Event: Guild of the Month [January 2019]

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Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
Guild of the Month - January:



Greetings, boys and girls!

It is time to polish your teamwork and start preparing your rosters because the Guild of the Month Event is back! Do you think your guild has what it takes to carry the title? Start registering your guild and prove it to the whole community! We are also hosting the 4v4 PvP Tournament; read the details here.

Check out the event details listed below.

What: Guild of the Month

WoE Schedule: January 8th - January 26th

GvG Main Event Date: 26th of January (Saturday)

Main GvG Event Time:
  • UTC: 15:30
  • Philippines: 23:30
  • Canberra, Australia: 02:30 (Sunday)
Guild vs Guild Main Event Mechanics:
  • All guilds are welcome to register.
  • The Tournament will be Single Elimination. (It means once defeated you're out.)
  • Teams will be dispelled upon entering the battle arena.
  • The Map the event will take place on is Warcage. (Map will be open days before the Event for you guys to see.)
  • 10 vs 10 GvG
  • Winner of a match is determined from the Best of 3. For the grand finale, Best of 5.
  • 5 minutes allotted time per round. If exceeded winner of the round will be decided through the number of survivors in their team.
  • Point based system is applied to this Event. All WoE schedules starting from January 8th to January 26th are counted for points. (I'll be using CP to track down and tally the points of the Castle Holders each time WoE ended)
  • 10 points are given to the castle holder at the end of the WoE.
NOTE: Participating in WoE is not mandatory. Your guild is still welcome even if you don't want to participate in War of Emperium.
NOTE 2: All guilds need to register to participate in the upcoming 10v10 GVG Main Event.

10v10 GvG Event Procedure:
  1. Matches are randomized using challonge.com
  2. Guilds know who they play against.
  3. They start using their purchased options.
  4. Matches are remade.
Point WoE System FAQs:
In this event, I will introduce Point Based System WoE. The points from WoE will be used as an advantage in the upcoming GvG Event. Here are the list of advantages you can use during the GvG Event.

  • Free Supplies - 40 points
    • Guilds will be asked if you want to use your "Free Supplies" option before the Match starts.
    • Guild user will be given supplies for their convenience.
      • x300 Box of Box of Pantings.
      • x500 of Elemental Converter of their choice.
      • x300 Cobwebs.
    • Can only be used ONCE in the whole tournament.
  • Pick Your Opponent - 40 points
    • You can freely pick an opposing guild to fight yours. Half of the points will be given to the Guild you picked if they win the Match.
      • If opponent wishes not to be picked, opponent need to pay 40 points and "Pick Your Opponent" guild user will fight the assigned opposing guild. (both losses points at this point. So, pick wisely!)
        • If picked guild don't have enough points, then you don't have a choice but to fight.
        • Guilds who paid 40 points to decline matches won't be able to use "Pick Your Opponent" option anymore.
        • Guilds can only decline a match ONCE in the whole tournament.
    • Can be used only ONCE in the whole tournament.
    • Only applicable during elimination matches.
  • Change Teammate - 10 points.
    • 3 minutes allotted time will be given to your team.
    • Substitute one player and can only be used ONCE every match.
  • Change Class/Job - 10 points.
    • Change your class ONCE per round.
    • Changing Class/Job must be in the SAME account and the Guild.
    • 3 minutes allotted time will be given to your team.
  • Resetting Stats and Skills - 10 points.
    • You can only do this once per round.
    • 3 minutes allotted time will be given to your team.
If you have questions and inquiries about the Point System let me know.

Main Event GvG Rules and Restrictions:
  • Emergency Call is not allowed.
  • All team members MUST be in the same guild.
  • Each team will have ONLY ONE rematch if any member of the team disconnects, after which all matches are final.
  • Teams are allowed to bring in one substitute in the event of missing teammates or technical difficulties.
  • Players MUST play on their own account to be eligible for all rewards.
  • Players found aiding others to play on their accounts for bound rewards will be severely punished.
  • All other GvG rules/mechanics apply.

Substitutes are only entitled to a consolation prize if he/she participates in the match more than the disconnected person. In this case, the substitute(s) will be treated as the 10th person and the disconnected person is treated as the substitute(s).

Player Responsibilities:
  • Participants must follow all the rules stated in this thread. It's your responsibility to read all the guidelines and mechanics before the event matches start.
  • Participants are expected to be respectful to each other.
  • Participants who argue with or fail to follow the instructions given by the Game Masters will result in disqualification.
  • The decision of the Game Masters is always final. If you think you were punished in a wrong manner, file a ticket using the ticket system and the staff will review your complaints.

Event Prizes:

x10 Event Credits

x800 Seismic Converter Box

x800 Flame Converter Box

x800 Frost Converter Box

x800 Box of Panting Box

x800 Lightning Converter Box

Winning guild's flag will be displayed on the BG waiting arena (@go 28) until the next monthly tournament winner is crowned.

This is just a sample NPC flag.

x9 Guild Aura (63300) aka GotM Ring and x1 Guild Leader Aura (63301)
- It gives an aura effect to the wearer.
- Consumable.
- Expires every 30 days.
- Account Bound.


