Search results

  1. Papa Pao

    See you again..

    RIP. He must be young. Sad to hear folks around our age pass away. Still young. May I know what's the cause of death? Sickness? Motorcycle accident? Condolence to the family.
  2. Papa Pao

    News: Lag, Events and Current Status

    I believe he's from AMA. I think I saw him before. /heh Am I right, Hogake? Peace! Although some got "ez game" for college graduates. Not everything are taught in schools. Even doctors still study even tho they're already working. Learning is lifetime. @topic: Congratulations on the winners...
  3. Papa Pao

    Guild Thread APOSTASY

  4. Papa Pao

    Suggestion Make PVP Rooms Great Again!

    Leene used to comment these kind of suggestions when she was beating Champs, Sinxes, Ninjas just using her Super Novice. /heh
  5. Papa Pao

    GVG/WOE Discussion BlackoutRO Post WoE Discussion | September 7th, 8th, 9th 2018

    Replies like these make the WoE more intense. Brings back the memories. /ok Just let them be guys. No harm being done from their petty talk. /heh
  6. Papa Pao

    Class Guide Dex Lord Knight Stats

    Sup boss Gel. Long time no talk. It was fun and challenging to duel with the best LKs in the server. Hope they'll make another BOTB and we could join.
  7. Papa Pao

    Class Guide Dex Lord Knight Stats

    I was never labeled as one of the best LKs before wipe. But you and Noypi were. LK Masters both PVP and WOE
  8. Papa Pao

    Class Guide Dex Lord Knight Stats

    Teach me pls.
  9. Papa Pao


    lol rage quit /heh RIP
  10. Papa Pao

    From the Staff RateMyServer.Net Listing

    I just wrote a review for BlackoutRO. Hope a lot of old people will come back and new people to come. Good luck to us!
  11. Papa Pao

    Discord Users hate him, because of this trick!...

    William will learn.
  12. Papa Pao

    Post what you're listening to

    Used to listen rock, metal, alternative, grunge. Now I listen to classic songs. @_@ Does it mean I'm old? lol
  13. Papa Pao

    You can bring back one person...

    Alex PS: I remember his forum name which is Artery
  14. Papa Pao

    Old times never die...

    Chris bayot hahaha
  15. Papa Pao


    Before League of Legends. Currently playing Dota 2 and PUBG. Might play CSGO and Monster Hunter soon.
  16. Papa Pao

    What does this text box do?

    What does this text box do?
  17. Papa Pao

    Guild Thread Egg Guild

  18. Papa Pao

    Guild Thread Delicious Guild

    Not even close.
  19. Papa Pao

    Guild Thread Delicious Guild

    You got the wrong guy Chris bayot. hahaha