Suggestion Server Dying Because of Neglect

07-Oct, 18
Server is obviously not getting any progress and slowly dying.
This is what happen when server rely too much on 1 person and when that person gets mental issue the whole server is paralyzed.

Signs that Server is Dying:
-Population stuck at 200~
-No new content/updates
-Poor server management
-Poor server planning
-Poor staff-player relations
-Dry PVP
-Boring WoE

These are just some of the obvious signs that the server is being neglected.
I pity the donators who expected too much from this server.
I guess the donation money went with the vacation allowance of the staff.
As a donator I deserve a playable server that is worth my time.

Players requested to change host because of lag but no action.
A lot of players are currently unaware of the situation because you feed them with lies that everything is going well
but in reality you dont know what to do now wolfie is gone. Just tell us if you plan to close the server within 6 months or what are your plans in the future. Next time make all GMs undergo psychiatric test,physical test, and all the damn tests before you let them handle the server. What its our fault now why wolfie got depressed and the server left paralyzed?

Whats your next Move?
22-Aug, 18
This server needs a team. And a team composes of the server's owner/s, multiple admins and developers, multiple GMs and multiple representatives from the common players. When I say multiple, I mean a lot. So there will be enough people to see to it that this server goes on and functioning when 1 or 2 members of the said positions quit, rest or go on vacation. You can't handle this server alone. Many people love and treasure this server as much as you do. No man is an island.
But if you decide to close this server any time soon, just inform us. And as a donator, I demand a refund of atleast a portion of what I donated. I deserve a refund for loving this server too much.

Edit: I am not using a VPN nor am I hiding through another account. I am really a player from Qatar, a donator. and these are my true sentiments.
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Server Management Team
12-May, 16
Fife, Scotland
Blackout RO Staff
Difficult to take someone seriously while they are hiding behind a VPN and throwing false statements around, but here goes:

Lack of updates are due to several factors, one of which was completely out of left field. As it stood there were 2 people who could implement updates, one has quit, and the other is currently on vacation. That means the rest of the team's hands are tied, including mine, as contrary to popular belief, I am not an admin, nor do I have sufficient access to perform any updates.

As far as server performance (lag etc.) is concerned, steps were in motion to migrate to another host, but how far along this got, I have no idea.

I admit there has been a lot of bad timing here, vacations for one, but to suggest that we're burning through donations to facilitate said vacations is downright offensive. Maybe that's what used to happen (there is such a story floating around from years ago), but it sure as hell doesn't happen now, all donations are put into the running costs of the server, we take nothing financially from it. Of course, if you have evidence contrary to this, then feel free to share it.

I realise this is not the post you are hoping for, but this is much as I know. redcar will be back next week, only then can things start to move forward.
22-Aug, 18
If you are refering to me, I am not using a VPN nor am I hiding through another account. I am really a player from Qatar, a donator. and these are my true sentiments.


Server Management Team
12-May, 16
Fife, Scotland
Blackout RO Staff
If you are refering to me, I am not using a VPN nor am I hiding through another account. I am really a player from Qatar, a donator. and these are my true sentiments.
I was referring to the person who started the thread.
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Former Staff Member
21-Jul, 16
I guess the donation money went with the vacation allowance of the staff.
I can't help to notice how darkly amusing it is to see you trying so hard to reclaim some sort of grandeur, styling yourself as "the chosen player" who is out to save everyone else from this "dying server" when your allegations were nothing but a bunch of hogwash. Look, there's no denying that the server needs some updates as it is but that doesn't mean you can just spew baseless accusations such as the money collected from donations were pocketed by the staff for personal use. If you're going to portray yourself as a paladin that will carry everyone's burden, then at least don't forget to carry your brain too.

Normally, I would let things like this go since I respect everyone's right to express their own opinions. However, yours is just full of unjustifiable exaggerations that creates false negative perceptions that seem to paint a dreary picture over those players who are hoping for some improvement. This is not to say that the server doesn't have issues but you don't just spout claims without basis as it will just lead to misinforming other people.
07-Sep, 16
Some pointers to people who open their mouth before speaking or in this case start a pretty redundant thread topic to get only some sort of attention to pressure the staff.

