Donation Credit


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Yeah and I just told you why it wouldn't work lmao.
You said it wouldn't because it's P2W. If the items were randomized in a loot box, it would be much more ineffective to put your money into the game for the sake of winning if you can't pick the exact item you're getting. It wouldn't 100% eliminate the concept of pay to win, but it would be closer to level playing field than before while still effectively retaining the Donation Credits value. Besides, i was just expressing curiosity. Not saying its a perfect solution.
21-Jun, 16
Like I said in the previous post it COMPLETELY undermines the F2P model that was heavily stated in the changes announcement. Here's a screenshot just in case you haven't seen it. 3105026b9e3aaf51f424442224d76919.png


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Like I said in the previous post it COMPLETELY undermines the F2P model that was heavily stated in the changes announcement. Here's a screenshot just in case you haven't seen it. View attachment 3495
Yep, i saw that and im aware that my post wasn't 100% F2P. I even said so. I was only suggesting that perhaps the concept of P2W being nerfed, not nullified is better. Also, this really does look like a case of argumentum ad verecundiam.
09-Jul, 18
there are two types of people here where we live in, people are separated by the rich and the poor.. admin should have thought to put these two types of people here in the server. It would have been better if they both consider having pay to win or i rather say the "easy way" and the "hard way" for the people who can't afford buying.. to be honest I am one of those easy way kind of guy I dont have patience to play hours just for an item, i would rather pay because i came here to have fun with other players not to hunt for items.. so if it's really like what that man said then this server is not for me.

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