GVG/WOE Discussion Improvements to Agit Lord Event


Worker Ant
Server Management Team
10-Sep, 16
What's up guys,

Now that the first Agit Lord event is finished, we should take our time reassessing its scoring mechanics. I'm aware this event has serious flaws. I believe current scoring mechanics influenced how guilds are moving during the course of this event and most players complained it was detrimental.

Here's the original scoring mechanics.





For every 10 player kills a guild records.

1 Point​

For every 30 deaths a guild records.​

- 1 Point​

For every 5 minutes a guild holds a castle.

1 Point​

For having Emperium broken.

- 1 Point​

For breaking an Emperium.

1 Point​

For holding a Geffen or Aldebaran castle at the completion of WoE.

10 Points​

For holding an Arunafeltz, Prontera or Payon castle at the completion of WoE.

15 Points​

For holding a Schwaltzvalt castle at the completion of WoE.

20 Points​

Here's my suggested scoring mechanics below. I'm focusing on the War of Emperium aspect of it, which I believe should be the focus of this part of ranked GVG. The GVG aspect should come in Part 2.

Attacking guild(s) and their alliances


Defending guild and their alliances


For every 10 attacking guild player kills an attacking guild records.

+1 Point​

For every 30 defending guild player kills it records.​

+1 Point​

For every 5 defending guild player kills an attacking guild records.

+1 Point​

For every 5 minutes a defending guild holds a castle​

+1 Point​

For every 30 attacking guild deaths an attacking guild records

-1 Point​

For every 15 deaths a defending guild records​

-1 Point​

For breaking an Emperium

+1 Point​

For having Emperium broken​

-1 Point​

I'm also suggesting to put a deduction on any guild attacking players within the portal cell area. (My suggested portal cell area is 7x7 which is also Desperado's area of effect range. But feel free to suggest otherwise)

Actions within Portal Cell


Defending guild players kills attacking guild players within portal cell

-1 Point​

Attacking guild players kill any participating guild players

-1 Point​

I am hoping this proposal would address the following:
1. Getting smooth WOE experience
2. Guilds actually doing something other than score farming close to portal cell. (Which I believe is one of common complaints came from players)
3. Discourages stagnation when playing WOE

Feel free to adjust or add more suggestions/feedback/reactions. Suggesting ideas right away will help adjusting real quick. I believe this proposal shouldn't be difficult to implement.



Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
Just use the Agit Lord: 2 if there ever will be as a point system and make Guild vs Guild as the Main Event.

Point System = Bracket (Albert's idea)
and all WoE should not be counted this is much easier to moderate and it will help a lot for the players to adjust their priorities.
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