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  1. CyPotter

    Hi Chz here

    Reuniting with your old guilds really sounds fun.. but why not try something new? A taste of meeting new people, creating new memories and coming out of your comfort zone sounds interesting too.. Meet me in amatsu.. btw i'm using [Bio] Skylar hope to you soon.. :D
  2. CyPotter

    Back at it again after 6 years

  3. CyPotter

    From the Staff RateMyServer.Net Listing

    Maybe, because of player dissatifaction? I don't know exactly.. besides we cannot control the way people think as well as what other player people might post on ratemyserver. It's just my opinion..
  4. CyPotter

    Hi :)

    Hola! Me llamo Cy. ¡Bienvenido a casa! See you around..
  5. CyPotter

    Hello!! Chloe here

    Hi there.. welcome home..
  6. CyPotter

    Yooo Blackout!

    Welcome home.. hope to meet you soon in amatsu..
  7. CyPotter

    Hi Chz here

    Welcome back.. hope to see you around..
  8. CyPotter

    Day 247 of 365

    You can’t have clear vision of tomorrow thinking of yesterday. Living in the past will not help you create the future you want. You cannot get that great life if you aim backwards. Let the past go, learn from it, respect it, but build your own future. Good morning everyone.
  9. CyPotter

    Day 246 of 365

    What are you waiting for? Success comes to those who take action. Success is not a drive through, neither is it a delivery service. It is something you create with daily actions. Build one brick at a time.
  10. CyPotter

    Event Rewards for Subs

    End of discussion for this thread guys. It's already in the hands of the GM if they will put on consideration to this matter. I think I have done my part to not let those little effort gone into waste, let them do theirs. Have a great day ahead.
  11. CyPotter

    Event Rewards for Subs

    Better if you just stated a 5v5 event (with no sub). And not disqualified any team who's not able to complete their line up because they expirience technical difficulties and continue with the pvp with the number of players they have on their team. Some substitute players exerted too much effort...
  12. CyPotter

    Event Rewards for Subs

    This is really sick, I think we better back off with this thread. This is too inconsiderate. There's no more player satisfaction. Lets say it is fair but the thing is this is too brutal for those players who exerted too much effort but have nothing in return.
  13. CyPotter

    From the Staff RateMyServer.Net Listing

    What if someone posted not so good impression about the server? Will they get a punishment?
  14. CyPotter

    Event Rewards for Subs

    I know some other players sacrifices too much for this event. I always ask my teammates and guildmates if they already eat their lunch but they end up saying "we will eat after the event". For me it is too much to skip a meal just to wait for hours on playing a game. But i salute them for their...
  15. CyPotter

    Event Rewards for Subs

    But that's still unfair I think, if all players excert their effort right. Everyone waited for too long, not even eat their lunch on time just to give time for the said event that lasted for at least 2 to 3 hours. So i hope a little consideration will not do any harm with tbe server.
  16. CyPotter

    Event Rewards for Subs

    It's a sad news to know that some players who participated in the event last sunday will not get any rewards due to they are only "substitute player", we all waited for too long to prepare for the said event, and waited for each and every turn to fight inside the arena. But I think that is...
  17. CyPotter

    MEGATHREAD The Screenshot Thread!

    Well, it really brings back memories. Take me back please, even for the one last time. T.T
  18. CyPotter

    Day 245 of 365

    If you are not satisfied with life today. What can you change tomorrow? If you are not satisfied with your life and you keep on doing the same thing tomorrow then you will have the same level of satisfaction tomorrow that you had today. So ask yourself, what can I change tomorrow that will...