Event Rewards for Subs

17-Nov, 16
[SL] Catriona
It's a sad news to know that some players who participated in the event last sunday will not get any rewards due to they are only "substitute player", we all waited for too long to prepare for the said event, and waited for each and every turn to fight inside the arena. But I think that is unfair for them (sub players) if they will not receive any coz each and everyone invested their time for the said event and some invested money (playing in internet cafe to participate). Other team maximized all their players including their subs to create a team of 5 that they think will make a good fight inside arena.

On the first part of the event instruction it says "ALL participants will receive rewards." When we say "ALL" it clearly says that it doesn't matter if you are the first 5 or a sub as long as you participated in the event you will have the privilege to received the event reward.

On the other hand at the last part there is what we so called the substitute rule.

"Substitution rules:
Substitutes are only entitled to a consolation prize unless he/she participates in the match more than the disconnected person. In this case, the substitutes will be treated as the 5th person and the disconnected person is treated as the substitutes."

As i have mentioned, there are certain teams (i'm not saying all) that maximized all their players including their subs to create the best 5 on their team that they will send inside the pvp arena, and adjust their players that they know will suits best and will have a good fight with their next opponent to win the match.

"Every little effort counts."

Ps, this is just my opinion. Hoping this post will be heard and be considered.


04-May, 16
Blackout Staff
We can only give out 5 prizes per team, therefore it was the substitute player or the original player who would receive a prize. I'm sure the team members will be able to internally reward their substitute member for helping them out.
17-Nov, 16
[SL] Catriona
We can only give out 5 prizes per team, therefore it was the substitute player or the original player who would receive a prize. I'm sure the team members will be able to internally reward their substitute member for helping them out.
But that's still unfair I think, if all players excert their effort right. Everyone waited for too long, not even eat their lunch on time just to give time for the said event that lasted for at least 2 to 3 hours. So i hope a little consideration will not do any harm with tbe server.
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15-Jul, 16
I somehow agree to this because the substitute made an effort to stay online for 5 hours just to make sure the team has a reserve in case one of the team members will get disconnected. 5 substitutes can actually form another team but they decided to be a 6th man and support their team. I think they deserve something.
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04-May, 16
Blackout Staff
It is not fair on the system as then everyone would have named a 6th player (could have been anyone, regardless of skill/familiarty) simply so they could get a free 1000 war badges. We will not be changing our minds on this discussion.
17-Nov, 16
[SL] Catriona
I know some other players sacrifices too much for this event. I always ask my teammates and guildmates if they already eat their lunch but they end up saying "we will eat after the event". For me it is too much to skip a meal just to wait for hours on playing a game. But i salute them for their eagerness to win coz they really love what their doing. You can say I'm stupid for doing this. But I will voice out what I think is right. I'm not doing this for myself, but doing this to all those players who sacrifices their time and efforts. I don't want to waste their effort coz I know how every minute is too precious for each and everyone of us.
15-Jul, 16
It's not actually free 1000 war badges. The 6th man prepared like the rest of the team. He is part of the team. I also dont think that all the 6th men would prefer watching than participating. They sacrificed the opportunity to participate in the event by being a reserve. It doesn't need to be 1000 badges at all. Just something to compensate their effort.
17-Nov, 16
[SL] Catriona
This is really sick, I think we better back off with this thread. This is too inconsiderate. There's no more player satisfaction. Lets say it is fair but the thing is this is too brutal for those players who exerted too much effort but have nothing in return.


04-May, 16
Blackout Staff
I'm sorry you feel that way, CyPotter. As we outlined in the event thread, the substitute is only eligible for a prize if they participated in more matches than the member they replaced. In that event, they essentially would replace the original member, who would then no longer be eligible. However, we did not keep track of any substitutes who may have played more matches than the person they replaced.

We also stated, "Teams are allowed to bring in one substitute in the event of missing teammates or technical difficulties.", to make it clear this was a 5 player event, not a 6 player event, and that substitutes were there so teams would not get disqualified due to not having enough players.

We appreciate your feedback and understand your dissatisfaction with the situation. We will aim to improve and create clarity for similar events hosted in the future.
17-Nov, 16
[SL] Catriona
Better if you just stated a 5v5 event (with no sub). And not disqualified any team who's not able to complete their line up because they expirience technical difficulties and continue with the pvp with the number of players they have on their team. Some substitute players exerted too much effort in hope to get something in return. I felt too bad for them including the one on my team whom i know didn't go to his class just to play for the said event. But i was hoping that you'll give consideration of atleast giving them half of the prize so they won't feel bad for the wasted effort. Or maybe you can give them my prize. I don't need it. I am more on what they will feel about it. That's why I keep on doing what i know is right. I hope this will become a lesson and be a good example for the betterment of the server. Always remember players satisfaction must be always at first. Have a great day.
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If you still not consider my request can I ask you something, a favor indeed. I am using [Bio] Skylar of Team SuperCyan. All the substitute players can have my 1000 war badges. Kindly distribute it evenly please. I know this is too much but i don't want them to feel sad and dissatisfied with the event. Thank you in advance.
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01-Nov, 16
This is how we interpreted this rule too:
"Substitutes are only entitled to a consolation prize unless he/she participates in the match more than the disconnected person. In this case, the substitutes will be treated as the 5th person and the disconnected person is treated as the substitutes."

It screams rewards for the 6th man, I don't think there is another interpretation to that. In our case, we just paid our Sub/Manager his Manager's Fee for his efforts.
17-Nov, 16
[SL] Catriona
End of discussion for this thread guys. It's already in the hands of the GM if they will put on consideration to this matter. I think I have done my part to not let those little effort gone into waste, let them do theirs. Have a great day ahead.

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