October 2018 BRO economy

22-Aug, 18
I am interested in what is happening to the BRO economy right now. While the donators are hesitating to invest because of the current server's status and the rich players hoarding DC, what will happen now? Will there be a shift in the BRO currency? Will people realize the true value of DC? Will the vision of the server owner/s and developers finally be materialized that this server should not be a pay to win server or the other way around? And why do people have a strong attachment to DC?
Last edited:
20-Sep, 18
The economy is whack right now, I'll grant you that. But like all things, there will be a bubble, then a bust, and it should stablilize.

Real World is that way too. You have demand, then glut, then the currency/item that is in demand has inflation and devaluation.
This leads to Boom, then Bust. Every year around Christmas you see this displayed in the 'must-have toy' grab.

Tickle Me Elmo or Hatchimals is an excellent example of what seems to be going on here.
A whole pile of people what that /one thing/ - whether it's the DC or the Tao or Thanatos Card, the economy gets ground up into high gear.
Puts a whole pile of pressure on. People snap up that "toy" and hoard it; they resell for far, far more than fair market value.
The only difference between this and a toy though is that we have a specific date for buying a toy - Christmas Day.

In this economy the only thing this seems to be working towards is squeezing people who can't (or won't) pick up DC.
Avarice being what it is - it'll continue until the whole damned thing comes crashing, and we have a flat line.
It's the x-items, frankly. I see that the GM team wanted to have legacy credits, and reward their loyal player base, but once you have a limited supply of a thing, you get this kind of snatch-it mentality happening.

I do not believe that a newly re-organized server of 200 ish people is 'dead'.
You have people who have been core-to-the-game for 10+ years. Server is just finding it's feet again after with many people trying to "Git Ritch - Git teh Bestest". The 'ritch' people will have all the x-items, again, of limited quantity, and will grow bored of the game because frankly after you get everything, what's there to do? XD If a person is bored with something, they don't spend time with it any longer.
That leaves exciting opportunities for the people who still want to play the game, and have farmed their MvP cards, etc.

The rental system is a lovely one; however I'd still rather we be able to outright 'buy' x-items from the server directly. That way the donation credits still flow, the server gets it's operating fund, everyone gets a shot of being Ritch-Guy-wid-Stoof.
That would also knock the wind out of the inflation sails, lessening the demand for any particular thing.
It'd also be nice to be able to trade bg credits around, as a secondary 'common' currency, and maybe have a switch up of what sort of cosmetics may be found to spice up the sprite itself.

Just my two cents' worth. I know what I would rather see, however am fully prepared to follow my guild - the people that I came here with - wherever they lead me. Finding this place enjoyable; hoping it finds it's legs soon.


Elite Forum Member
21-Sep, 16
NPC merchant - Fix economy - RPG game
B>Red Potion 40z
S>Red Potion 36z

Avatar merchant - Free market economy - MMORPG game
B/S>Red Potion
Demand more than supply, price above 40z
Supply more than demand, price below 40z

Current Blackout RO is a mixture of Fix market economy by NPC and Free market economy base on the value of items place by the participants.
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