Idea tank


Former Staff Member
17-Sep, 16
Bunki etc
Hello everyone this topic is for ideas and/or things you would like changed.
Everyone is welcome to participate and help elaborate each other's ideas. Be creative and remember to be as descriptive as possible so anyone can understand. Anything and everything is welcome!

This topic must stay constructive and any post that isn't will be deleted or edited.


05-Dec, 16
Ya Boi/King Martin
Rental Ticket System for the new players (same as the one last time) but with more gears to rent like cards that have different effects (in pRO it was called Sealed MVP Cards) not exactly the same effect but same concept, free handicapped MVP cards.

Edit: Also, either add Gym Membership for extra weight cap or make arrows/bullets weight less. The current weight is for low rate servers, you bring/burn more of em in high rate so it should be scaled accordingly.

This is my 100th post. Yay for me. xd
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Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
1)Homunculus needs buffs, they are useless with their non existent health. I dont think anybody even has a flir.
2)Strip through FCP is counter intuitive. It reduces the ability of bio to nothing but heals on wheels w/ a single other skill that uses neutral as its only element. This could be helped with the implementation of a useful humonc, but it still reduces the abilities of a class that is already easy to counter.
3)Make byakugan useful. The only one in existence that im aware of currently was only purchased because nobody else has it. That exemplifies the fact it is completely useless relative to the other choices. (Magic atk??)
4)Blank eyes have the same issue. Increasing or reducing the cost would at least put them on a different level compared to the other (currently) similarly priced eyes so they aren't considered just another useless item. You could also give them an effect to keep them on par with the other eyes without altering the price.
5)Buffing SPP in a way that its useful for guilds during woe without requiring them to have the largest membership count to make it an effective tactic. It could be a guild/group palliative limit mixed with an increase per person healing ability. (This sounds complicated to implement)
6)Make the waterdrop brooch available to all classes.
7)A ranked PvP setup would be a good way to keep people involved in the PvP scene.
8)I would like to buy premade boxes instead of crafting them manually (At an increased cost of course) It would make zeny more useful without having to waste time making them yourself.
9)Boxed ability scrolls. Fairly obvious as to why. Can't carry enough during woe to make it useful without running out and going to your storage/cart over and over. (Which can lead to death) Also, would be another way to make zeny more useful.
10)I think the cards that prevent dispell from working are a hindrance to the profs. When the Black Dark Helm is already providing everyone with a WoF, it reduces the profs ability relative the the other classes. All that profs can do that others can't is convert, double cast and bolt. There's nothing else noteworthy except maybe cast cancle for e-call. Removing BDH's WoF effect would work, so would reverting the tendrillion card. Either way, it seems somewhat obvious (IMO) that something has been implemented that hinders the profs capability relative to the other classes.

11) Baby class characters shouldn't be allowed to use the pipes/cigarettes. Novices can't but a baby rogue or baby smith can. THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

Edit: Providing a Homunculus AI section somewhere on the forums would help keep things more balanced. We can always google and find one, but someone having a specific AI thats better than anyone else's seems unbalanced. Incorporating it into the game would be wonderful, but just providing downloadable options would provide more balance from player-player. If Humoncs do get buffed, the disparity could be unreasonable.
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23-Nov, 17
1) +100 on weight limit. Both for arrows / bullets and overall farming, the current weight limit is pretty meh for a high rate server.
2) +100 on homunculus (@Coojo me me me, I have a filir, simply for decoration).
3) More uses for zeny, as currently it is basically useless, and will get even worse over time. Maybe some sort of gambling system could be interesting, for example some sort of slots machine where you would pay to play with a very small chance of getting something useful.


