Official Guide Troubleshooting common errors


Former Staff Member
04-May, 16
Here are some guides that you guys can follow to fix common errors. If you guys know any error that are not listed in this thread, please feel free to reply below and I'll try to help you and also I'll edit this to add them. Please let me know if you also have solution/s for them.

*Note: Please make sure no other RO is running while attempting to connect to bRO. Also, make sure your files are clean. If you're planning to play on several servers at a time, make sure to make separate folders for them instead of putting them all together in 1 folder.

Error: Gepard shield loading but then immediately exits br.exe (client).
Solution 1:
1) Run Setup.exe as admin and use your graphics card instead of Direct3D HAL. Then press OK.
2) Run the patcher as admin and play.

Solution 2:
1) Run Setup.exe as admin and go to Sounds, and then mute both sounds (tick the 2 boxes there). Then press OK.
2) Run the patcher as admin and play.

Error: Sprite errors due to corrupted files or patches.
Solution 1:
1) Delete plist file from your bRO folder.
2) Run patcher as admin and play.

Solution 2:
1) Make sure kRO is updated by patching it or download kRO from here or download the bRO full client.
2) Run the patcher as admin and play.

Solution 3:
1) Install lite installer into an empty folder.
2) Run patcher as admin.
3) Once finished, exit the patcher.
4) Copy all contents into your original bRO folder.
5) Run patcher as admin and play.

Error: bRO files are missing upon installation (particularly bRO patcher).
1) Disable Anti-virus.
2) Re-install bRO.
3) Go to your Anti-virus and add br.exe and Blackout Ragnarok Online.exe in the excemptions.
4) Enable Anti-virus.
5) Run patcher as admin and play.

Error: Homunculus Error.
1) Download this file.
2) Extract and put the AI folder into your bRO folder (should overwrite it).
3) Run patcher as admin and play.

Error: DLL files missing error.
1) Download this and extract to your bRO folder.
2) Run patcher as admin and play.
*If that doesn't fix it do the extra step below.
3) Reinstall using Lite installer.

Error: Lua Files error.
1) Download this file.
2) Extract and copy data folder into bRO folder.
3) Run patcher as admin and play.

Error: Bad quality graphics.
This is probably caused by having high-end or newer graphics card.
1) Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and press cancel.
Should fix that once you do that.

More will be added.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Albert once again dropping legit knowledge on us. +1 for @Albert
You're probably the best non-staff helping people on the forum right now bro, keep it up. Good work.


Former Staff Member
04-May, 16
Since I can't edit the main post, I'll just add this here:
Error: Failed to Connect to Server
Main causes are missing files and anti-virus preventing you from playing.
1) Download the Full/Lite client and install (recommended to use full installer).
2) Run patcher as admin and play.

1) Disable anti-virus / anti-virus protection.
2) Add bRO patcher and br.exe into your anti-virus exceptions list.
3) Run the patcher as admin and play.
3.5) Reinstall when needed and run patcher.
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