News: Control Panel Actions During Early Access & Promotions

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Former Staff Member
17-Sep, 16
Bunki etc
Hey everyone, thank you for joining in the early access to help find bugs. We found an issue with the Control Panel which was preventing emails from going out for new accounts and other things. If you filed a ticket during then and now, please do not file another ticket with problems regarding your account. We will be going back through all of the tickets to reapply everything we have already done.

If you made changes to your account after August 9, 18:30 UTC, you will need to repeat them. This includes,
  • New accounts (they no longer exist).
  • Password changes.
  • Email changes.
  • Character slot changes.

The Control Panel is back up and running normally again, so hop on over, register and fix everything back up to how everyone wanted.

ps. I have had some questions regarding the control panel not showing equipped items, but after looking into it, the items are highlighted to show that they are equipped on your character.

With the date of August 16th@ 00:00 UTC approaching we will be announcing promotions and activities for everyone to participate in. Keep your eyes peeled for more news regarding the promotions in future announcements. The first in-game activity we will be having will be MVP invasions on random maps so come everyone and protect Blackout RO! Times will be announced on the day of the server opening to give everyone time to prepare and come online.

GM-Bunki, Head Game Master
17-Jul, 16
Is there any possibility that MVP invasions will become a permanent part of the server?
+1 this idea sounds good. But if ever hopefully its not a mvp invasion where you die right when you teleport in the map.
24-Feb, 17
Is there any possibility that MvP invasions will become a permanent part of the server?
I think it depends if it went well. I mean, the GvG event went well and I think some people expressed satisfaction to it as well that they demand it to be done once a month? But it was surely good. If you ever consider the MvP invasion please add this one to the list as well. Thanks!! heheehe
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