News: Progress Update: Near the End!

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Former Staff Member
17-Sep, 16
Bunki etc
Progress Update: #2

Hey everyone, this update doesn't have as much news as the last one, but the great news is we are finally nearing the end. We are planning to be finished with server work within two weeks.
There have been a few people inquiring if we are wiping - we are not! The only major change in that sense is the refund of the Legacy (Old Donation) Credit 10 credit accessories.


Custom items and ODC accessories have finally found a home to reside in and it should help bring more variety into the use of the items.

Rental shop has been revamped.

Lots of minor things have been fixed in the process or changing and modifying features.

To-do list:

We are working on adding and tweaking some of the scripts in-game.

Overall we have progressed very well since we hit this rush and just about near the end. Lots of changes and lots of fun are coming around the corner and we hope everyone is just as excited as we are.
- GM-Bunki, Head Game Master

Recent Important Posts:
Progress Update #1


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
Played this server from 2009 to 2015. Stayed even when it was dying. and eventually it died[?]. its it worth coming back. any changes and whats new?
If i were you, i would just look through the announcements section here and here. Quite a few new headgears since then among others things. That being said, the server has been down for quite a bit at this point and there should be a bunch of different things that should be coming out that we simply dont have access to until the server is up. There's far too much to mention about since 2009~2015.

Also! You should get ODC for previous donations prior to the shutdown. Make sure you have access to the log in info and the account any donations were made on the account should have "Old Donation Credits" in the storage.
Thanks for the information. Last time when I was play BRO i wasn't in us and my ping was like 350ms. Hope the experience would be different this time.
If you're in the US it should be much lower than 350. Hard to say exactly as i dont know what your internet connection is like. But i did lose about 100 ping myself since 2015. *I also got a much better connection though*
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