Albert Former Staff Member 04-May, 16 446 Australia Guild Egg IGN Alberttttt 08-Apr, 17 #1 Quality got downgraded for whatever reason. Whatever, here's the video. Reactions: Collaboration
Jack Here to help Server Management Team 12-Sep, 16 407 Australia Guild Generic IGN Shoe Shiner/RuthIess 08-Apr, 17 #2 I heard there was a gvg earlier? did you manage to record that too?
Albert Former Staff Member 04-May, 16 446 Australia Guild Egg IGN Alberttttt 08-Apr, 17 #3 Jack said: I heard there was a gvg earlier? did you manage to record that too? Click to expand... Nah, I logged off after WoE. I didn't know they do GVGs after WoEs but maybe I will try to participate and record some when I have the time.
Jack said: I heard there was a gvg earlier? did you manage to record that too? Click to expand... Nah, I logged off after WoE. I didn't know they do GVGs after WoEs but maybe I will try to participate and record some when I have the time.
Jack Here to help Server Management Team 12-Sep, 16 407 Australia Guild Generic IGN Shoe Shiner/RuthIess 08-Apr, 17 #4 Albert said: Nah, I logged off after WoE. I didn't know they do GVGs after WoEs but maybe I will try to participate and record some when I have the time. Click to expand... Ah okay fair enough. thanks for the vid tho
Albert said: Nah, I logged off after WoE. I didn't know they do GVGs after WoEs but maybe I will try to participate and record some when I have the time. Click to expand... Ah okay fair enough. thanks for the vid tho
Collaboration Worker Ant Server Management Team 10-Sep, 16 1,021 IGN GM-Collaboration 08-Apr, 17 #5 There is a GVG at the huge empty space in Swanhild first room. I dunno what happened there
Wolfie Developer 04-May, 16 2,813 Amatsu Guild Blackout Staff IGN Wolfie Discord Wolfie#5325 10-Apr, 17 #7 Great stuff, guys.