Truth and Doubts

04-Aug, 17
Anonymoose Here.
Upon checking the forums it seems like the server is getting another rebirth and will be launched soon.
I have some doubts about the future of the server. I do not mean to be negative I just worry.
If I remember correctly Wolfie's administration caused the death of the server due to horrible metas and mismanagement. That is why he "resigned". We get Bunki as replace admin to trick the players and remove wolfie from the bad light and they get 3 devs to salvage the dead server. According to my sources the new devs cant fix this server because wolfie and the legacy squad is stopping them from making changes but I thought wolfie already resigned? Moving on the devs quit and the control is back to wolfie. When the server goes back online we might see some changes but how about the damaged meta? After few months of another wolfie administration its just gonna be the same thing we might get even worst sht than strip going through fcp. How about you give Bunki the control and stay behind the curtains? I do not hate the server I hate how they fked it up and pretend like nothing happened. How can we make sure that you guys wont fck up this time? How many months can you guarantee? 6 months then another " Ooops I fked up the server let me try again"? Fix ur management ffs. This is not to start the server opening with negativity. I just want to know the truth and guarantee us you will not fck up again. Enough with the sugarcoated promises that give players false hope.

I will be watching.


Server Management Team
12-May, 16
Fife, Scotland
Blackout RO Staff
We aren't scaremongering or tricking anyone. Wolfie is still a dev, as is redcar. The new GM team are playing an active part in shaping what the server will become, we are in the process of recruiting more devs and community leaders who will also contribute, so it won't be "worse %#!@" as you put it.
If your post isn't negativity, I must have been wrong all these years as to what it means.

Enjoy watching from that TOR exit node. :rolleyes:
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04-May, 16
Blackout Staff
Hi Anonymoose,

In terms of my resignation, I resigned from the position of Head Game Master. It did not mean I was leaving the server.

With regards to the new (now former) developers, they left due to reasons I will not disclose unless they wish it.

Transitioning control - it would be irresponsible to 100% hand over every duty to a person with no experience. Do not fret, I will slowly fade from public relations.

We are currently in the process of hiring new Community Leaders and Developers, who will take the server forward in a new light. :)
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15-Jul, 16
Wolfie's administration caused the death of the server
As an alpha tester, I witnessed Wolfie's efforts in bringing this server back to life. So If you blame him for the death of the server then tell me that you didn't enjoy the server from the start because you are blaming the same guy who brought you the server from the beginning /ok
He may have made some mistakes which affected the server but nobody is perfect and he dont deserve to be disrespected like this.
bRO has a resilient community. We have been through ups and downs but we are still going back Online.

How can we make sure that you guys wont fck up this time?
Let us give them time. They are doing their best to give us the best server. And Instead of complaining why not suggest some ideas and meta that you would like to get implemented?

This is not to start the server opening with negativity
You should have constructed your thoughts in a polite manner.
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25-Aug, 16
So intriguing lots of users & guests at this very moment. Anyway past is past, let's forgive & forget. The most important thing is THIS SERVER MUST OPEN!

Must Open!
Must Open!
Must Open!


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
I do not mean to be negative I just worry.
It's nice to see that the anonymoose doesn't intend on being negative! Let's see!
Wolfie's administration caused the death of the server due to horrible metas and mismanagement
I agree that some of the meta changes like strip through FCP weren't great, but to say that "Wolfie's mismanagement caused the server to die" is a bit of an oversimplification. There were a multitude of factors.
According to my sources the new devs cant fix this server because wolfie and the legacy squad is stopping them from making changes but I thought wolfie already resigned?
According to my sources: they were adding stuff, not fixing stuff.
This is not to start the server opening with negativity. I just want to know the truth and guarantee us you will not fck up again.
At this point i gotta ask with all sincerity, if that message is really the best you could do to voice your concern and not negativity? There are 5 instances of the word "f*ck" in varying forms, 1 of the word "Sh!t" and 3 instances of outright blame. All from a tor exit node? Don't that seem... strange?
Last edited:
26-Jul, 18
According to my sources the new devs cant fix this server because wolfie and the legacy squad is stopping them from making changes but I thought wolfie already resigned? Moving on the devs quit and the control is back to wolfie.
dude, you're clearly misinformed. sir wolfie resigned from being the head game master and sir bunki took over the position. however, it was made clear that sir wolfie will not leave the server and will remain as one of the devs. and as for the new devs, if i remember correctly

let me put it this way:

think of the server as a car that doesn't run. then the old mechanics hired new mechanics to help fix the issue and have it running as soon as possible. now here's the problem, the new mechanics focused more on adding new stuff to make the car more reliable and fun to drive in the future. which is okay but at the same time pointless since at that time, the car was no where near to working. so clearly, the old and new mechanics were not on the same page.

another thing:

the server is currently in the process of hiring new community leaders and developers (i already sent my application) why don't you apply too? since you seem to be more knowledgeable about the server's whereabouts more than the admins. heck, you should ask sir redcar to have you replace sir wolfie and let's see if you can do a better job than him. i'm pretty sure you won't "fck up" right? since you're so full of it.

your post isn't negativity?

ps: "i do not mean to be negative i just worry." ;)
Last edited:
26-May, 16
the guy got a point maybe he's right and maybe he's not .. but you can't never tell what a person really means if you guys want to be "positive" then think positive thoughts instead of being toxic and blaming whoever disagree with you !!

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