Consolation Prizes (all participants including victors):
  • 500x War Badges
How to Register:

NOTE: Registration of Guilds will be closed at exactly 15:00 UTC January 26, Saturday.


Guild Name:
Party Name:
Member 1:
Member 2:
Member 3:
Member 4:
Member 5:
Member 6:
Member 7:
Member 8:
Member 9:
Member 10
Example format:

Guild Name: Blackout RO Staff
Party Name: bRO Staff
Member 1: GM-Hrist
Member 2: GM-Alphabet
Member 3: GM-Touhou
Member 4: GM-Redcar
Member 5: GM-Wolfie
Member 6: GM-Coojo
Member 7: GM-Deceit
Member 8: GM-Collaboration
Member 9: GM-Bunki
Member 10: GM-Vanish

All details are subject to change including but not limited to rewards, rules and match details.
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Here to help
Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess
Guild Name: Generic
Party Name: b2baby
Member 1: Froud
Member 2: 8man
Member 3: JackewI
Member 4: Idiot Idiot Idiot
Member 5: Granter
Member 6: iMosquito
Member 7: Shura Dai
Member 8: Chucknourisg
Member 9: Smol Sister
Member 10: *Jack-Milo*
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Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
Update: Bad Players guild currently has 50 points, Potato guild have 10 points.

NOTE: These points mean nothing unless you registered your guild here in the thread using the guild you used to earn points during the siege. You only have 2 weeks left.

Do note that "Point System WoE" is always changing and it's not yet final. Please check the first post every now and then. Thank you!
15-Jul, 16
Guild Name: Bad Players
Party Name: BabiChina
Member 1: Esras
Member 2: Flourish
Member 3: Monika IQ Weiss
Member 4: Mikaela Krishna
Member 5: Wala Na Finish Na
Member 6: MotherSariwa
Member 7: SapuRata
Member 10: Aspriqa
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22-Feb, 18
Snow Gust
Guild Name: Potato
Party Name: Racial Slur
Member 1: -619
Member 2: Edited
Member 3: BIake!
Member 4: 54290867599
Member 5: Davshion
Member 6: Get Biased
Member 7: Itlog Ni Rodney
Member 8: iRespawn
Member 9: Exhilarate
Member 10: Itlog Ni Rodney
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Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
Points Update:

badplayers.pngBad Players - 60 pts.
potato.pngPotato - 10 pts.
apostasy.pngApostasy - 10 pts.
Counterfeit - 10 pts.

You only have a week left before the event. Register your guild members asap because I won't be accepting late registrations. PM any moderators to edit your post if needed.
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14-Nov, 18
I'm not on board with the current Free Pass. All wins should be EARNED during the GvG event itself. The whole point of having a separate tournament for GotM was so that two guilds could compete on a level playing field. The keyword here is compete. The two guilds should battle it out to determine a winner. Awarding a win by default effectively makes a match into a BO1, at least to the receiving end of Free Pass. The strength of a BO3 is that its good for being competitive. It encourages teams to play around their match-ups since a loss doesn't necessarily mean they are immediately out of the tournament. Considering that, and the fact that you are running a single elimination tournament here, you are basically saying that with Free Pass there is a possibility that a guild could be out of the tournament in Round 1 just by losing a game once. Seems counter-intuitive when the whole purpose of this was to promote competition, right?
15-Jul, 16
Points Update:

View attachment 4216Bad Players - 50 pts.
View attachment 4217Potato - 10 pts.
View attachment 4218Apostasy - 10 pts.
Counterfeit - 10 pts.

You only have a week left before the event. Register your guild members asap because I won't be accepting late registrations. PM any moderators to edit your post if needed.
BP should have 60 pts by now maybe you forgot to count the one from this Wednesday (Arunafeltz).
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Reactions: Rhen
01-Nov, 16
I'm not on board with the current Free Pass. All wins should be EARNED during the GvG event itself. The whole point of having a separate tournament for GotM was so that two guilds could compete on a level playing field. The keyword here is compete. The two guilds should battle it out to determine a winner. Awarding a win by default effectively makes a match into a BO1, at least to the receiving end of Free Pass. The strength of a BO3 is that its good for being competitive. It encourages teams to play around their match-ups since a loss doesn't necessarily mean they are immediately out of the tournament. Considering that, and the fact that you are running a single elimination tournament here, you are basically saying that with Free Pass there is a possibility that a guild could be out of the tournament in Round 1 just by losing a game once. Seems counter-intuitive when the whole purpose of this was to promote competition, right?
I can't agree more. Not only do i think its unfair, its also unheard of in most competitive brackets. I get that high seeded teams get matched against low seeded teams but even the golden state warriors needs to win a bo7 vs trash tier teams. Not to mention those points are mostly accumulated by normal 15-30 member woes which will completely be a different story should they only have 10 members. There will also be a lot of what-ifs if you just let a bo3 end with a score of 1-1 which will defeat the purpose of determining the best 10v10 gvg team.


Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'll do something about it and make sure to give a fair competition to all participants.

