Coojo Sorry Eh? Former Staff Member 03-May, 17 740 Canadia IGN Coojo 05-May, 17 #1 I had to post this. I almost died. bRO, you're priceless. Reactions: Cynosure
Jack Here to help Server Management Team 12-Sep, 16 407 Australia Guild Generic IGN Shoe Shiner/RuthIess 05-May, 17 #2 its a classic JEX move Reactions: Collaboration
Collaboration Worker Ant Server Management Team 10-Sep, 16 1,021 IGN GM-Collaboration 05-May, 17 #3 No more than less
Ichi 23-May, 16 93 Fadhgridh Guild Get Good, nnf IGN Obelisk the tormentr 05-May, 17 #4 BWAHAHAHAHAHA.. Reactions: Wolfie and Collaboration
Wolfie Developer 04-May, 16 2,813 Amatsu Guild Blackout Staff IGN Wolfie Discord Wolfie#5325 15-May, 17 #5 GOOD MORNING ~JEX~
Cynosure Game Master 08-Nov, 16 367 Phillipines Guild Classics, Triggered, IGN Cynosure 16-May, 17 #6 OMG!~