Discord Users hate him, because of this trick!...

31-Aug, 18
Radical Roc
Sup my neighbours,

just wanted to share some thoughts i had.

Since Ragnarok still exists in 2k18 (OMEGALUL), are the ingame chat and the Forum not the only places anymore to ask questions, communicate with others or share moments with in. There is something new. The ultimate gaming software, which is the most important Desktop application for many of us: Discord.

Discord gives us beautifully light handed as it is the option to ask questions and receive an answer within microseconds, share screenshots of you and your gang and help the new guy with his item build.

But here is what i kinda dislike about an co-existence between Ro and its Discord server:

If today William the Whitesmith asks a question in Discord about "how to farm zeny?"
He will maybe only receive the answer "sell mvp cards".
But if Tyrone the Blacksmith asks the same question two days later, he will receive 3 totally different answers from the first one.
Maybe are all of the answers right, but if Wiliam tried his best to farm gtb for 5 hours without any luck and thinks this is the only way, he might feels discouraged, thinking he will never get any zeny and stops playing.

I know there is a pretty good Zeny Guide in the Forum, I just couldn't find any better example while riding the train and i wanted to say something with Tyrone

Long story short:
If you happen to have quite an experience or knowledge on a spezific topic, that could interest at least one more person, I want to encourage you to post it in the Forum. The Forum, where everything is super easy to find and won't get flushed away by 4000 chat messages. Same goes for questions of course. Think about your first days on this server and think about the Guides you wished you've had.

Thank you, bye
Thank you, cheerio (translation for Kirk)
31-Aug, 18
Radical Roc
Whitesmith isnt the best class to farm GTB.
How should Wiliam know this?

Thats my point

Even though this game is pretty old, we should sometimes assume that Players aren't passionated ex-pros or simply forget some things they knew 10 years ago.


Former Staff Member
03-Jun, 16
We used to have a forum full of guides made by players since 2006. But sadly, the forums cannot be recovered anymore.

I would probably try and do a basic MvP hunting guide and zeny farming with stats builds, item builds and cards that can be used by newbies.

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