#1 Stop being a baby
#2 It's a donation, not a purchase you're not entitled to a refund it's pretty self explanatory
#3 If you were the one suffering from depression I bet you would do the same for your own sanity. Please don't be an asshole trying to mend something you aren't familiar with.
#4 If you think this is all fun and games and try to be a troll I can tell ya it isn't gonna work and instead you are making yourself a bigger target to the people who run the server.
#5 Stop being a conceited person, the world doesn't and will never revolve around you.
07-Oct, 18
, but it sure as hell doesn't happen now, all donations are put into the running costs of the server, we take nothing financially from it. Of course, if you have evidence contrary to this, then feel free to share it.
Thank you for the assurance. I appreciate the reply and I will look forward to the next updates.

@Vanish @Flames2Live
You and You can STFU. May I ask you both what have been your contribution in this server?
Go back to your AFKing and your World of Tanks.

Thank you.
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22-Aug, 18
Flames, please stop being a troll yourself. If you want to flame the maker of this thread then go ahead. As a medical professional, I can say that Wolfie's issue is serious and he needs to rest. And as for the thread maker's allegations about the staff using the donations for vacation was totally uncalled for, and pretty libelous. But commenting something about looking for attention and not atleast inform the donators like me about the situation of this server is unacceptable behavior. I am just asserting my rights. If you don't have anything good to say other than these, then please stfu and let the professionals handle this. Kid.
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King of Beast
11-May, 16
its kinda funny when people try to act smart even though they do not play bRO, #discordplayer


Elite Forum Member
12-May, 16
Thank you for the assurance. I appreciate the reply and I will look forward to the next updates.

@Vanish @Flames2Live
You and You can STFU. May I ask you both what have been your contribution in this server?
Go back to your AFKing and your World of Tanks.

Thank you.
Haha world of tanks is garbage game ever. Better bro then that..
Always all player of bro is afk 24/7 like me haha.


King of Beast
11-May, 16
hogake moves for GM
20-Sep, 18
*eats hot buttered popcorn* *takes a sip of 7-Up* *has another hand of hot buttered popcorn*
07-Sep, 16
its kinda funny when people try to act smart even though they do not play bRO, #discordplayer
One does not need to play bRO to have a higher IQ than the average bRO player. So it's kinda funny when people think they outsmart others.
Haha world of tanks is garbage game ever. Better bro then that..
Always all player of bro is afk 24/7 like me haha.
You're right World of Tanks is a %#!@ game, but it can't compare to how crappy bRO has become and how immature and toxic the community can be as soon as a little pebble on the road shows up on the path.


King of Beast
11-May, 16
24-Aug, 17
Dear John
One does not need to play bRO to have a higher IQ than the average bRO player. So it's kinda funny when people think they outsmart others.
How exactly are you affected by this when you're not even playing the game? I don't see your point here about having a higher IQ. Here's some pointers about your pointers.

#1 Stop being a baby
-Pretty sure everyone has the right to express their opinions, especially when the server just recently re-opened, and with the sudden news of Wolfie. Frustrations (or what you call "being a baby") are inevitable.
#2 It's a donation, not a purchase you're not entitled to a refund it's pretty self explanatory.
-It's true that it is a donation, but more likely people expect their donations to go to good use or actually see it being used on the server for the better.
#3 If you were the one suffering from depression I bet you would do the same for your own sanity. Please don't be an asshole trying to mend something you aren't familiar with.
-I agree with you on this, however you can't really blame the person, since it looked pretty much that wolfie was the only one doing progress on the server, and now that he's off, what else do you expect? A good feedback? A kudos that Wolfie's gone, and the server's back to the "dying" stage again?
#4 If you think this is all fun and games and try to be a troll I can tell ya it isn't gonna work and instead you are making yourself a bigger target to the people who run the server.
-How is he a troll? It looks more like you're the troll here.

