G geran 04-Sep, 16 49 15-Sep, 16 #1 its been a while guys.... hahaha Reactions: Fumm, CryED and Wolfie
CryED 12-May, 16 169 Queen City of the South IGN CryED 18-Sep, 16 #2 dude please don't climb the biochemist rank... anyways welcome back
Wolfie Developer 04-May, 16 2,813 Amatsu Guild Blackout Staff IGN Wolfie Discord Wolfie#5325 19-Sep, 16 #5 Still that /alchemist rank has 0 points and not 1 ranker. where you at @geran!!
G geran 04-Sep, 16 49 20-Sep, 16 #6 LoL @Wolfie relax, i am still farming for zeny and hunting gear... hehehe Reactions: Wolfie and CryED