Suggestion Increase GYM Pass Weight

15-Jul, 16
Suggestion: Increase Gym Pass Maximum Weight Capacity.
Implication: Currently 1 Gym Pass Level is set to 200 which can make you carry additional 13 White Potions given that 1 white pot weighs 15.
If we get a level 10 Gym Pass we can now carry additional 133 white pots which is kinda meh for 7 DC.
I suggest to modify and increase the weight of the Gym Pass to complement the needs of a super high rate.

Thank you.
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Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
As someone who mains Bio, I get where you're coming from. That being said the Gym pass is the closest thing bRO has to some type of "pay to win" scenario. If a class that doesn't need strength for damage but does for the storage capability uses these, it leaves more stat points free for other stats which results in someone paying for an increase in combat potential. Considering the recent abandonment of the pay to win system regarding equipment, this seems counter intuitive. IMO even having the gym passes as they are now is somewhat questionable.
15-Jul, 16
Its not pay to win. Its more like pay to convenience which can easily be solved by moving it to the bg shop. My point here is to make the gym pass be more effective because the current additional 200 weight per level is optimized for low rate servers.
02-Sep, 16
Agree. The skill Increased Weight Limit obtainable from the Gym Pass should be scaled up to suit the SHR environment but not to the extent that it will render premium item such as Vendor Ring[1] redundant.
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Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Its not pay to win. Its more like pay to convenience which can easily be solved by moving it to the bg shop. My point here is to make the gym pass be more effective because the current additional 200 weight per level is optimized for low rate servers.
What i said would not apply to every situation, in fact i would consider it to be uncommon for it to have an effect on most battles. But to say that it's simply "not pay to win" almost sounds like willful ignorance. Certain classes could yield a higher combat potential in certain situations and that is quantifiable. If a wizard doesn't need to use as much strength to carry stuff, it can apply the spare stat points to agility in order to get more flee. That is an increase in combat potential and that's not refutable.
I could agree with them being buffed if available for war badges. But if it remains an exclusively DC item, then it will equal out to a financial contribution equaling more combat potential. And im 100% not trying to be pompous when saying this: But it's mathematical in nature and can't be refuted by "no it's not/it just doesn't scale to SHR/HR."
Last edited:
02-Sep, 16
On the other hands, most of the item related to this discussion such as potions, slims, and acid bottles can be boxed so this issue shouldn't exist in the first place.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
This doesn't exclusively relate to bio though. It would provide an inherent advantage for certain classes/builds. An advantage that you pay for. If we wanted weight to have no effect for boxes, they wouldn't weigh 10 a piece.


Elite Forum Member
12-May, 16
No need to increase that gym pass membership item effect! Plus use alt w if u have vring for Cart and also use @storage command prompt! That all your problem also via my opinion only haha
15-Jul, 16
No need to increase that gym pass membership item effect! Plus use alt w if u have vring for Cart and also use @storage command prompt! That all your problem also via my opinion only haha
Ahhhh I was totally wrong! I forgot the @storage command and the alt w! Thanks for the tip hogake you the best!
just disregard this suggestion thank you......


Elite Forum Member
12-May, 16
Ahhhh I was totally wrong! I forgot the @storage command and the alt w! Thanks for the tip hogake you the best!
just disregard this suggestion thank you......
no problem haha use 10 gym pass + Vr effect + @storage = unli space u have haha

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