Former Staff Member
17-Sep, 16
Bunki etc
Liking the ideas so far but elaborate some more. Think out every idea and the problems that come with it, and then think of the solution.
3)Make byakugan useful. The only one in existence that im aware of currently was only purchased because nobody else has it. That exemplifies the fact it is completely useless relative to the other choices. (Magic atk??)
4)Blank eyes have the same issue. Increasing or reducing the cost would at least put them on a different level compared to the other (currently) similarly priced eyes so they aren't considered just another useless item. You could also give them an effect to keep them on par with the other eyes without altering the price.
I see you think byakugan should increase matk, but what would everyone like to see on blank eyes, something like a large hp/sp increase,movementspeed? or should the event headgears be cosmetic only? to make the playing field better all around for new and old players?

This is just a small idea of solutions instead of just being critical and saying this and that lets get creative and think of solutions and create new content for everyone!


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Liking the ideas so far but elaborate some more. Think out every idea and the problems that come with it, and then think of the solution.

I see you think byakugan should increase matk, but what would everyone like to see on blank eyes, something like a large hp/sp increase,movementspeed? or should the event headgears be cosmetic only? to make the playing field better all around for new and old players?

This is just a small idea of solutions instead of just being critical and saying this and that lets get creative and think of solutions and create new content for everyone!
The byakugan doesnt have to increase matk, but it would be inline with the current benefits of the other naruto based eyes. Matk just seems the most logical when it comes to how it relates to the others and how it's perceived in the anime. I am doubtful that 1~3% would tip the scales so much it prices people out of competition. I can't say that keeping them the way they are is useful, but i also can't say that it is actually detrimental in any way. There's not a problem that needs fixing, but there is room for improvement. We already have reduce damage and increase Atk damage. Why not follow suit with the byakugan and give it some functionality that's actually useful in a similar way that the others have? I just don't see a downside to this.

The blank eyes should at least function in a way that is relative to the others or its price should reflect its rarity or usefulness. It seems that it suffers in a similar way the byakugan does where its only initially been purchased under certain circumstances that don't reflect interest in the cosmetic aspect or its functionality. That doesnt sound ideal.

For BE there seem to be 4 options
1)Leave them and let them be a rarity thats only purchased (so far) for reasons that don't pertain to the cosmetic or functional aspect. (This does not sound ideal in the slightest)
2)Decrease the cost so the price reflects what they actually are, that way they arent so rare they may as well not even be on the server.
3)Do the opposite of #2, increase the cost to make them noteworthy enough to justify picking them over the rinnegan or sharingan. (Full disclosure, this would be self-serving as im one of the only 2-3 owners of them.)
4)Give them an effect to keep them in contention with the others.
a)Increased movement speed: Doesnt sound like a great idea to me as it could price people out of races to the EMP during woe which just results in the richest winning more often than the person with the most skill.
b)An increased HP wouldn't be a bad idea if it was within a reasonable limit that likely wouldnt price people out of competition. 15k~25k or something that scales with DEF/VIT. I would suggest DEF as it wouldn't give people large amounts of HP without thana as a counter.
c)SP on the other hand may not end well as it would leave champs not needing the same amount of INT to get the maximum asura damage. Champs do not need to be enhanced, and this would result in higher flee champs that wont typically be able to lose to another champ who doesn't have them.
d)Ill just leave this as wildcard, im open to suggestions/criticism/input. There are lots that could be done to them: Abra level 1 chance, reduce neutral by 3~5%, lower enemy SP by 0.2% each hit.

