Donation Credits 0


We cannot automate donations through paypal at this stage, so we accept manual donations only.

The conversion rate is $1 USD = 3 Donation Credits

Donate with PayPal button

Please follow this process.

  1. Click the Donate button above - please do not donate more than $100 USD
  2. Include your blackout RO username
  3. Once payment is made we will apply the donation credits to your account - this will take 24-48 hours as the staff have to manually apply it to your account.
  4. Once applied, you can claim the donation credits at the Item Redeeming Services NPC in game (amatsu 241 214).

If you do not receive donation credits in a timely manner, please reach out to us.

If you didn't follow this process or made a mistake, please create a ticket here including what happened and a screenshot of the payment you made.