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  1. yingtao

    From the Staff The Glory Days Return: A Discussion

    what is there to contribute. :O
  2. yingtao

    blackout ragnarok online

    the amount of %#!@ posting that goes on around here still amazes me.
  3. yingtao

    News: Recruitment Drive

    Good luck to everyone ;)
  4. yingtao

    Hey, i'm still on the graphics team, so if you need anything whipped up, just message me on...

    Hey, i'm still on the graphics team, so if you need anything whipped up, just message me on discord. 4doz#2654. I'm always free during 4pm everday EST time.
  5. yingtao

    Woohoo, this is so nostalgic.

    Hi! Zeighart pops in every once in a while, and sadly Damascus left when he announced his departure those many many years ago. :(
  6. yingtao

    News: Important Server Announcement - Please Read

    Step 3. Don't listen to the %#!@ posting trolls.
  7. yingtao


  8. yingtao

    I have to say goodbye

  9. yingtao


  10. yingtao

    Hello, somewhat of a newbie

  11. yingtao

    This image is CURSED

    this is my new kink
  12. yingtao

    HELP! very low fps

    I have a similar build but don't experience lag, try defragging some %#!@, or just mess with the setup, make sure it's selected to your gpu and try turning /effect off. i play with /effect off and /lightmap off
  13. yingtao

    I have to say goodbye

    love you dude, always had mad respect for you. hope to hear from you soon, i know how it can be at times. just keep your head up and keep trucking, thank you for every opportunity you've given me, as well as the people in this community.
  14. yingtao

    News: Lag and Us!

  15. yingtao

    GVG/WOE Discussion Agit Lord I

    Well hell yeah!!!
  16. yingtao

    Where do you play?

    Florida, USA