If you indeed think you have a "higher IQ", please do give your answer on how to avoid or stop redundant "thread topics" like this issue when nothing is being shown that it's being tackled? If you do not have an answer that would suffice the majority of the bRO players actually playing, then stfu since you don't even play the game.


Former Staff Member
08-Sep, 16
Some pointers to people who open their mouth before speaking or in this case start a pretty redundant thread topic to get only some sort of attention to pressure the staff.

#1 Stop being a baby
#2 It's a donation, not a purchase you're not entitled to a refund it's pretty self explanatory
#3 If you were the one suffering from depression I bet you would do the same for your own sanity. Please don't be an asshole trying to mend something you aren't familiar with.
#4 If you think this is all fun and games and try to be a troll I can tell ya it isn't gonna work and instead you are making yourself a bigger target to the people who run the server.
#5 Stop being a conceited person, the world doesn't and will never revolve around you.
Why is it that time and time again you feel the need to address the entire blackout community if we're a bunch of mindless children. Congratulations, you no longer play the game -- but that doesn't mean there aren't players who've grown to love the server because of the memories they've made. If you don't play the server, stay out of things that you have 0 contribution with. You always come in to complain about how shitty the server is, how in the world are you even a discord moderator if you don't even understand what's coming out of your mouth? Pretty sure we're all agree that Wolfie needed the dire rest away from the server itself and any outside factors contributing to his depression. No one's mad about that, rather the fact that everyone's worried for the well being of the server since Wolfie (Redcar, Bunki, and some others behind the scenes I'm sure) was such a huge contributor to the server. Ever since the announcement was made, the server economy has gone to %#!@ in a matter of days. Everything has come to a halt. I'll admit I'm very curious about the future of the server after all that's happened. I'm pretty sure on the behalf of many, we'd just like more communication from the staff team. Being left in the dark only worries people more, and the random and weird shadow changes should be addressed in the patch notes.

Keep the "oMg I hAvE a HiGh iQ" %#!@ to yourself. If you're not here to contribute constructive criticism without being an fuckwit, please gtfo.


Server Management Team
12-May, 16
Fife, Scotland
Blackout RO Staff
How exactly are you affected by this when you're not even playing the game? I don't see your point here about having a higher IQ. Here's some pointers about your pointers.

#1 Stop being a baby
-Pretty sure everyone has the right to express their opinions, especially when the server just recently re-opened, and with the sudden news of Wolfie. Frustrations (or what you call "being a baby") are inevitable.
#2 It's a donation, not a purchase you're not entitled to a refund it's pretty self explanatory.
-It's true that it is a donation, but more likely people expect their donations to go to good use or actually see it being used on the server for the better.
#3 If you were the one suffering from depression I bet you would do the same for your own sanity. Please don't be an asshole trying to mend something you aren't familiar with.
-I agree with you on this, however you can't really blame the person, since it looked pretty much that wolfie was the only one doing progress on the server, and now that he's off, what else do you expect? A good feedback? A kudos that Wolfie's gone, and the server's back to the "dying" stage again?
#4 If you think this is all fun and games and try to be a troll I can tell ya it isn't gonna work and instead you are making yourself a bigger target to the people who run the server.
-How is he a troll? It looks more like you're the troll here.

If you indeed think you have a "higher IQ", please do give your answer on how to avoid or stop redundant "thread topics" like this issue when nothing is being shown that it's being tackled? If you do not have an answer that would suffice the majority of the bRO players actually playing, then stfu since you don't even play the game.

#2 Sorry, it's still a donation in the legal definition. We always said if things go south, we would donate the remainder, if any, to charity.

#3 Another misconception, he wasn't. If people didn't PM him with their self-righteous bullshit, maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't be in this situation

#4 OP is a troll, make no mistake. We know who he is, and all he was doing was prior to this was making comments about how the server was dead. He might perceive this as helping, but it doesn't, not by a long shot.


Server Management Team
12-May, 16
Fife, Scotland
Blackout RO Staff
Also, @Dex Shut the fuck up.

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