I'll bump this thread if I will do any changes later on and announce it in-game.
14-Nov, 18
I'd like to offer an idea. For simplicity, I'm going to name this idea do-or-die.
Do-or-die forces one (1) additional game in a match. Once the game is played, the result is officially added to the match score.
If this results in a draw, a decider is played. The winner of the match moves on to the next round.

Guild A beats Guild B with the score of 2-1.
Guild B invokes do-or-die.
An additional game is played.
Guild B wins. Result is added to the match score making it 2-2.
Decider is played.
Winner advances to the next round.

This basically serves as a comeback mechanic for the participating guilds.
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Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
I'd like to offer an idea. For simplicity, I'm going to name this idea do-or-die.
Do-or-die forces one (1) additional game in a match. Once the game is played, the result is officially added to the match score.
If this results in a draw, a decider is played. The winner of the match moves on to the next round.

Guild A beats Guild B with the score of 2-1.
Guild B invokes do-or-die.
An additional game is played.
Guild B wins. Result is added to the match score making it 2-2.
Decider is played.
Winner advances to the next round.

This basically serves as a comeback mechanic for the participating guilds.
This is actually a good idea but I can't enforce them like this when the Guild Cap and Alliances isn't yet fixed. I wanted it to be Quantity vs Quantity for the next Month's WoE Point System. I'll be borrowing this option, if you don't mind. This is the first time I am implementing WoE Point System, so feedbacks are really appreciated, thank you guys. <3

and @Cynosure, I'll update the points after this Tuesday's WoE. /no1


Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
Points Update!

badplayers.png Bad Players - 60 pts.
potato.png Potato - 40 pts.
counterfeit.png Counterfeit - 20 pts.
apostasy.png Apostasy - 10 pts.
HallofFsme.png Hall of Fame - 10 pts.
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22-Aug, 18
C r a v e `
Guild Name: Hall of Fame
Party Name: Lomi-Gang
Member 1: Bloody Wound
Member 2: !! Dinnu !!
Member 3: Alpha Bash
Member 4: bum Destroyer - it should be A*s Destroyer
Member 5: l3io
Member 6: iWow -
Member 7: ~S A C R I F I C E~
Member 8: `KissTheWall`
Member 9: Treant Protector
Member 10: Kung Fuet
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Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
NOTE: You only have few days left to register your guild, make sure you're following the correct format.

Player Responsibilities:
  • Participants must follow all the rules stated in this thread. It's your responsibility to read all the guidelines and mechanics before the event matches start.
  • Participants are expected to be respectful to each other.
  • Participants who argue with or fail to follow the instructions given by the Game Masters will result in disqualification.
  • The decision of the Game Masters is always final. If you think you were punished in a wrong manner, file a ticket using the ticket system and the staff will review your complaints.
Points Update:

badplayers.png Bad Players - 60 pts.
potato.png Potato - 50 pts.
counterfeit.png Counterfeit - 20 pts.
apostasy.png Apostasy - 10 pts.
HallofFsme.png Hall of Fame - 10 pts.


Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
Points Update:

badplayers.pngBad Players - 60 pts.
potato.pngPotato - 60 pts.
counterfeit.pngCounterfeit - 20 pts.
apostasy.pngApostasy - 10 pts.
HallofFsme.pngHall of Fame - 10 pts.

Please familiarize yourselves with the Rules and Restrictions of the Event.
Registrations of Guilds will be closed at exactly 15:00 server time, 11:00pm +8GMT. If you need help editing your posts. Kindly, ask any GM and provide the exact IGN of the participating members.
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01-Nov, 16
Last feedback before the thread closes. Maybe we can make GvG events more consistent and rewarding.

To put it into context vs PvP events:
1. The last GvG event was around a year ago VS so many PvP events after launch alone
2. WoE attendance is around 50-100 VS 0-3 PvP players in the PvP room
3. Prizes for GvG are mostly ECs and expiring items VS exclusive headgears + ECs for PvP

We really appreciate the effort in making PvP relevant but i feel like GvG is soooo overlooked.


Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
Last feedback before the thread closes. Maybe we can make GvG events more consistent and rewarding.

To put it into context vs PvP events:
1. The last GvG event was around a year ago VS so many PvP events after launch alone
2. WoE attendance is around 50-100 VS 0-3 PvP players in the PvP room
3. Prizes for GvG are mostly ECs and expiring items VS exclusive headgears + ECs for PvP

We really appreciate the effort in making PvP relevant but i feel like GvG is soooo overlooked.
1. Yes, it's been a while since the last GvG event because reasons, I'm pretty sure you know the reason why, but don't worry we'll have GotM Event every Month. I'll be the one hosting it while Coojo is stuck with his PvP Events.

2. WoE attendance just spiked recently, 2 weeks ago, to be exact. The staff isn't favoring PvP Events, just because recently Pixellius' released the PvP ladder with rewards, but it looks like you missed out the intention of implementing GvG ladder soon.

3. Okay, the reason behind why *I* didn't include exclusive headgear is solely because we just had a PvP Event this month and oh boy, the prizes are quite big. I am trying not to destroy the market community by giving out more event credits/donation credits. There will be adjustments with GotM Events in the future and one thing I can assure you, the prizes are one of them.
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