Personally, i for BE i would rank the valid suggestions as such:
1)Make them increase HP relative to DEF so thana is still countering the effect
2)Increase cost (Because this is blatantly self serving and still provides some incentive to purchase it for the sake of exclusivity) 15~20EC
3)Decreasing the cost wouldnt really harm anyone except me and im fairly okay with it. The price was already 5EC during a sale and that price would reflect its usefulness and result in people purchasing it for the sake of its actual aesthetics. (which is the only reason to buy it as it stands now that the sale is long gone along with the financial incentive to buy them)
4)Leave them the way they are. They have always been as useful as they are now and have always costed as much (to my knowledge). They will be rare, they will cost alot and they will have no effect. I can't say this is ideal, but leaving them as a historical bRO relic doesn't directly have any negatives other than the usefulness-cost being completely unbalanced in relation to the other 10EC mid gears.
(If anyone has any other ideas please do share)
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Game Master
08-Nov, 16
Classics, Triggered,
-More costumes.
This would make us costume enthusiasts wet. If you guys are going to implement gambling, put some badass costumes to the prize list.
-More Events
Very plain, but helps the server a lot since people will be waiting for more automated events and people will stay active hoping that there will be a GM hosting an event.
-PvP rewards
PvP points system. Makes you get, the skill accessories from the ODC shop. Put high price on it so people who bought it using ODC/DC wouldn't flame my suggestion.
-Old BG equipments
Pretty self explanatory. We want the OP Acce pls
-Daily log in rewards
Give them GC or SC on the first day, more on the following days.
-WoE Video of the week
Enforces players to make content for the website. Juices out the creativeness out of players (Kinda biased because I make WoE Videos). Winner gets his/her video posted on the website or a reward, maybe? /gg
-(Trash suggestion, but would make me extremely happy) SINGING EVENT.
Not a fan of singing, but hearing players sing to their hearts content would be hilarious. LMFAO
k thx bye
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-More costumes.
This would make us costume enthusiasts wet. If you guys are going to implement gambling, put some badass costumes to the prize list.
-More Events
Very plain, but helps the server a lot since people will be waiting for more automated events and people will stay active hoping that there will be a GM hosting an event.
-PvP rewards
PvP points system. Makes you get, the skill accessories from the ODC shop. Put high price on it so people who bought it using ODC/DC wouldn't flame my suggestion.
-Old BG equipments
Pretty self explanatory. We want the OP Acce pls
-Daily log in rewards
Give them GC or SC on the first day, more on the following days.
-WoE Video of the week
Enforces players to make content for the website. Juices out the creativeness out of players (Kinda biased because I make WoE Videos). Winner gets his/her video posted on the website or a reward, maybe? /gg
-(Trash suggestion, but would make me extremely happy) SINGING EVENT.
Not a fan of singing, but hearing players sing to their hearts content would be hilarious. LMFAO
k thx bye
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FORGOT: Unban the banned players. Obviously except for our supreme leader. Don't want to bring this "UNBAN RODNEY" issue again. *Flies*
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Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
-More costumes.
This would make us costume enthusiasts wet. If you guys are going to implement gambling, put some badass costumes to the prize list.
-More Events
Very plain, but helps the server a lot since people will be waiting for more automated events and people will stay active hoping that there will be a GM hosting an event.
-PvP rewards
PvP points system. Makes you get, the skill accessories from the ODC shop. Put high price on it so people who bought it using ODC/DC wouldn't flame my suggestion.
-Old BG equipments
Pretty self explanatory. We want the OP Acce pls
-Daily log in rewards
Give them GC or SC on the first day, more on the following days.
-WoE Video of the week
Enforces players to make content for the website. Juices out the creativeness out of players (Kinda biased because I make WoE Videos). Winner gets his/her video posted on the website or a reward, maybe? /gg
-(Trash suggestion, but would make me extremely happy) SINGING EVENT.
Not a fan of singing, but hearing players sing to their hearts content would be hilarious. LMFAO
k thx bye
FORGOT: Unban the banned players. Obviously except for our supreme leader. Don't want to bring this "UNBAN RODNEY" issue again. *Flies*
Most of these ideas arent bad in and of themselves, but i don't see any reasoning as to why. Elaborate pls:

Why do we need more costumes? The server has literally hundreds, why should that be prioritized? I like FashionRO, dont get me wrong. But its fairly obvious that there are too many other things that need to be focused on. (Namely, getting the server operational :p)

Why do we need more events? Yes, they are interesting and all... but if we have events so often that the economy gets tanked from the inflation of items/rewards how does that help? Or do you want more mini-game variants? More frequent minigames? What's the solution that doesnt tank the economy? Do the frequent events give lesser prizes? Everyone wants more events but can't answer how to do so without tanking the economy or giving out prizes that aren't all that "worth it."

