Do you like 3rd jobs

12-May, 16
Odds are Even
For me too OP
yeah its OP before that push Ragnarok itself to release a good emulator for it to make them balance. this time 3rd job is not OP like before many changes happening... not all 3rd job skill are allowed on WOE if you play official server you would experience it and try to realize that there not OP... the only solution here is attention on that features...

I play 3rd job server bro but i dont like it at all especially at WoE

2nd job trans more preferable to play (y)

Balance Gaming
yeah we also know that 2nd trans job are way better but for me its kinda boring for now because there are many new 3D game pop up like dota 2, diablo 3, and many more... to overcome this feeling me and my guildies play and try 3rd job to other server thats why we leave Blackout on 2010 and migrated to a dedicated 3rd job server...more balance and preferable to other server and we enjoy it... we suggested 3rd job many times to this server to gain more player and become populated server again like before, because this moment many player like to play 3rd job outside this server to captivate them here... i hope you get my point:)

I think you just like the clothing styles of 3rd jobs
not just only the clothing sprite but even the skill and mechanics of 3rd job, for me they are way better and very fun to play... were bored of playing trans 2nd job because there nothing to discover at all... we play 3rd job because there something NEW to discover stuff and mechanics which is very interesting... and even new card like paladin card, champion card etc etc... its way better to step to the next level and try it, rather than to stick on the old meta and criticize it.. :)

some footage of 3rd job WOE on a private server im playing :D
Last edited:
25-Aug, 16
Professor Romall
I can see how 2nd would get old after a while. I definitely feel like the glory days were all during the 2nd job era, but 3rd jobs are fun in some circumstances. I would be happy without 3rd jobs personally, but dedicated areas for each might not be a terrible idea.
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