Recent content by Rhen

  1. Rhen

    Ah, you've found me LOL

    Ah, you've found me LOL
  2. Rhen


  3. Rhen

    Announce what?

    Announce what?
  4. Rhen

    From the Staff The Glory Days Return: A Discussion

    @ls (LS) it works wonders.
  5. Rhen

    Thanks, babe. :* I will.

    Thanks, babe. :* I will.
  6. Rhen

    Massive Lag Spikes

    If you don't mind can we see the full specs of your new pc.
  7. Rhen

    Massive Lag Spikes

    @Aeruka, what is your monitor's resolution?
  8. Rhen

    Guild Thread Egg Guild

  9. Rhen

    Event: Guild of the Month [March 2019]

    I have sent all the Consolation Prizes to these following players, please bug them for your War Badges. Archipelago: Sesshomaru- Crackheads: Chucknour1sh Defiance: ``Eibi Potato: Akurou Egg: Sinigang Mix We are sincerely apologising for the sudden changes that occurred last GotM Event, I did...
  10. Rhen

    Massive Lag Spikes

    Is it graphics lag (Your whole computer is lagging) or server lag? (only the client is spiking) If you are experiencing graphics lag, then try to lower your game resolution. and if you are experiencing server lag/client window is spiking, try lowering your resolution too and try playing with...
  11. Rhen

    Event: Guild of the Month [March 2019]

    Registration for the GotM Event is now closed. Any registration entries after this post will not be entertained.
  12. Rhen

    Event: Guild of the Month [March 2019]

    What: March 2019 Guild of the Month GVG Main Event Date: March 30 [Saturday] an hour after Yuno WoE. GVG Main Event Time: Server Time [UTC + 0] : 16:00 Philippines Time [UTC + 8] : 00:00 (12 Midnight, Sunday) PART 1 - War of Emperium Event Mechanics: Point-based system. In this month's...
  13. Rhen

    Event: Guild of the Month [February 2019]

    Consolation Prizes has been sent out to the IGNs listed on this thread. Thanks everyone and congratulations to Generic!
  14. Rhen

    Event: Guild of the Month [February 2019]

    Hey, everyone! We're apologizing again for the sudden changes in GotM time slot, to make up for it, the team has decided to make another GvG event covering the 5:00 [UTC], 1PM [+8GMT] time slot. Event schedule was changed due to the power interruption in some areas within the Philippines and...
  15. Rhen

    Event: Guild of the Month [February 2019]

    Notice: Time slot for the upcoming GvG Event has been moved to March 3, Sunday. 13:00 UTC, 9PM +8GMT. I'll be borrowing Sunday's WoE time slot if you guys don't mind. REGISTRATIONS will be closed at exactly 16:00 UTC March 2, Saturday. All late registrations won't be entertained.