Recent content by NigelLee

  1. NigelLee

    Event: November Scavenger Hunt

    IGN: Nigel Lee DISCORD: NigelLee21 TIER: 3 HEADGEAR: Halloween Spirit [23416], Costume Charleston Antenna [20318] alternative, you skipped my post and didn't asked the alternative
  2. NigelLee

    Event: November Scavenger Hunt

    IGN: FRGT-10 DISCORD: Flanj TIER: 3 HEADGEAR: Costume Red Hair 20249
  3. NigelLee

    Guide List of In-Game Commands

    bump! @getstorage “id number” “amount” @storeall id <item id>
  4. NigelLee

    weapons slot bugs

    lunakaligo's slot went down to 3 instead of 4.
  5. NigelLee

    weapons slot bugs

    tooth blade became 1 slotted instead of 4.
  6. NigelLee

    Update: July 19, 2024

    not here, you should make one here
  7. NigelLee

    weapons slot bugs

    dea staff says it have 4 slots, tried compounding 2 other cards and it seems they can't be compounded. thank you~
  8. NigelLee

    weapons slot bugs

    hmm, alca bringer has 4 slots then? or unless i have buggy items? or i am looking at wrong source? it's from renewal. 1717662267 nvm, i seem to missed out on the update on weapons and items rework. sorry for the confusion.
  9. NigelLee

    weapons slot bugs

    Weapons Swords: Platinum shotel (1) Alca bringer (0) Chrome metal two-handed sword (0) Veteran sword (1) Atlas weapon (1) Muramasa (2) Ruber 1handed sword Books: Ancient Magic (2) Book of apocalypse (0) Rods: Croce staff (1) Dea staff (1) Piercing Staff (0) Bows: Burning Bow (1)...
  10. NigelLee

    anyeong! is th GM post for newbie support open? i would like to apply.

    anyeong! is th GM post for newbie support open? i would like to apply.
  11. NigelLee

    Event: 2020 Halloween Screenshot

    NigelLee With Mr. Creeper
  12. NigelLee

    i'm back!

    i'm back!
  13. NigelLee

    Old times never die...

  14. NigelLee


  15. NigelLee

    thank you for the kitty cat! >:D

    thank you for the kitty cat! >:D