Suggestion Should the "English in Amatsu" rule be abolished?

Should the "English in Amatsu" rule be abolished?

  • No, keep it.

    Votes: 19 67.9%
  • Yes, get rid of it.

    Votes: 9 32.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


04-May, 16
Blackout Staff
What are the pros and cons of enforcing English in Amatsu?
Why do you think this rule was initially established?

Whether or not this rule is beneficial to BlackoutRO is under review. Let us know your thoughts.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Pros of English in Amatsu:
1: Enforcing the rules evenly is only possible if everyone can be moderated. That can only happen if everyone can be understood by those moderating.
2: Having everyone speak the same language in the central location is less divisive. If everyone is speaking a different language they'll just segregate into groups by language.
3: It ensures that communication is possible with staff in the event of an account issue/report.
4: If English isn't required and people who don't speak English join they will be left out of events, notifications and other announcements anyway.
5: Evidence for the ticket system doesn't have to be translated to be understood.

Cons of English in Amatsu:
1: Enforcing English will result in less new people joining the server as those who can't speak it wont be able to play.
2: It could reinforce the notion of inequality that's been around.
3: Restriction of free speech.
4: Staff have to spend time sitting in Amatsu moderating it.

I think the rule was established primarily because it's hard to moderate what can't be understood. Considering every aspect of the game is already in English, it's logical to assume most if not all people here speak it. If everyone has to speak english to ensure even enforcement of the rules on a US based server, i think the means justify the end.
Last edited:
15-Jul, 16
-Amatsu will look civilized
-People can easily join conversations
-Avoid players from using other languages to insult/curse

-Players must learn English which can be hard for some.
-Players cannot express their thoughts freely especially when talking to someone who speaks alien language
-Players actually speak in other languages when no GM/CL is around. Im guilty

In my opinion, the rule was established because the server needed a place where everyone can understand each other and that is Amatsu. English language is the best option when dealing with a multicultural player base and its also used as the official language in aviation. Another reason is maybe to resolve the language barrier between players and to avoid misunderstandings. As for the strict implementation of this rule we have so many maps in the server to choose from where you can talk in other languages. There is also the whisper and the pub. As much as I want this rule to be removed, It would be too selfish and would be unfair to our English-only speaking friends.

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01-Nov, 16
Yes, because it:
1. Discriminates against those who are not fluent in english. It's actually against some laws to enforce an english only rule.
2. Encourages public shaming of incorrect usage of the language.
3. AND you can't just ask them to go to another town because every other town is a ghost town.


Former Staff Member
21-Jul, 16
Yes, because it:
1. Discriminates against those who are not fluent in english. It's actually against some laws to enforce an english only rule.
2. Encourages public shaming of incorrect usage of the language.
Hi, I beg to differ. The last thing the staff would do is to create such rule that'll promote/encourage discrimination and public shaming. In other servers or games, rather-a lot of players are unable to speak english fluently but most of them don't get publicly shamed nor discriminated, and I've witnessed this myself, many times. So please don't blame this rule for other players lack of decency and respect.


Game Master
08-Nov, 16
Classics, Triggered,
Keep the English
Yes, because it:
1. Discriminates against those who are not fluent in english. It's actually against some laws to enforce an english only rule.
2. Encourages public shaming of incorrect usage of the language.
3. AND you can't just ask them to go to another town because every other town is a ghost town.
Only peenoise use the "WRONG GRAMMAR/BROKENENGLISH" card to shame people. Yes we are the worst.
01-Nov, 16
Hi, I beg to differ. The last thing the staff would do is to create such rule that'll promote/encourage discrimination and public shaming. In other servers or games, rather-a lot of players are unable to speak english fluently but most of them don't get publicly shamed nor discriminated, and I've witnessed this myself, many times. So please don't blame this rule for other players lack of decency and respect.
Uhhh I didn't say the rule was created to discriminate/public shame. What I'm saying is, the rule becomes a tool for that.


Former Staff Member
21-Jul, 16
I understood what you meant. What I'm trying to emphasize is that even if this rule was abolished, public shaming and discrimination will still ensue at some point. That's why I don't think it's fair to link this rule or any other rules to discrimination and public shaming because for as long as there are players who lacks decency and respect, no matter what rule it is, those things will be inevitable.

I hope you don't take offense to this , I know you only mean well.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Yes, because it:
1. Discriminates against those who are not fluent in english. It's actually against some laws to enforce an english only rule.
2. Encourages public shaming of incorrect usage of the language.
3. AND you can't just ask them to go to another town because every other town is a ghost town.
1: Funny enough, technically it's illegal for a service in Canada to not be available in English and French. I don't think those type of laws apply to games on the internet. Especially those hosted on a US server.
2: I think there's a bit of truth to this. Considering that 50%+ of the server doesn't have English as a first language, the rule could act as a catalyst for douche-baggery. Although as @Vanish said, abolishing the rule won't prevent d-baggery.
Last edited:
07-Sep, 16
I don't understand the "why" this question is being asked. If something works already (and it's been working for many years now) why are we trying to fix it? Or in this case completely remove it. I just don't find the idea of taking away a rule that literally helps the server quite a lot. You can think of many pros and cons but in reality having one globalized language in basically the "lobby" (amatsu) new players connect to, is a no brainer towards how newby friendly the server is. English is one of the easier languages to understand as it is a second language that many people in different countries learn. This rule was made so long ago and it touches all these bases because the server isn't just a Phillipines server, or a North American server, etc. It's a server that attends to everyone from different countries. In conclusion.. Keep the rule, make sure it's followed it will be easier for any new player to ask around for help and yes if you tend to be a douchbag while speaking in English I can't see you speaking like a scholar in your native language either. Please don't take this type of criticism as a medium of me trying to stir up some kind of beef towards the admin staff, developers and players, This is just an opinion.


old hag
04-May, 16
i swear this debate has gone on for years,
it's simple: you'll never stop the rule breakers no matter what you try or how much you mute them.

but ultimately i say keep it.
it's common sense to find a warp where you and your friends can go and chat it up in latin, russian, chinese, or whatever language you speak.

the site is english, the guides are english, the control-panel is english, so for the main town to be english makes absolute sense.

it's not a server rule to speak english only, only in amatsu where new players come and might not understand anything you have to say to them.

wag po.
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