How can a PvP point system be enabled in such a way that prevents people from boosting the points for the items? This is very vague and seems easily abused. That basically turns what other items people have invested into w/ ODC into something that could be boosted for by two people or one person with multiple clients/computers.

I detest the idea of bringing back accessories that are so OP it forces everyone to use them. Please explain how this is beneficial for the server?
Imo it removed any variability when it comes to builds as its so OP you cant be competitive without it. This is worse than 2 slotted clips/FR/VR.
Glorious Ring <---- EW. Please attempt to justify this without the words "I want." :D -1

I think some type of daily log in bonus is a good idea, i like the idea of increasing silver coins until you get a gold per day. Something like this:
Day1: 1Silver
Day2: 2Silver
Day3: 3Silver
Day4: 4Silver
Day5: 1Gold (Cap it there IMO)
Day6: 1Gold ---> Repeat
This would give people a reason to log in and check things out every day, which should help maintain interest in what's going on. +1

Woe video of the week sounds like a good idea.... if/when the server is populated enough. If not its just going to turn into a contest between 3 people making videos for 3 guilds. This idea has some potential but it wouldn't contain enough contributions to make it worth it. That or we'd watch the same guilds video edited different ways which would be rather.... mundane.

Imo any bRO reward should have a direct correlation to the game. A singing competition is a bit silly considering that it has nothing to do with the game itself. Also, Mandy would win 10/10. Not fair :(

Now pls elaborate as to how an universal unbanning will help the server in anyway. From what im aware of, they can all make a ticket and make their plea there. But a blanket unbanning (Even Rodney Excluded) doesnt sound reasonable. Let the ticket system do what it was meant to instead of providing universal "amnesty" to a large group of people.
23-Nov, 17
A daily system would be fun. Although imho coins are... maybe not best rewards, depending on person's preferences. I would again prefer winning some cool item with a very low chance rather than getting the coins.

As for unban, +100 on not unbanning. Players are banned for a reason, and I don't really understand all this "unban plz". I´m pretty sure they were aware they were breaking the rules, so... I mean, go to the police and ask them to release some thieves from jail because they are fun people.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
A daily system would be fun. Although imho coins are... maybe not best rewards, depending on person's preferences. I would again prefer winning some cool item with a very low chance rather than getting the coins.

As for unban, +100 on not unbanning. Players are banned for a reason, and I don't really understand all this "unban plz". I´m pretty sure they were aware they were breaking the rules, so... I mean, go to the police and ask them to release some thieves from jail because they are fun people.
I agree that coins arent a great prize, but it would be enough to keep people interested in replacement of the ticket system. I also like what @Martin suggested in regards to the Sealed MvP Card idea. Something should be replacing the rental ticket system.

As far as unbanning goes, imo its best left up to the Ticket system. Personally, im not against unbanning entirely. Just providing everyone a clean slate without regard for their past actions is unfair.
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  • Like
Reactions: moriel
14-Nov, 17
Pvp reward:
cool simple costume wings/cape/gear for the top player on monthly, weekly and daily category. just to add some essence being at the top spot.
(the costume will vanish once the top spot is attain by other player.)
  • Like
Reactions: moriel and Cynosure


Game Master
08-Nov, 16
Classics, Triggered,
Sorry for my lack of explanation regarding my suggestion. Was also thinking about putting its cons but my laziness took over me.

-More Costumes: What I was trying to say was to put more content on bRO in a way more people will be forced to do something for Fashion. I've been server seeking for 3 months. I've played in servers where there a lots of quests, what can I say, I've been hooked with quest/storyline content. Those servers made me do what I hated the most. My point here is that almost all costumes can be redeemed by buying them. While we're at it I suggest putting account bound costumes prizes on storyline quests and on normal quests.

