Question Abracadabra Class Change question

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23-Nov, 17
Well, basically, what level of abracadabra do you need to get class change skill from it?
23-Nov, 17
I wonder if there is any abracadabra efficiency study, and if no, if anyone is interested in running one


05-Dec, 16
Ya Boi/King Martin
For a more technical explanation,

The levels of Abracadabra represents the skill level you're going to be casting, but you're not going to cast any skill higher than the max level given to players. For example, if you were to cast Abracadabra level 6 and you get Land Protector, you're to only cast Land Protector level 5. However, if you were to use Abracadabra level 1 and you were to get Land Protector, then you're going to be casting Land Protector level 1. Also, the skills that aren't normally obtainable by players requires a certain level of Abracadabra. Here a list:

  • Skills that requires level 4:
  1. Monocell - Transform monsters to Porings.
  2. Orcish Face - Changes your face to a goblin/orc face.
  3. Questioning - Nothing.
  4. Gravity - Nothing.
  5. Instant Death - Reduces your own HP to 1.
  6. Coma - Coma yourself(Reduces SP & HP to 1)

  • Skills that requires level 6:
  1. Fortune - Gain very little zeny based on the target's Level.
  2. Summon Monster - Summons a random Dead Branch Monster
  3. Tame Monster(Disabled in Loki) - Attempts to tame a monster(100% chance to fail if the monster's egg doesn't exist)

  • Skills that requires level 8:
  1. Class Change - Change a normal monster into a random MvP from the Bloody Branch list.
  2. Death - Instantly kill someone.
  3. Full Recovery - Full recovers your HP and SP

  • Skill that requires level 10:
  1. Level Up - Levels you up.
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23-Nov, 17
Some preliminary results

I used abracadabra lv 6 (will go all the way up to 10) 5000 times.
Out of those 5000, i got the following:

  1. Monocell: 19 times
  2. Tame monster: 29 times
  3. Fail: 0 times
  4. Me being a dummy and mis-clicking when getting a ????: 2 times

So a total of 50 ocurrencies of ???? out of 5k tries.

Conclusions for lv 6:

  1. the probability of ???? is 1% (more precisely, it is something between 0.7% and 1.3%)
  2. The probability of taming a monster once you get ???? is around 60%
  3. Although i did get fails previously when taming, it did not happen on this experiment. I wonder if the failure could be related to human factor, or to the mobs you are taming - to avoid errors here, I only tried to ???? "easy" mobs, ones that stand still, dont knock me back, dont spam skills like mad, and also avoided minibosses. A hypothesis is that the fails could be related to misclicks (for example, mutant dragonoid moves to attack and i see how you could click on a wrong spot depending on the phase of its movement, stuff like that)

Halfway through lv 7 now, so maybe more results soon-ish
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05-Dec, 16
Ya Boi/King Martin
Although i did get fails previously when taming, it did not happen on this experiment. I wonder if the failure could be related to human factor, or to the mobs you are taming - to avoid errors here, I only tried to ???? "easy" mobs, ones that stand still, dont knock me back, dont spam skills like mad, and also avoided minibosses. A hypothesis is that the fails could be related to misclicks (for example, mutant dragonoid moves to attack and i see how you could click on a wrong spot depending on the phase of its movement, stuff like that)
From what I know, if you cast the "????" on mob A then cast the "Tame" spell on mob B, it would always fail.

"Class Change" skill would also fail on minibosses, but this one is just a theory. A game theory. xd
23-Nov, 17
From what I know, if you cast the "????" on mob A then cast the "Tame" spell on mob B, it would always fail.

"Class Change" skill would also fail on minibosses, but this one is just a theory. A game theory. xd
Yep, pretty sure that happens, or when you cast ???? on a mob, and then do the second click on empty, or when you dont click a mob.
Before the experiment though, was not entirely clear, as i´ve seen quite a few people suspecting that the fail was inherent of the skill, so every time you casted the ????, there was a % chance to fail.

Btw, if there are any questions related to abracadabra, poke me because can totally test whatever out of the 5k for each level.
23-Nov, 17
Lv 6:
chance of ????: 0.7 - 1.3%
chance of capture monster: 0.4 - 0.8%

Lv 7:
chance of ????: 0.6 - 1.2%
chance of capture monster: 0.4 - 0.9%

Lv 8:
chance of ????: 0.9 - 1.6%
chance of capture monster: 0.3 - 0.7%
chance of class change: 0.1 - 0.4%

there seem to be no statistically significant difference between lv6 and lv7 abracadabra
Lv 8 is bad for taming, makes all sense either have 2 profs or reset skills a lot

lvs 9 and 10 i suppose will come after the break =)
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04-May, 16
Blackout Staff
Yup, the higher level you go, the more skills become available to you, therefore you should only use the minimum required level for the skill you need :p
23-Nov, 17
Yup, the higher level you go, the more skills become available to you, therefore you should only use the minimum required level for the skill you need :p
Yep, thats expected. But then there could be some pesky maths outside that too, such as increase / decrease the probabilities of the skills depending on level.

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