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  1. Wolfie


    Yahoo! Wb.
  2. Wolfie


    Wb CJ long time no see. Still 13 years old? yea nah
  3. Wolfie

    Count 1 to 1000

  4. Wolfie


    An old Anomaly person!
  5. Wolfie

    Post what you're listening to

    Came out two days ago and haven't been able to stop my eargasms.
  6. Wolfie

    Count 1 to 1000

    something's been skipped along the way, this is 80 now. btw your dp radiating swag
  7. Wolfie

    Count 1 to 1000

    79 i love
  8. Wolfie


    Leene you're a sucker for cute looking things /heh
  9. Wolfie

    Post what you're listening to

  10. Wolfie

    Post what you're listening to

  11. Wolfie

    GVG/WOE Discussion who is your top 1 GvG guild and top 1 PvP Guild

    Denis (@Luminate) is insecure about other Paladins being better than him.
  12. Wolfie

    Internet speed

    The NPN - National Potato Network.
  13. Wolfie

    Abuse the poster before you

    You are a weaboo who needs to give up on a terrible anime which only airs 40 filler episodes a year.
  14. Wolfie

    Post what you're listening to

  15. Wolfie

    Internet speed

    Can download at 800kb/s. Or 720p on Brazzers.
  16. Wolfie

    Count 1 to 1000

    nu fail that was 76, now this is 77
  17. Wolfie

    Count 1 to 1000

  18. Wolfie

    Post what you're listening to

  19. Wolfie

    GVG/WOE Discussion who is your top 1 GvG guild and top 1 PvP Guild

    I wonder what @needle has to say about this.
  20. Wolfie

    Count 1 to 1000

    this is starting to get tough and we're only at 71