-More events: I might admit, I brought up this suggestion without thinking its cons. MY logic was MORE EVENTS = MORE FUN. Didn't thought about how it will cause the economy to be SHITE. But still, more events = more fun. LMFAO atleast put more automated events like Last Man Standing, Treasure Hunting Event(Spawns random treasure chests in a town) etc.

-PvP Rewards: I just used the Acce from ODC shop as an example. Was also thinking it was over the top to put those items. A costume aura would be cool too where you can display it during WoE and let the enemy know you're the best. Obviously Kill Farming wont be tolerated. People PvPing could just report the Kill Farmers. But the problem is, what about those players who goes Kill Farming when there are no people around. I believe with the bright minds of forum lurkers, we could easily solve this problem. As of now I'm too lazy to think of solutions regarding this problem.

-Old BG Equipment: I agree those accessories are OP as hell and I personally would want to abuse it. I suggest toning them down, just make them not too OP, just a better option for players. Doing such would increase the population of BG players.

-WoE Video of the Week: The reward was just an option, I just wanted the website to have content. I personally think this is fun because competition forces us to do better. A place on our website is more than enough to reward those who took efforts just to make a video.

-Singing Event: Just wanted a very fun event that rarely happens. Thought Mandy would 100% win this event, It would be great to see other players beat her LMAO. I admit this isn't RO related but hey, its fun /heh

-Unbanning Players: As for this case, the pros and cons has already been said. I won't argue and try to defend this topic again.

P.S: Sorry for the trash suggestions.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Sorry for my lack of explanation regarding my suggestion. Was also thinking about putting its cons but my laziness took over me.

-More Costumes: What I was trying to say was to put more content on bRO in a way more people will be forced to do something for Fashion. I've been server seeking for 3 months. I've played in servers where there a lots of quests, what can I say, I've been hooked with quest/storyline content. Those servers made me do what I hated the most. My point here is that almost all costumes can be redeemed by buying them. While we're at it I suggest putting account bound costumes prizes on storyline quests and on normal quests.

-More events: I might admit, I brought up this suggestion without thinking its cons. MY logic was MORE EVENTS = MORE FUN. Didn't thought about how it will cause the economy to be SHITE. But still, more events = more fun. LMFAO atleast put more automated events like Last Man Standing, Treasure Hunting Event(Spawns random treasure chests in a town) etc.

-PvP Rewards: I just used the Acce from ODC shop as an example. Was also thinking it was over the top to put those items. A costume aura would be cool too where you can display it during WoE and let the enemy know you're the best. Obviously Kill Farming wont be tolerated. People PvPing could just report the Kill Farmers. But the problem is, what about those players who goes Kill Farming when there are no people around. I believe with the bright minds of forum lurkers, we could easily solve this problem. As of now I'm too lazy to think of solutions regarding this problem.

-Old BG Equipment: I agree those accessories are OP as hell and I personally would want to abuse it. I suggest toning them down, just make them not too OP, just a better option for players. Doing such would increase the population of BG players.

-WoE Video of the Week: The reward was just an option, I just wanted the website to have content. I personally think this is fun because competition forces us to do better. A place on our website is more than enough to reward those who took efforts just to make a video.

-Singing Event: Just wanted a very fun event that rarely happens. Thought Mandy would 100% win this event, It would be great to see other players beat her LMAO. I admit this isn't RO related but hey, its fun /heh

-Unbanning Players: As for this case, the pros and cons has already been said. I won't argue and try to defend this topic again.

