honestly tsuki best meme woe guild pls join Xdgeffen woe last night
cya'll next 2 weeks
First of all, welcome back! If there's anyway you can or have a discord, feel free to pm me so I can send you the guild's sever link and talk about some other guild related stuff.I am a High Wizard, recently came back to Blackout RO.
Would like to join a guild.
"alright everyone! For stretching, we are going to do the uhh... 15, uh.. pelvic tsugis..?"No no no it means to thrust.
Tsugi numba 1I returned a year ago for like a few months and I joined this guild for WoE and tbh this guild is amazing. If you stay with them and treat everyone with respect you will be helped if you're really under equipped
it’s nice seeing you again!I returned a year ago for like a few months and I joined this guild for WoE and tbh this guild is amazing. If you stay with them and treat everyone with respect you will be helped if you're really under equipped
Of course I would like that!it’s nice seeing you again!if you’d like to join our group of guildmates again under a different guild name then please let me know!