Fail Launch?

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04-Aug, 17
Soooo How was the Official Launch? Good? Bad?
The most awaited day! The day of rebirth! The Official Launch Disaster!
When the server was dying during the open beta phase the server had experienced the same sht we are experiencing right now like map not available, failed to connect, server crashes when playing bg, server crashes when playing mini games, server crashes out of nowhere.
So for 8 months since the server closed, we can assume that they have failed to fix those errors. And they give us sht reasons like they added some new sht and they havent tested it during the 8 months. They had an "Early Access" for 2 days to test things up and boy look at those bugs. So they already knew that the server isnt fully tested and ready for "Official Launch" but they forced the OL into a crashfest launch anyway. A server launch should impress the players especially new and returning ones. How are we going to gain their trust? How are we gonna encourage them to play if they experienced a ridiculous official launch?

"Oh its still the first day, its normal"
Not every launch is perfect but what we experienced today doesnt feel like an Official Launch at all. It was an error debugging day.
So what went wrong? Who to blame? What should have been done?
In my opinion, the problem is the server isnt ready yet and they forced the OL anyway.
Who to blame?
This server is fully depending on wolfie.
redcar prioritizes his personal life. why is he still here btw?
without wolfie they cant fix %#!@ and they dont know what %#!@ to do when the server crashes.
just look at that. the server is dead until wolfie wakes up.
touhou as the team manager should have known that this could happen and should have found a backup wolfie who knows how to do wolfies %#!@. or atleast make the "devs" like @Stormind be useful and let them assist wolfie in fixing %#!@.

What should have been done?
Should have delayed the launch or atleast let the players test the server from the early access to the launch date before rolling back so most errors and crashes had been fixed in advance and not on the OL day itself.

To sum it up. This was a disappointing launch. I expected so much more given the 8 months rebuilding time.
Fix ur broken server before officially launching.



Server Management Team
12-May, 16
Fife, Scotland
Blackout RO Staff
Grow up.
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