P.S: Sorry for the trash suggestions.
1)I like the idea of account bound costumes that come from quests. Giving people something to do in game that gets them out of Amatsu and actively playing is great. Something that has some backstory to it and doesn't involve collecting endless amounts of loot. +1

2) As far as the event thing, i think we do need more events but the issue remains about balance. I like the idea of a timed Last Man Standing type of deal. Issue being is... what is preventing the guilds from just teaming up? But you are right that more events=more fun. I would actually like to see a few more automated minigames too. If we had more common and varied mini game style games, some type of Guild of the month/Botb on a regular basis and the aforementioned quests i think player base could be alot more involved and active. It would also likely draw more people in that would like to stay. (Will think more on this and hopefully come up with some more specific ideas)

3) PvP rewards: I get what you mean and i agree with the aura idea. Some aura for the top 3 ranked in PvP would signify the person to be more distinguished and give them something to strive for.

4) Old BG EQ: If they are balanced with existing gear in such a way that they weren't necessarily required to be used to remain competitive, it can't be a bad idea. But i also do agree that there should be a bit more incentive for BG to be played. Happy hour was a good idea, but it does need something more.

5)Again, i think whole woe video comp isnt a bad idea. Its could be good, but this just seems like a thats only logical in the future. The website doesn't even work right now. Get the website up and then worry about how pretty it is. But this could provide some type of showcase as to what the game is about without forcing people to download the game.

6)Singing event. It could be funny and entertaining ill admit. xD I just can't see how it is involved with the game enough to justify rewarding them in game.

7)As ive said before, i honestly dont care for the most part about unbanning most people at this point. They should post a ticket and work it out through there instead of just giving everyone regardless of previous action another chance (which for a certain person that shall remain anonymous wouldn't be a 2nd or 3rd chance. It would be a 7~10th chance in all likelihood) Giving everyone a free chance kinda seems like a flagrant disregard of logic. History is something people must learn from to improve.

Epilogue: Again, i like most ideas. Try thinking of some quest ideas for account bound headgear and ways to balance the "Glorious Rings" and things like that. I'll probably start a notepad and brainstorm about similar stuff too. Lots of your suggestions are still non-specific (And mine too initially) Anyone who wants to help the server to move forward should come up with original suggestions that actually add to the bRO experience instead of modifying existing content too. You mentioning account bound items for completing quests was a good start, but build on that in a more specific and creative manner. (If that makes sense)

Your suggestions weren't shitty btw, just a bit too vague/unbalanced.
23-Nov, 17
PvP rewards and kill farming: I wonder if it would be possible to do something with the rank difference.
So if you are #20 and kill the #1 guy, you get a lot of points, if you are #20 and kill #21 you get average points, and if you are #20 and kill some random dude that is #100500, you get basically nothing. And the guy who loses, loses points accordingly. This way, it is harder to kill farm - if you just make random accs and keep killing them, you will get nothing and won't go up the ranks.
Or, for example, the only kills that count is when you kill someone higher than you on the ranks.

Not sure how doable this would be, and people would still find way to exploit it.

+100 on account bound costumes. Random quest idea: quests that require people to login daily to turn in items - for example, you need to turn in 10 units of some item. But you cannot turn in all to at once, you can only turn in 1 a day. Or a quest where you need to talk to a npc for 3 days in a row to advance.
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Game Master
08-Nov, 16
Classics, Triggered,
PvP rewards and kill farming: I wonder if it would be possible to do something with the rank difference.
So if you are #20 and kill the #1 guy, you get a lot of points, if you are #20 and kill #21 you get average points, and if you are #20 and kill some random dude that is #100500, you get basically nothing. And the guy who loses, loses points accordingly. This way, it is harder to kill farm - if you just make random accs and keep killing them, you will get nothing and won't go up the ranks.
Or, for example, the only kills that count is when you kill someone higher than you on the ranks.

Not sure how doable this would be, and people would still find way to exploit it.

