Event: Guild of the Month [February 2019] - Compensation 10v10 GVG

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Worker Ant
Server Management Team
10-Sep, 16
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience occurred with sudden rescheduling.

Here are details for this compensation 10v10 GVG tournament.

GvG Main Event Date: 2nd of March (Saturday)

Main GvG Event Time:
  • Server Time [UTC + 0] : 5:00
  • Philippines Time [UTC + 8] : 13:00
  • Canberra, Australia: 16:00
  • The tournament format utilizes Single Elimination. (It means once defeated you're out.)
  • Teams will be dispelled upon entering the battle arena before match starts.
  • The tournament will take place in n_castle (still deciding whether to use this or warcage but I'll let you guys know soon.)
  • 10 vs 10 GvG
  • Winner of a match is determined from the Best of 3. For the grand finale, Best of 5.
  • 5 minutes allotted time per round. If time runs out, winner of the round will be decided through the number of survivors in their team.
Main Event GvG Rules and Restrictions:
  • Emergency Call is not allowed.
  • All team members MUST be in the same guild.
  • Each team will have ONLY ONE rematch if any member of the team disconnects, after which all matches are final.
  • Teams are allowed to bring in one substitute in the event of missing teammates or technical difficulties.
  • Players MUST play on their own account to be eligible for all rewards.
  • Players found aiding others to play on their accounts for bound rewards will be severely punished.
  • GvG rules/mechanics apply.

Substitutes are only entitled to a consolation prize if he/she participates in the match more than the disconnected person. In this case, the substitute(s) will be treated as the 15th person and the disconnected person is treated as the substitute(s).

Player Responsibilities:
  • Participants must follow all the rules stated in this thread. It's your responsibility to read all the guidelines and mechanics before the event matches start.
  • Participants are expected to be respectful to each other.
  • Participants who argue with or fail to follow the instructions given by the Game Masters will result in disqualification.
  • The decision of the Game Masters is always final. If you think you were punished in a wrong manner, file a ticket using the ticket system and the staff will review your complaints.
Event Prizes:
1 Event Credit per member
50 Mini-Game Credits per member
500 War Badges per member

Consolation Prizes:
500 War Badges per member

How to Register:
Soft Deadline: 4:40 UTC [Server Time]
Guild Name:
Party Name:
Guild Leader Name:
Member 1:
Member 2:
Member 3:
Member 4:
Member 5:
Member 6:
Member 7:
Member 8:
Member 9:
All details are subject to change including but not limited to rewards, rules and match details.

EDIT 1: Prizes are modified
EDIT 2: Registration deadline adjusted.
Last edited:


Game Master
08-Nov, 16
Classics, Triggered,
This is different from the main GvG event right? I'm gonna lose my mind If it ain't, just wanted to make it clear.
13-Nov, 18
This is different from the main GvG event right? I'm gonna lose my mind If it ain't, just wanted to make it clear.
Yup its different...this is "Compensation 10v10 GvG event"...Its to compensate the players because of Gotm sched chnged.


Here to help
Server Management Team
12-Sep, 16
Shoe Shiner/RuthIess
Guild Name: Generic
Party Name: B2Baby
Guild Leader Name: RuthIess
Member 1: King Martin
Member 2: ohAeris
Member 3: Lost Energy
Member 4: Jackewl
Member 5: *Jack-Milo*
Member 6: Dark Repulsar
Member 7: Ultrainstinct
Member 8: My Butt
Member 9: 8man
Last edited:
14-Nov, 18
Guild Name: Potato
Party Name: ConsolationShit
Guild Leader: Edited
Member 1: Blakeout
Member 2: ` Ryan
Member 3: M D M D
Member 4: Takeoff
Member 5: Silver-Swan
Member 6: 54290867599
Member 7: Engel des Todes
Member 8: Davsioon!
Member 9: bum Destroyer
Last edited by a moderator:
20-Aug, 18
Guild Name: Apostacy
Party Name: MadSat
Guild Leader: LOKO - Macalawi Sempai
Member 1: GayMoves`
Member 2: Johnson!!
Member 3: Sex or Chocolate
Member 4: ~`Poochai `~
Member 5: ADNetwork77
Member 6: ~Trap~Kad
Member 7: Half Force
Member 8: ``Eibi
Member 9: [Pally]Rhys
Member 10:GOTM Sundae
Last edited:
08-Oct, 18
Hall of Fame
Party Name: Seriouslyyy
Guild Leader: October Rain
Member 1: C r a v y `
Member 2: ~S A C R I F I C E~
Member 3: Pastor Joreal
Member 4: MagicMe
Member 5:
Member 6:
Member 7:
Member 8:
Member 9:
Member 10:
DUE TO SOME ISSUES HOF CANT JOIN THE 10VS10 SORRY please make this application invalid thanks.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17
DUE TO SOME ISSUES HOF CANT JOIN THE 10VS10 SORRY please make this application invalid thanks.
Duly noted, will delete your old post. If any of your team wants to play they need to re-register with a new team.
04-Feb, 19
Guild Name: China
Party Name: Faked
Guild Leader: Crystal Rainy
Member 2: Resemblance
Member 3: Otra Vez
Member 4: Linus Pauling
Member 5: Vasyl Lomachenko
Member 6: Jendeukie
Member 7: Gavrail
Member 8: Wala Na Finish Na
Member 9: Phantom Flex


Worker Ant
Server Management Team
10-Sep, 16
  1. Each match contains 3 rounds. Final match contains 5 rounds. Winning guild will be determined by highest number of won rounds in a match.
  2. Before a round starts, participating guild members will be dispelled upon entering arena.
  3. Each match has a 5-minute time limit. If this time limit is passed, winning guild will be determined by highest number of surviving members.
  4. There will be a quick review, afterwards, to confirm existence of technical issues that occurred within the middle of each round.
    1. If there are no issues, match will resume.
    2. Else, opposing team will be asked if they want to restart the round.
  5. If there are unexpected issues, such as member having availability and internet-related issues, team are given 5-minute time out to replace them.


Sorry Eh?
Former Staff Member
03-May, 17

Congrats to Generic who defeated China in the finals 3-2!
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