe threads someone else should start making these threads starting next week since I'm probably not going to be WoEing much until the lag is fixed as the current state of the server is not worth waking up at 5am for.
Why not call out our guild straight up instead of saying 'Huevo’? The guilds that were portal defending in your SS was Execution. They were the ones who had 2-3 GS not us. And even if we did portal def (which we didn't), it was so that we could regroup since mhealer dies in 1 hit and there were LKs and GS from execution portal defending and sniper keep SSing the portal. We easily wiped your guild anyways so I don't get why you keep bringing up that we portal def even tho we don't lol.
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19-May, 16
Also, we never had 2 GS in a WoE, what are you talking about?

Uno, dos.

Damn chill I never said Huevo is bad. And no I don't think Huevo is a portal def guild I don't know what makes you think that I keep bringing up you guys pdefing because I really don't. I am simply reporting what I saw on last Friday.

Alright I guess calling you guys out for pdefing on my last post was uncalled for. I honestly just wanted to make a post to say that I won't be making any more of these threads since I won't be actively participate in WoE.
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Former Staff Member
04-May, 16
View attachment 3886

Uno, dos.

Damn chill I never said Huevo is bad. And no I don't think Huevo is a portal def guild I don't know what makes you think that I keep bringing up you guys pdefing because I really don't. I am simply reporting what I saw on last Friday.

Alright I guess calling you guys out for pdefing on my last post was uncalled for. I honestly just wanted to make a post to say that I won't be making any more of these threads since I won't be actively participate in WoE.
DW man no offence taken. I admit that I was mistaken. We did have 2 GS due to me being AFK for 20-30 mins during that woe and the other GS was there to cover my absence. Just wanna emphasise that we don’t portal def since other guilds think we actually do it and they think we go most of our points from it.

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