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  1. Ruskasi

    call humu problem for Bio

    What exactly did the error say?
  2. Ruskasi


    File a ticket through this link.
  3. Ruskasi


    Hi, Please file a ticket.
  4. Ruskasi

    i need help with backup my account

    You can file a ticket through:
  5. Ruskasi

    i need help with backup my account

    Hi, you can reset your password through the control panel. Log in and go to the account management section and select the change password link right below the >>viewing account text.
  6. Ruskasi

    Old but newbie.

    /bo. Welcome back.
  7. Ruskasi

    I'll be in your care.

    /bo. Welcome.
  8. Ruskasi

    Newbie in town!

  9. Ruskasi

    Mac OS installation

    Hi, kiantiongson, Here are possible, probable, feasible, and convenient ideas and resolves that you may opt to try for your issue: 1. Download and install VMware fusion 7 so you can run windows alongside your Mac operating system and run RO through that Windows-based operating system. VMware...
  10. Ruskasi


  11. Ruskasi

    npc that can be entered once a day?

    To add to my previous post, as far as I have been informed, advised, and briefed, the development of the Endless Tower instance is currently a work in progress.
  12. Ruskasi

    Question npc for once a day dungeon?

    Hi, babyang, Welcome back to Blackout RO. The server offers the following quests that you may opt to accomplish: Nidhoggur's Nest Quest:'s_Nest_-_Onward_to_the_New_World The Sign Quest: And 100+ headgear NPC quests...
  13. Ruskasi

    npc that can be entered once a day?

    Hi, babyang, Welcome back to Blackout RO. The server offers the following quests that you may opt to accomplish: Nidhoggur's Nest Quest: The Sign Quest: And 100+ headgear NPC quests...
  14. Ruskasi

    Solved Incan samurai card has Bug !!!!! very long time

    Hi Aries, It is understandable that the idea/concept is something you are not familiar or comfortable with, Aries. Based on iRo Wiki, Incantation Samurai card / Samurai Spector Card is defined as a card that "Bypasses" Defense. That means, the damage output of the aggressor who is endowed with...
  15. Ruskasi

    Download full file but cannot extract the zip file, unknown file format

    Hi, ErgoProxy, Let's try something out that could be a potential resolution for your problem. This I'm not sure if it's going to work 100 % but there's no harm in trying out the fix. Firstly, go for what duckbenok suggested and download and use a different de-compressor like WinZip and it has...
  16. Ruskasi

    Downloading the game

    Hi, escopetita, Let's try something out that could be a potential resolution for your problem. This I'm not sure if it's going to work 100 % but there's no harm in trying out the fix. Firstly, go for what Bunki suggested and download and use a different de-compressor like WinZip and it has to...
  17. Ruskasi

    Good evening :) !

  18. Ruskasi


  19. Ruskasi

    Hi, MSO