+100 on account bound costumes. Random quest idea: quests that require people to login daily to turn in items - for example, you need to turn in 10 units of some item. But you cannot turn in all to at once, you can only turn in 1 a day. Or a quest where you need to talk to a npc for 3 days in a row to advance.
Holy SHITE, this is NAZZZZZ.
1)I like the idea of account bound costumes that come from quests. Giving people something to do in game that gets them out of Amatsu and actively playing is great. Something that has some backstory to it and doesn't involve collecting endless amounts of loot. +1

2) As far as the event thing, i think we do need more events but the issue remains about balance. I like the idea of a timed Last Man Standing type of deal. Issue being is... what is preventing the guilds from just teaming up? But you are right that more events=more fun. I would actually like to see a few more automated minigames too. If we had more common and varied mini game style games, some type of Guild of the month/Botb on a regular basis and the aforementioned quests i think player base could be alot more involved and active. It would also likely draw more people in that would like to stay. (Will think more on this and hopefully come up with some more specific ideas)

3) PvP rewards: I get what you mean and i agree with the aura idea. Some aura for the top 3 ranked in PvP would signify the person to be more distinguished and give them something to strive for.

4) Old BG EQ: If they are balanced with existing gear in such a way that they weren't necessarily required to be used to remain competitive, it can't be a bad idea. But i also do agree that there should be a bit more incentive for BG to be played. Happy hour was a good idea, but it does need something more.

5)Again, i think whole woe video comp isnt a bad idea. Its could be good, but this just seems like a thats only logical in the future. The website doesn't even work right now. Get the website up and then worry about how pretty it is. But this could provide some type of showcase as to what the game is about without forcing people to download the game.

6)Singing event. It could be funny and entertaining ill admit. xD I just can't see how it is involved with the game enough to justify rewarding them in game.

7)As ive said before, i honestly dont care for the most part about unbanning most people at this point. They should post a ticket and work it out through there instead of just giving everyone regardless of previous action another chance (which for a certain person that shall remain anonymous wouldn't be a 2nd or 3rd chance. It would be a 7~10th chance in all likelihood) Giving everyone a free chance kinda seems like a flagrant disregard of logic. History is something people must learn from to improve.

Epilogue: Again, i like most ideas. Try thinking of some quest ideas for account bound headgear and ways to balance the "Glorious Rings" and things like that. I'll probably start a notepad and brainstorm about similar stuff too. Lots of your suggestions are still non-specific (And mine too initially) Anyone who wants to help the server to move forward should come up with original suggestions that actually add to the bRO experience instead of modifying existing content too. You mentioning account bound items for completing quests was a good start, but build on that in a more specific and creative manner. (If that makes sense)

Your suggestions weren't shitty btw, just a bit too vague/unbalanced.
As for quest, though its hard to code / script. Wouldn't it be nice if players get to create their own story line? @Bunki this will be hard as hell but if implemented it would be a great asset for blackout RO where player's fantasies would come to life.
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Forgot to add, I like how @moriel made a semi-storyline where there'll be underdogs trying to beat the champion. With this KoSing would have meaning other than getting super annoyed at the person and beating the living sht outta them. Also this would make the top 1 player BOTB since he'll be fighting against underdogs. HOLY SHITEEEE!! HYPED AS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUk *Looks at Pongs, but then he's banned aw sht*


Here to help
Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess
Something I think should be a focused on as a priority is the new player experience. In the current state I witnessed many returning or new players start playing but quickly end up stopping due to the inaccessibility of donation equipment. I think there are multiple solutions to this. MVP cards aren't that badly priced (lots are vendored so zeny is viable for them to farm to buy these cards). Whereas you never see EX items (Rip, band etc) being sold by players for zeny.

We all know RO isn't a growing game so you need to drag in as many players as possible to keep the server alive and thriving.


Quest-able account bound donations items of some sort. Maybe a rework of ancient heirloom (easier to get but limited to events). This could be mini quest lines with farming in-between steps to make items (would require quite a lot of work) OR could just be some basic fetch quests.


Account bounding donation credits. This incentives the use of zeny as the main currency. There are a few options here. Option one being allow the current donation credits to be trade-able but any newly generated donation credits become account-bound, this allows for the market to adjust over a semi long period until all the trade-able donation credits are consumed in buying items. The other option would be to account-bound all donation credits current and future.


