Those guides are all useless and you can find that information else where.
If you want card data, open the client files which have the bRO card descriptions in it. That guide is trivial and pointless, and takes longer to get to the important parts.
If you want to learn about RCX color hex addresses you can google it, and actually get the full list of all possible colors. Thanks for misleading me into thinking that there was such a pathetic selection of colors by over simplifying something that is not simple.
If you want to know how to use donation credits, why don't you just try talking to each NPC in Amatsu 1 time? Like any player who actually plays here would do. Do you need a guide on how to turn on your PC in case it turns off so you can get back on Blackout RO? Maybe I should write a guide like that.
Dye Crafting guide. Literally there is a Dye Maker NPC and the reagents are identical to that used on Once again why spend your time posting a bunch of information we already know?
In summary: every single example you listed was shitty at illustrating anything about your comments related to them. What your examples illustrate is how much information is just being re-posted with no actual new information being added.