News: Current Status and Staff Recruitment

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Lover of Woman
Former Staff Member
Hello! It's been a while.

As you may or may not be aware, there have been some developments behind the scenes here lately. Specifically, our longtime administrator Wolfie decided to take a leave of absence for personal reasons. He's worked tirelessly for the server from the very beginning of the rebuild, and we hope he'll someday return in some capacity, but for now we've got to continue on without him.

Doing this is easier said than done, however. Wolfie was responsible for a great many things in the server, including maintaining certain backend items, scripting, coding, running events, and dealing with tickets. He took an unusually large amount upon himself, and while it allowed the rest of us to moderate the work we did, it clearly took a toll on him. I'm partly responsible for this, but I'd say it's probably also due to a general hesitation to delegate matters. This has been a problem with BlackoutRO from the beginning, and while it's improved somewhat in the rebuild era, neither Wolfie nor I have been great about sharing responsibilities.

That being said, right now the staff's number one priority is to train people up to fill the various jobs that Wolfie is no longer able to do. In order to prevent this situation from happening again, we're going to spread the work around more this time. To that end, we're going to be promoting some of the current staff in the coming days. At the same time, we're currently bringing on new people for jobs that need to be done. Here's a list of areas that we're looking for people to help out in:
• ability to interact with players and help people ingame
• community relations on forums, Discord, and Facebook
• scripting
• source coding

If you want to help out and feel like you have something to offer the server, or if you're willing to learn something new, let me know via PM! And please bear with us as we readjust to these staff changes. It's taking time, since a number of us are having to get up to speed on certain things while teaching others what we already know. Thanks for sticking with us this far!


P.S.: If anyone has any suggestions for new (and simple) event types, please post them in this thread. There's no reason you guys should sit around twiddling your thumbs ingame while we sort things out on the backend. Since we're going to be promoting staff to GM status, it's a good time to experiment with new event ideas.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
I hope we have some knowledgeable/passionate people out there who want to help make bRO as good as it can be. It'll be good to have some extra support, manpower and knowledge!

(Yes, i stole that from Wolfie)



Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
P.S.: If anyone has any suggestions for new (and simple) event types, please post them in this thread. There's no reason you guys should sit around twiddling your thumbs ingame while we sort things out on the backend. Since we're going to be promoting staff to GM status, it's a good time to experiment with new event ideas.

Here are some event's that i have seen taken place already so people know which ideas may or may not be new.

Crack the pub - A locked chat box is made by the host and the first person to guess/deduce the password wins.
Hide and Seek - Event host hides, players seek. First to find the host/respond with coordinates wins.
Free For All PvP - Last man/men standing win.
Zombie Survival - Level 1 players avoid death via zombies and last man standing wins.
Bombring Event - Avoid Bombring explosions and (you guessed it) last man standing wins.
Mob Loot Event - A few thousand mobs are spawned in, some holding goodies. Kill them (while using @autoloot) and claim the prizes.
GvG - Guilds/Groups battle it out and the victorious guilds come out with guild/group wide prize.
Mob Invasion - MvP's or other highly valued mobs all "invade" a map, players hunt and kill them for their regular loot.
Taming Event - Rare mobs that are valued as pets are spawned into a map that are available for capture via the Abracadabra skill. Think soccer balls, pourings and piamettes.
Scavenger Hunt - Players are given a list of items to hunt and the first to bring the correct items in the correct amount wins


New ideas (I think)

The host will use some way of increasing movement speed. The host will then run around and avoid players while they chase and try to deal the host. The first player to deal the host wins!

"Find the ID"
The host will wear item(s) or change into a mob and the first person to PM the correct Mob/Item ID(s) win!

"God Mob Invasion"
A mob that is incredibly powerful (think Ifrit on crack and steroids) is spawned in carrying a single hefty prize for the server as a whole to battle over. (Might be less simple than the two above as far as implementation. Still, i think it would be fun to have the whole server attempt to defeat something immensely powerful)

"Double or Nothing"
After a player has won a prize for a select event, the host could provide an option to /dice the host as a double or nothing bet on the current prize. (Within reason, making sure to not effect the economy in a negative way or over reward an event that did not require much effort/time)

Example: Player "Jim-bob" has won 30MGC from a zombie survival round that took much longer than expected. The host being gracious and understanding knows that our player "Jim-bob" may deserve more than what was initially promised for said event. The host could offer to use the /dice emote at the same time as "Jim-Bob" wagering the prize he has already won in order to potentially double his winnings (If he rolls higher) or losing what he has won (If he rolls lower)
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King of Beast
11-May, 16
24-Aug, 18
Hmm make mvp cards (ex: sniperc, hpc etc) quest item for some headgear on server hehe. So ppl will be active on boss hunting. And also make majora summon again in prontera hehe and give different prize like mgc or hunter token
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23-Aug, 18
I have a NEW IDEA (For Events)

The Dice Clash(Easy Difficulties)
Everyone will try to beat a Game master or the Host on 1on1 basis and only winner players will received 1MGC or 1 Donation Credit, after that all winner will be up against each other to 1on1 basis and player vs player dice by elimination process and the winners will up against a host again or a GM vice versa and win again 1 Donation Credit until 1 person survival all Clash dice alone and in last part of battle will be GM vs Player for 1 Event credit.. Everyone will be happy because they will win MGC ,DC , EC.

Follow the Leader Event(Easy Difficulties)
Everyone will be novice level 1 with no buffs and agi potions and all speed potions will be disable and in 1 map everyone will keep running until they got the MVPS cards or ex items depend on the mood of Game master or Host from the name Followe the Leader, novice will follow all the footstep of the host and the host will drop items, All players will be following him until 5mins or depend on the mood of the Host.

Kill a GM(Hard Difiiculties)
Everyone will arrange a party with 12 members or 10 members depend on them and Game master will try to run and ninja moves and Game Master will be running for the whole 1 minute range , people will try to kill a GM and Game master will try to cloacking or hide or all ninja moves he will think of, then if 1 party will failed to gm the consolation price will be 250 Battle Ground Badge for winners will be 600 or 800 or 1 ex items for Battle Ground Badge.

I'm hoping to implement my idea's someday Thanks.. its me The Paladin ~JEX~
Thanks guys for reading this.
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