Voting for points.
Yes i know none of the current staff know how to implement this but please find someone gosh.


Log in rewards (already suggested i know)
Add rewards like enriched elu for 10 days logged in a row etc etc. GC and SC is also good.
Could add some exclusive rewards for already geared people that are active (30 days in a row?).


Nerf some of the zeny farm mobs. Maybe just dokebi or something like that so noobs can crowd those maps with no gear. In order to farm efficiently at the moment you need a nearly fully geared HW.


Event Quests. Something like a quest for easter unlocked for easter weekend. Halloween quest for the halloween weekend. This allows people to get something from the event even if they miss all the GM hosted events. (This is a general suggestion not JUST tailored for new players but more tailored to casual players @Milk).


Give incentive to veterans for helping new players out. Maybe a refer a friend system or something?

Focus on not straying too far away from the bRO feel but feel free to expand upon it.

Position on macros:

Allow the use of macros during woe because:
1. its impossible to track in woe
2. woe is about team work as much as it is about who has a better macro. Allowing macros will make it more about teamwork rather than who is willing to break rules.

TRY to track use of macros in the pvp scene. More so the absurd 2 skill spams ( DSC + FO or DSC + Heal). This is still hard to implement because you can't prove someone is using a macro if they don't admit it unless its super obvious i guess.

WOE times:

Remove all the extra woes. More woes doesn't equal better woes. By increasing the amount of woes it devalues Woe credits, it devalues the bragging rights of owning castles. It also increases the amount guilds have to farm to supply themselves for these woes. Maybe 3 FE 1 SE and merge Geffen + Aldebaran. I personally found woe become stale after it was nearly everyday also stressful because i had to farm 24/7 omegalul.

State of toxicity:

Not gonna lie I was pretty toxic for a time. But in saying that I think in-game banter is important for pride amongst guilds. Taking things into real life threats or making things personal I think is a little too far.


I think most players deserve to play again, just make them start fresh or something? Some people have already had numerous chances so maybe they don't deserve another chance to play again.


The idea of glorious ring and medallion being implemented has been tossed around. Maybe implement them as an alternative to the sign. With custom effects like 5% demi human redux. Make them cost a lot of badges so people have a reason to play BG long term.

Also the BG leaderboards would be nice if they worked. I wanna epeen on my rank thx.

I could go on and on but i won't so i'll just it at this for now.
14-Nov, 17
+1000 for gaining pvp points only on defeating a higher rank and loses points when defeated. ©Moriel

I hope coding won't be an hindrance in this set-up. XD
23-Nov, 17

Nerf some of the zeny farm mobs. Maybe just dokebi or something like that so noobs can crowd those maps with no gear. In order to farm efficiently at the moment you need a nearly fully geared HW.
I disagree. You can farm just fine pretty much most of the non MVP and non Miniboss mobs with basically ungeared HW (well just some basic equips bought from NPCs and STR pumped up lol so no inventory every 5 seconds).

Overal, +millions on account bound DC. I personally would just make all the credits account bound, and also items bought with those credits account bound, but allow trading one type for the other (so for example DC for BG or WOE credits or whatever) for a period of time, so players who currently hold DC can get something they like with them. And let economy run in zeny only.


Here to help
Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess
I disagree. You can farm just fine pretty much most of the non MVP and non Miniboss mobs with basically ungeared HW (well just some basic equips bought from NPCs and STR pumped up lol so no inventory every 5 seconds).

Overal, +millions on account bound DC. I personally would just make all the credits account bound, and also items bought with those credits account bound, but allow trading one type for the other (so for example DC for BG or WOE credits or whatever) for a period of time, so players who currently hold DC can get something they like with them. And let economy run in zeny only.
You don't one shot the buffed zeny farming and converter farming mobs with a basically naked HW (just npc gear). I've tested this.

So you would force people to quest for their donation shop gears if they don't want to donate? Why not leave those tradeable? I don't know if you can limit trades like that.

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